S Lee CaudleKeeping Progressives and Liberals Engaged for 2014 2 - TopicsExpress


S Lee CaudleKeeping Progressives and Liberals Engaged for 2014 2 hrs · FB Friends. I took the time to research Paul Ryan. He has absolutely no experience with finance or economics. Hes never had a job where hes had to handle large sums of funds and as far as I can tell he did receive an undergraduate degree in political science and economics; but hes never worked or had responsibility for managing finance. He advocates Ayn Rands objectivist policy. Remember Ayn Rand wrote fiction. One thing that we have to do is keep -- this guy as far away from making monetary policy decisions as possible. He is dangerous and he does not know what he is talking about.----Anyone who believes anything Paul scumbag Ryan says, is just plain gullible! Excerpt: Rep. Ryan’s (R-WI) entire philosophy is centered around redistributing wealth to the rich. Ryan is the biggest proponent of the trickle down fairy tale. Each of Rep. Ryan’s budgets has been built around the fantasy that the economy will grow if the super rich don’t pay any taxes. The philosophy that Republicans are trying to defend does not work. A 2012 study by economist Owen M. Zidar found that tax cuts for the top 10% don’t work: “Almost all of the stimulative effect of tax cuts,” Zidar found, “results from tax cuts for the bottom 90%. A one percent of GDP tax cut for the bottom 90% results in 2.7 percentage points of GDP growth over a two-year period. The corresponding estimate for the top 10% is 0.13 percentage points and is insignificant statistically.” Paul Ryan responded to the president’s proposal to do something that has been proven to work by proposing a course of action that has never worked. Republicans are married to a failed ideology that keeps the checks coming in from their rich backers, but will never create economic prosperity.--------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:01:17 +0000

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