Ryan Giggs and Javier Zanetti reminisce on Twitter as the - TopicsExpress


Ryan Giggs and Javier Zanetti reminisce on Twitter as the Manchester United and Inter Milan legends look back on their careers The two 40-year-olds looked back on their legendary careers Giggs is now Uniteds assistant manager under Louis van Gaal Zanetti was named as Inters vice-president after retiring in May By JOHN DRAYTON PUBLISHED: 05:31, 12 July 2014 | UPDATED: 10:34, 12 July 2014 What better way in the modern day for two football legends to reminisce over their great careers than an open conversation on Twitter? Ryan Giggs and Javier Zanetti - who both retired this year - took over the Manchester United and Inter Milan Twitter accounts on Friday to discuss some of their finest moments. Heres how the conversation between the two 40-year-olds went... Giggs: Hi Javier. Enjoyed the World Cup? As Argentinas most-capped player, you must be proud to see your team in the final. Zanetti: Amazing, especially for #ARG.Best of luck to our players Rodrigo, @ricky11alvarez & Hugo on Sunday! And how are you, Ryan? Which teams and players have impressed you most? Giggs: Im good thanks! You have to respect the likes of #CRC and #COL – they’ve held their own on the biggest stage in football. So Javier, is part of you happy not to be doing pre-season training or are you missing it? Zanetti: I have more time with my family now and this is good, but as soon as I have the chance Im on the pitch playing football Giggs: Not sure Ill miss the training! Although, I admit I always loved the buzz around getting back into the swing of things. Not playing will be strange but I’m excited for my new role. You’re vice-president at @Inter now. That’s a big challenge… Zanetti: Its very strange, but what awaits is a great challenge.The most important thing was remaining in this great Inter family You have a new challenge too, as assistant coach to Louis van Gaal. Hes had a great World Cup… Giggs: I cant wait to get started. Im still in the early stages of my coaching so to work with Louis is a great opportunity. As you know, we both retired this summer. How difficult was your decision? I thought long and hard about it… Zanetti: I knew it would happen sooner or later. I was lucky to play until I was 40, so I have no regrets I was wondering... if you hadnt been a footballer, what would you have done in all these years? Giggs: I get asked this question a lot. Definitely something sporty! Possibly golf. The reaction I’ve had from fans since I retired has been incredible. You must have had the same at Inter… Zanetti: The Inter fans showed me love throughout my career. I cant thank them enough for the support Do any fan moments stand out for you? Giggs: Well... there have been so many at Old Trafford. When we were going for the Treble in 99, we went 1-0 down against Spurs... but our fans were just amazing. You could feel the push from the crowd and we went on to win 2-1. Ill never forget it . Zanetti: People always ask me for my best moment but it’s so hard to pick one. Have you got a favourite? Giggs: So many! But it has to be lifting the Champions League trophy in Barcelona, back in 1999. You? Zanetti: Its hard for me to choose but, like you, it was when we won the Champions League in Madrid Giggs: If there’s one game you could relive what would it be? Zanetti: The cup final vs Lazio in Paris in 1998, just to be able to feel all those emotions one more time If I ask you the same, I bet youll say that final against Bayern Munich in 1999... Giggs: Definitely… although I only want to relive the last five minutes! Winning that Treble in 1999 was just incredible. How did you feel winning it with Inter in 2010? Zanetti: It was an unforgettable year for Inter fans. We won the Treble but we added two more trophies to make it a total of five So, Ryan... You played with so many players down the years. Which ones did you get on best with? Giggs: Youll get me in trouble here, Javier! Id have to say Nicky Butt, Gary & Phil Neville, Paul Scholes and David Beckham. Going back to 1999, we played against you guys in the quarter-finals. They were tough games, remember? Zanetti: Of course! I remember our own personal duel. You are one of the toughest opponents I have ever played against Im looking forward to seeing you again this summer, in the USA. Its a pity we wont be playing against each other! Giggs: I know! But I think I would have to wear a face guard... I still remember your elbow! Haha, see you soon. Zanetti: Haha! Sorry about that.Im looking forward to it as well.See this commemorative shirt? Its for you Gift: Zanetti will present this commemorative Inter shirt to Giggs in America later this month Giggs: Wow! Thanks so much. I have a shirt for you as well. Ill give it to you in America. See you in Washington DC! Read more: dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2689588/Ryan-Giggs-Javier-Zanetti-reminisce-Twitter.html#ixzz37IDbHFU2 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 22:00:27 +0000

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