Russian roulette vs. American mumbley-peg (We bring the knife and - TopicsExpress


Russian roulette vs. American mumbley-peg (We bring the knife and they brought a gun) by William Newton There have been too many games played and too many years where the only Freedom has been the reign of big government. Dateline: World News! “The United States reduced its military and was invaded by Russia.” I mean, Ukraine reduced its military…..either way it’s the same thing as the U.S. and the European Union (EU) prepare to sing ‘Kumbaya’; dropping the “my Lord” part of course! In other news, Florida is voting this week to secede from the Union and join Cuba to ultimately become the next Russian annex. Meanwhile, Texas, the Democratic “Demesne” of most of California along with its sister empire Mexico are considering economic sanctions against Florida; including stemming the flow into the area of the Government Motors (GM) made Cadillac and the petroleum that powers them. In defiance Florida continues to hold our “Boys of Summer” in work camps until the upcoming American Spring! The Obama Administration has taken this opportunity to announce additional savings to Healthcare and the Social Security trust funds by cutting off payments to Floridian ‘snowbirds’ and retirees. (Of course, this is pure folly but not beyond the realm of possibility in today’s botched political performances.). In competing headlines, the Republican Party has begun their 2014 election cycle attempting their same old version of the “win-win” strategy. In order to protect their power against any encroachment from the Tea Party while maintaining that certain equality associated with the Ruling Class, they will throw the election and blame it on Tea Party and Liberty candidates rather than joining with them to strengthen the will of the American people. In many ways, the “old” Republican Party parallels the fate and direction of the current United States. The party is weakened from within. Its defenses are minimized along with their reputation. Where there once was a moral obligation to champion Life, Liberty and Happiness, smaller government and less taxation the party loyalists have usurped the very foundation upon which American “exceptionalism”, pride and solvency can flourish. Like the Obama administration, the current Republican Party says one thing and does another, claims one belief while acquiescing to a posture of non-defense of it; while joining with Democrats on the frontlines in the repression of individual sovereignty of American citizens over international preference. Americans have nothing to fear from a third party incursion into the political process. While their fear level has risen from the commercialization of politics caused largely from the two party dynamic becoming one, it could only energize the process by providing honest opposition in the face of this current ‘one-party paradigm’. We stand at the threshold of a big moment. The period in history when those ideals first expressed and guaranteed in our founding written texts (not unlike the ones we now secret through the posterns of technology) emerge again reaffirming that “We the People” will not be subservient to any ruler under Heaven. Those documents articulate the fundamental intentions that form the American nation: All men are created free and equal and possess the same inherent, natural rights. That “legitimate governments” must therefore be based on the consent of the governed and must exist “to secure these rights.” Some look upon this resurging mood of Americans negatively, but I view it as proof that same resolve and admiration and the breath-taking power which comes with self-determination first expressed in our Declaration of Independence is reuniting with our consciousness – we are beginning to emerge again not as parties but as Americans…..with as many opinions as we are in number; bonding together to achieve one aspiration: “Independence”! Are there any words clearer than: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”? (Those are words that even an atheist could love.) I have posited many times in print that “Liberty is the condition within which one practices their Freedom”… begins with Life and ought to be followed by Happiness if you work at it; thus the prefixed words: “pursuit of”! I will continue to remind you that we are Americans and beyond the headlines of the day, or the smoke which wafts from that stage-play in Washington that it is not about parties; it’s about our plans for the future of this country and an American Spring of our own. America Is Rising and “ain’t the beer cold”? (Now get off the bench, get in the game and remember, vote responsibly!) Ahhh, that’s the America I love!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:10:21 +0000

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