Russian light fighter ace CAM-13 The most famous machine having - TopicsExpress


Russian light fighter ace CAM-13 The most famous machine having two engines and twin-boom tail section is the Dutch Fokker XXIII, who in 1939 made its own first flight. But other countries have developed similar projects airplanes. In the Russian Union of such project resulted in the construction of Alexander Sergeyevich Moskalev light fighter CAM-13. In the late 1930s, aircraft designers have found rational aerodynamic shape fighter for services is very likely speed when using a particular power plant capacity. The idea of creation of light fighters practically was in the air, but there were also opponents of the creation of similar fighters that are able to develop a huge horizontal velocity. They thought that due to the lack of power to combat it will not be enough altitude maneuverability. Namely, against the creation of the aircraft opposed Designer NN Polikarpov Despite the current situation, a small OKB-31 Moskalyova SA readily started to design a small fighter. Soviet veteran lightweight fighter CAM-13 When solving puzzles Moskaliev AS chose an unconventional assembly of aircraft — with a pair of double-girder scheme engines installed on the axis of the machine and the cockpit between them. The designer came to the conclusion that in order to reduce drag to install small engines such Makar, so they fit into the dimensions of the cabin. Initially projected to plane projected engines were going to install E-81-A design Pavlyuchuk. According to the calculations 315-horsepower engines at an altitude of 6 km was to be 650 km / h But in the design process, it was decided to use two-row French slider Water cooling Reno «Bengali-6 power of 220 hp (In Russian alliance is licensed under the symbol CF-6). Painstakingly made calculations of aerodynamic parameters and strength, a comprehensive analysis of possible geometric features, weight and corresponding loads showed that the total power of 440 hp engines will allow the fighter to the chosen scheme to show the speed of over 600 km / h First, in 1940 built an experimental machine, which received the designation SAM-13. The machine had a wood construction with plywood sheathing. The fuselage cross-section was small. Wing Area — 9 m2. In order to reduce the resistance of all the surfaces carefully polished. The tail assembly solidified between the legs. Ailerons, rudders and heights had weight and aero compensation. Retractable landing gear fighter. With all of this for the first time applied the nose wheel, which has a damper. On the main wheel differential brakes easier to maneuver on the ground, also reduced the mileage after landing. Soviet veteran lightweight fighter CAM-13 As a fighter weapon CAM-13 were four 7.62-mm machine gun ShKAS. Two were placed over the front engine and the same number in the wings. The engines were mounted on a frame of welded steel pipes. Screw diameter of 2.2 meters have variable pitch. Designers, using an additional boost with jet nozzles, increment altitude engines from 4 to 5.8 km. According to their calculations at this altitude the highest rate of flight would be 680 km / h, a record for a given power and scheme. In January 1940, the project CAM-13 considered the expert committee NCAP, which it has approved, implementation is justified. Comments were in regard to a single vertical vertical stabilizer. Spices TSAGI she was listed insufficiently effective, but Moskaliev failed to substantiate its case and began construction of an aircraft specifically with feathers. To speed up the implementation of the project in the OKB-31 of TsAGI during the detailed design professionals was sent on aerodynamics and strength. In the summer of 1940 had aerodynamic research model CAM-13, which confirmed the main characteristics of the aircraft. Built a full-scale model for linking the main equipment and components. First experienced CAM-13 graduated from November 9, 1940. At that time, built the second prototype of the. In the second half of 1940 began in Voronezh factory tests, which confirmed the main calculations. Pilot flew Fikson ND, which even with no landing gear failed (the front desk is not completely cleaned) to achieve a speed of 520-560 km / h The car was stable in the air, perfectly obeyed the government. But plane and had some drawbacks due to the size and the design of the aircraft — the huge run-up and run, hard landing, also missing skoropodemnost. Soviet veteran lightweight fighter CAM-13 Flying at top speed with landing gear was to be held after selling the car in the wind tunnel. To do this, the CAM-13 was moved to Moscow at TsAGI. This type of test was designed to show the efficiency of the propellers, especially rear propeller and identify the possibility of a flutter — spontaneous vibrations of beams, tail and wings. But as directed by the Deputy Commissar AS Yakovlev aircraft industry subsequent tests interrupted. Full flight tests could not be held. According to Sharov V., test flights on the CAM-13 piloted in 1941, but this is not proven. Soviet veteran lightweight fighter CAM-13 Flight and technical properties of the CAM-13: Wingspan — 7.30 m; Length — 7.85 m; Height — 2.55 m; Wing Area — 9.0 m2; Empty weight — 754 kg; The biggest take-off weight — 1183 kg; Wing loading — 131.5 kg / m²; Slider — 2 Renault engine type 453-05; Power — 2? 220 hp; The highest speed at the ground — 520-560 km / h; Most speed at height — 680 km / h; Landing speed — 125 km / h; Operational range — 850 km; Service ceiling — 10,000 m; The crew — 1 person; Armament — 4 machine guns chambered for 7.62 UltraShKAS? 54mm.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:31:23 +0000

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