S.3*Insert 15* continues at the hospital, Doris arrived and - TopicsExpress


S.3*Insert 15* continues at the hospital, Doris arrived and she went in Mfundos room, his bed was well made and he was not lying in it. Doris * she slowly walked in and slowly walked towards the bed which Mfundo was on and then a doctor passed by and she quickly ran towards the doctor* Doctor! Doctor! Doctor *She stopped and looked at Doris* Yes maam, how may i help you? Doris Ive just been called to come to the hospital and my son was lying on that bed, where have they taken him? Doctor Whats your name? Ms Mvundla, right? Doris * she nodded her head nervously* Yes Dr. Doctor* with a sad look on her face* Oh! Come, follow me. * she led the way to her office and Doris followed her* Doris * she walked inside the doctors office* Whats going on ? Why am I here? Where is my son? Doctor * She took out a note and then hands it to Doris* Doris * she took the letter and just stared it and then tucks it in her pocket without opening it* Whats this? Doctor Im really sorry maam, your son died this afternoon. He... * she didnt even finish, Doris interrupted* Doris * a silent tear went down her face not believing her ears* No... No..! Nooooo!!!! * she screamed with both her hands ontop of her head, wasitsho sakrakra isikhalo* Doctor * she did not know what to do, she was also feeling the pain that Doris felt* Im sorry Ms Mvundla but this jus... * Doris interrupted again* Doris He was too young to die doctor and he was doing just fine before i left him yesterday, what killed him now? No! This must be a mistake, it cant be my son. It cant be Mfundo, not my boy! * she was crying so painfully that the nurse caught hereself crying too but she didnt let Doris to see that she was crying* Nurse * she quickly wiped off the tears. * Your son was doing very fine maam i must admit, but then he commited suicide by taking too many pil... * She interruted again* DorisNo! How can you do this to me Mfundo? How can you do this to your son. Oh God! What am i going to say to the poor girl. Mfundo what have you done, what have you done Mfundo. Mfundo... *she slowly fainted and fell down on the floor* Nurse * Her eyes were wide open and she screamed crying for help* Nurse! Nurse! Help! * she kneeled down next to Doris* Ms Mvunlda, youve got to stay with me. Please dont die on my hands please. * she lifted her head up again* Help! Nurse! * Then three guys with one nurse walked in* Kutheni nanina niphambene? Ningaza njani niphaca? Bring something to carry her! Guy It will be too late for that, lets just carry her. * they lifted her up and went out of the office with her* The time was now 20: 38 pm at the Noyana house, they just finished eating supper and everyone was off to bed but Inathi was still watching TV on the lounge alone when she heard a knock on the door. Inathi Im coming! * she stood up and went to open the door, she opened it and saw Seven, she was very shocked to see him .* What the hell are you doing here? Seven You gave me your address, remember? Inathi Yes but that doesnt mean you should come hear at anytime and you should call first before you come here. Go! * she pushed him out* Seven Im already here maan, whats the use if throwing me out? * he looked around* Wow! Mabhebeza lintswemu idladla lakowenu damn. So whom do you leave with here? Inathi That has got nothing to do with you, just leave. Seven What? Dont you want the stuff you ordered? Inathi Whats the use? You didnt bring it along with you anyway. Seven Thats where youre wrong dear. * he smilled and took out some white powder on his jacket* Inathi Sapha kaloku and then leave. * she tried to grabbed the white powder from him* Seven Uh-uh! Not so fast big girl. Where is my money first? Inathi Im going to give you your money just not here because someone might walk in on us. * she took the white powder from Seven and then hides it under the couch cusion and then came back to Seven* Hamba kengoku imali ndizakunika kulandawo besidibana kuyo izolo. Seven Uzukhe ithi kanti uyandibhayizisa girl, youll regret it for the rest if your life.* Then Phumlani walked in* Phumlani Inathi havent you seen my pho... * he then saw Seven and then stopped talking and looked at him shocked* Seven? Seven Entlek wena ubekwa yintoni apha? Phumlani I should ask you the same question because this is my home and what brings you here? Seven I went to see a friend of mine who lives near by so i thought i should come and say hi to my friend here. Inathi So, do you guys know each other? Phumlani Yes we do, khona wena umazelaphi lomjita? Inathi I...Uhm... * Seven interrupted* Seven I met her at the hospital where Mfundo is and thats how we became friends. Phumlani Friends? Inathi, you didnt tell me that you were visiting Mfundo. Inathi I didnt think youd care. Seven Eish i have to go now guys, ill see you around. * he walked out* Phumlani * he stared his sister* Really Inathi? Really? Inathi What? Phumlani Youre getting mixed up with the wrong crowed now? Inathi * she walked towards the kitchen* Wrong crowed? Seven is a nice guy and wena how do you know him anyway? * she opened the fridge and poured some juice* Phumlani That doesnt matter, all im saying is stay far away from him. Inathi Why? Phumlani Because i say so! Inathi Yey! Hayi jonga wena yeka ukuzenza utata wam, uyeva? Phumlani Im your brother Inathi and im just looking out for you. If you keep on sticking with guys like Seven youll get hurt. Inathi I once said to you that im no longer a kid Phumlani and im saying it again. Stop treating me like one! Phumlani Im just looking out for you. Inathi Well, dont. Phumlani Inathi, I promised mom that id take care of you and i cant just let you throw your life away. Inathi You just dont understand, im doing this for them. Anyway never mind, youll never understand. * she went in her room and left Phumlani standing* In eastern Cape, the time was around 01: 12 am in Mandisa and Gciniles room. Gcinile was sitting at the edge of the bed and Mandisa was in bed sleeping. Mandisa * She slowly opened her eyes and then sat up, she saw Gcinile sitting on the edge of the bed with his hand on his forehead* Haybo tata kaSphiwo, dont tell me that you havent slept a wink, its past one already. Gcinile How can i sleep Mandisa? Tell me, how can i sleep? * his eyes were filled with tears* Mandisa * she stood up and went to sit opposite him* Dont do this to your self takaSphiwo, Lindiwe will be fine. Gcinile When did i become so weak? Mandisa Uthetha ukuthini kengoku? Gcinile I tried all the best that i could to give them a better life, a better future. Why is God punishing me like this? I did all the best that i could to make sure that uLindiwe noSphiwo ndiyabaqeqesha bakhule bengabantwana abanembeko nabazithandayo, bahloniphe abanye abantu baphinde futhi bazihloniphe bona buqu. Mandisa And youve done that! Gcinile No i didnt, if you say i did then kutheni uLindiwe ephume ecaleni yena? Is it because i never laid a hand on her? Mandisa No, its not that you didnt raise your hand on her. Its just that girls can be different from boys sometimes and they do different things and they grow up differently. Gcinile Yes, boys are different from girls. They are the naughty ones, they smoke, they drink, they rob people and they fight. But Sphiwo, has he ever done that? No. Why did Lindiwe become such a spoiled brat? Do you know why? Because you... You never sat down with her and talk to her woman to woman usoloko umbalela ngalo lonke ixesha. You treated her like a baby even when she wasnt one. * He was shouting* Mandisa So youre putting the blame on me now? Huh? Im the one who told Lindiwe to go out and sleep around? Im the one who threw Lindiwe out of my house? Im the one who gave Lindiwe HIV? Im the one who told Lindiwe to go back to her sons father? * she was also shouting* Gcinile Dont you dare raise your voice on me Mandisa! Mandisa Or what Gcinile? Youll hit me? * Then Nozibele and Sphiwo walked in* Nozibele * She shouted* Bububhanxa bantoni obu nibenzayo ezinzulwini zobusuku? Sphiwo Tata kusebusuku and wonke umntu ulele, nina into eniyenzayo nilibele kukube nixabana instead of trying to find a way to bring Lindiwe back home. Gcinile Back home? They is no way im letting Lindiwe into this house ever again. Nozibele What do you mean? Gcinile Lindiwe will never set foot here again mama, ive had enough problems with her. Nozibele No, you cant do that. Shes your daughter! Gcinile Not anymore. Sphiwo Tata, kicking Lindiwe out of this house wont solve any problems it will just make things worse. Mandisa No. Im with Gcinile on this one, if Lindiwe thinks that she is old enough to take care of her own life then let her. Ezam izindla ndiyazihlamba ngoku mna ngoLindiwe, khawukhe ufane ucinge nje ukuba udade wethu ebengakhange ambone kuladolophu ngesinexhala ngoku singamazi nokuba uphi na, hay inene ndimncamile ngoku lomntana. Nozibele Hayini maan umntu akalahlelwa phandle njenge nja, ayenziwa lento niyenzayo. Sphiwo Kodwa kwelinye icala andibagxeki oomama makhulu, youre werent there when she put through hell. I was there, umama elala evuka ngeenyembezi praying that Lindiwe would finally come back to her senses and come home and when she did, she managed to forgive her even after tearing her marriadge apart but still she forgave her. And akazange ambulele nakanye uLindiwe ngalonto all she does now is to cause her more pain. They deserve better now. Nozibele Noba kunjalo Sphiwo mntanam kodwa umntu akalahlwa, uLindiwe wenze lento ebeyibona ilungile. Wena ubuzokuthini ukuba ibinguwe lamntana kaLindiwe? Ubuzakuthini ukuba ubunguLindiwe? Would you want your child to grow up without a father kodwa umazi utata wakhe ukuba usaphila. Would you like to grow up without your father? * Mandisa looked aside with a guilty face* Gcinile At this point mama, i dont care noba kwenzeka ntoni ebomini bukaLindiwe. Noba angafa i dont care, we would be much better knowing that shes dead than cause us so much pain while shes alive. Nozibele Haybo! How can you say that about your only daughter? Gcinile Shes no longer my daughter now mama. Sphiwo * he glanced at the time* Yho! Hay kusebusuku, lets go back to bed grandma well talk about this tomorrow morning. Gcinile No son, this subject is closed for good . In future I dont want to hear any more talk about Lindiwe and please dont ever mention her name in my presence, shes dead to me. You can go back to your rooms now and well sleep too. * Nozibele and Sphiwo walked out, Mandisa and Gcinile went back to bed and switched off the light* Back inside the bus, Lindiwe and the lady were sleeping and then she heard Aya crying and she woke up. Lindiwe * looking around her for Ayas dummy and then she waked the lady up* Sisi, sisi! Lady Mh? Lindiwe Khange uyibone idummy ka Aya? Lady No, where did you put it? Lindiwe Andiyazi, inoba ilapha phantsi kwakho. Ndicela ushukume kancinci ndiyijonge. * the lady stood up and Lindiwe took Ayas dummy* Thanks. Lady Ngubani kakade ixesha ngoku? Lindiwe * she checked her phone* Its past 4am already. Lady Yhu sekusile mos. Sewumfownele lomntu uya kuye ngoba sesizokufika ngoku. Lindiwe Ewe oko bendizamana naye before ndilale but she wasnt answering her phone. Lady Try her again. Lindiwe Ok. * she dialled Doriss number and then it went on voice mail. * Its still on voice mail. Lady Leave a message maybe shell get back to you. Lindiwe Ive left dozen messages already, let me leave it again. * she called her again and then it went on voice mail and she left a message* Its Lindiwe again, whats wrong with your phone? Ive been trying to call you and sesikufutshane ngoku, please call me as soon as you get this message. Im starting to get worried now, bye. * she hung up Lady * she stared Lindiwe* What if that woman never responds and doesnt call you back, what will you do? Lindiwe Ndizakuya phaya straight kaloku, bendihleli ndizakuya kakade but she offered to come and fetch me with her car. * She paused a bit and smilled* Lady What? Lindiwe Arent I weird? Lady What do you mean? Lindiwe I mean... Ive been sitting here with you for some hours and i still didnt even ask your name or phone number. Lady * she laughed* Well, you really are weird if you ask me. My name is Nomzamo and ndiyalazi ke wena elakho. Why dont you call your parents and tell them that sele uzakufika ngoku. Lindiwe Hay wethu that wont be neccessary, so are you married or... Nomzamo Well, yes i was married but i divorced a few years ago. Lindiwe Thats sad, but why? Nomzamo I really wish i could go deep in details but honestly i dont like talking about it. Lindiwe No, no, no. Theres no problem, i understand and you dont have to talk about it if you dont want to. Nomzamo * she looked at Lindiwe and smilled* Lindiwe What? Nomzamo Youre not as young as I thought you were. You are mature i must admit, youll make a great mother. Lindiwe You mean I make a great mother? * they both laughed* Nomzamo Yha wethu, into ezinjalo. * And then her phone rang and she answered it* Mama...* she paused* Sendizofika ngoku... Ewe qha usalele ngoku... Ok ndizokufownela... Hayi khange andifownele and andifuni nokuba indifownele lonja leyo... Ok ke mama ndizokufownela xa ndifika, sure. * she hung up and then looked back to Lindiwe* That was my mother. Lindiwe Yha, i heard you. * her mood had suddenly changed* Nomzamo Are you ok ? Lindiwe Yes im fine, im just tired. Nomzamo Ok, you can try to sleep again ndizokubambela umntana. Lindiwe Yhu ingaba undincedile kuba andikhange ndibuthi cwe ubuthongo kakuhle kuba kaloku bendisithi xa ndiqalayo ukulala asuke atsho ukundikrempa u Aya. * She gave her the baby and then covered herself with a blanket. * Back at the hospital, Doris was lying at the hospital bed and her eyes were red from crying. The nurse was sitting next to her and then Steve walked in. Steve Is she ok nurse? Nurse Yes shes fine, she was just shocked so we gave her something for the shock so shes fine. Steve So can i take her home with me? Nurse Yes. Steve Honey, lets go home now. Doris * she was staring the roof deep in thought and then a silent tear fell down her eye and she quickly wiped it away* He was still far too young to die. He didnt deserve to die like this, my little boy... He had a bright future, why did he have to die so soon? Steve Hes in a better place now baby, dont worry. Doris * she smilled in tears* I remember when he was still 10 years old, he would say to me Mama what would you like me to be when i grow up and i would tell him that he can be what ever he wants to be... He promised me that the first thing he would do when he finish school was to buy me a big house. Life is not fair, i loved my boy. He was almost a man now but to me he was still the same little boy i raised on my own. How can God be so cruel? Steve No Dorry, dont blame God for this. He did this for a purpose and as they say - when God closes the door he always opens a window so dont lose hope. Doris He never really liked you. Steve I know. Doris I wish i was a better parent to him, you know? Steve You were a very good mother to Mfundo, you loved him and im sure that where ever he is he knows that too. Doris No. I was never a good mother to him. A good mother never lives her child behind and choose a man. I chosed you over my own son, maybe thats why my son had turned out like this. If i was around maybe he wasnt going to feel lonely, maybe he wouldnt have ended up with AIDS and he would still be here to see his son... Oh my God, I forgot. * She jumped out of bed to her bag and took out her phone, she switched it on and listen to all of Lindiwes voice messages : Its Lindiwe again, whats wrong with your phone? Ive been trying to call you and sesikufutshane ngoku, please call me as soon as you get this message. Im starting to get worried now, bye. * Oh God please help me. What am i going to say to the poor girl. Oh God! Steve Youll just give her the letter. Have you read it yet? Doris No, i cant. Im scared maybe im the reason he did all this and that will make me a... * she was interrupted by her phone, it rang and she checked it* Oh my... Its her, its Lindiwe! Steve Just answer it. Doris And say what to her? Steve You wont tell her anything yet, youll tell her when she gets home. Doris * she answered* Hellow. Lindiwe Finally! Where on earth have you been and why was your phone off? Doris Sorry dear, my... My battery died and i didnt realise that my phone was off. Lindiwe No its ok, i was starting to get worried and Aya has been crying non-stop so i was afraid that kukho something ayivayo. Doris Uhm... No, everything is fine. Lindiwe But why do you sound do down though? Doris Inoba ndiqalwa yi fever wethu nontombi. Where are you now? Lindiwe Ewe sesifikile ngoku. Doris Yho ok, ill ask someone to come and fetch you. Ill give him your phone number. Lindiwe Ok. Doris Sure kentombi. * they hung up* Steve And? Doris They have arrived, could you please go and fetch them. I dont feel like driving right now. Steve Sure, why not? Just give me her phone number so that i can ask her where she is. Doris Here is it. * she gave Steve Lindiwes cell number* Ill meet you guys at home Steve Ill be back in no time, ill just get you a taxi and go home so that you could rest. You look tired. * They both stood up and left* *DOFL*
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:32:21 +0000

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