Rwanda – The Netherlands: Victoire Ingabire’s husband charged - TopicsExpress


Rwanda – The Netherlands: Victoire Ingabire’s husband charged with crimes of genocide Lin Muyizere was accused by the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Services (IND) for involvement in crimes of genocide committed in Kigali, Rwanda, in 1994. Lin Muyizere during a demonstration against Kagame Lin Muyizere during a demonstration against Kagame It was on this very Saturday the 27th of September that Muyizere received a letter from the IND saying that his Dutch nationality had been revoked. The man had been a Dutch citizen since 2011.However, following allegations of his participation in mass killings of Tutsis in Rwanda, the IND concluded he had concealed important information in his request for asylum and withdrew his passport. Based on the accusations of the IND, the Dutch Embassy in Rwanda conducted investigations into Muyizere’s case through a local specialized lawyer. The inquiry into the father of three started in June 2010 and ended in 2013 with an incriminatory individual draft report that was sent to Dutch authorities this year. The report features anonymous witnesses such as in the case of Jean-Claude I. and Jean-Baptiste Mugimba, two other Rwandan suspects living in the Netherlands. The accused is the husband of Victoire Ingabire, Chairman of opposition party FDU-Inkingi. Victoire returned to Rwanda in January 2010 to contest in presidential elections. She was accused of terrorism, divisionism and genocide ideology by Rwandan government and is now serving a 15-year sentence in Kigali prison, Amnesty International condemned her trial and said Victoire was not treated ‘’fair and impartial’’. Victoire’s Ingabire family Muyizere denies all charges. His son Remy, 22-year-old , expressed his disappointment about Dutch authorities on Facebook:‘’After my mother, my father has now also become a state enemy of Rwanda. It is sad that The Netherlands is friendly cooperating with the request of the Rwandan regime to send my father back to Rwanda as a ‘’genocideur’’ after 20 years. Unbelievable’’, he wrote. Jan Hofdijk, Muyizere’s lawyer, said the IND has been misled anew . Hofdijk gave the organization seven days to withdraw their ‘’absurd intention’’ and apologise to his client. Last August, in an interview with Jambonews, Hofdijk and journalist Anneke Verbraeken explained some of the irregularities behind prosecutions of Rwandans alleged to be génocidaires in The Netherlands. The duo claimed the IND was biased and pleaded for independent Dutch investigations into Rwandan cases rather than ‘’copying’’ the claims of Rwandan authorities. Jane Nishimwe
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 20:22:14 +0000

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