S/N English Arabic Meaning 1 Madan ????? Name of the - TopicsExpress


S/N English Arabic Meaning 1 Madan ????? Name of the tutor of the family of Ziyad ibn Abih at Basrah and then at Kufah; he was called al-fil because of the elephant his master had given. 2 Mamar ???? One who lives long, an edifice or a building. 3 Mamun Trustworthy, reliable. 4 Man ??? Examine closely; accept the truth. 5 Maad ??? An old Arabian Tribes name. 6 Maahir ???? Skillful, able, experienced. 7 Maali ????? Noble, sublime, Excellency. 8 Maalik ???? Owner, proprietor, master, lord. Allahs epithet. 9 Maaz ???? A Friend Of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) 10 Mabad ???? A place of worship; Many of the prominent people had this name including the companions ibn Khalid al-Juhanni and ibn-Hawzah RA. 11 Mabruk ????? Blessed, prosperous. 12 Mad Old Arabic name 13 Madani ???? Urbane, civilized. 14 Madhat ???? Praise, lauding. 15 Madih ???? Praised, commendable. 16 Mahad Great, nice. 17 Mahasin ????? Pl. of Mahsana, beauty, attraction, virtue, merit. 18 Mahaz The place of war. 19 Mahbeer Brave. 20 Mahboob ????? Dear, beloved. 21 Mahbub Beloved, dear 22 Mahbubullah ????? ???? Beloved of Allah. 23 Mahd The guided one. 24 Mahdi ???? Rightly guided. 25 Maheen ???? Fine or thin texture, feeble voice (also; despised, contemptuous). 26 Maheer ????? Brave. 27 Maher Skilled. 28 Mahfuz ????? Safeguarded, well-protected, preserved, secure. 29 Mahfuzur Rahman ????? ??????? Protected of the Beneficent 30 Mahib ???? Majestic, dignified, magnificent. 31 Mahir ???? Skilled, skilful, proficient. 32 Mahja ???? Place to sleep, quarters, lodgings. 33 Mahjub ????? Hidden, covered, screened. 34 Mahmood ????? Praised, commendable, praiseworthy. 35 Mahmud The praised one, commendable. 36 Mahmud, Mahmoud The praised one; variation of the name Muhammad 37 Mahroof ????? Famous 38 Mahrus ????? Guarded, protected, secured. 39 Mahtab ????? Moon, moonlight. 40 Mahzuz ????? Fortunate. 41 Maimun ????? Auspicious, prosperous, lucky, good fortunate, blessed. 42 Maimun, Maymun Lucky 43 Mairanay ?????? Brave. 44 Maisara ????? Ease, comfort. 45 Maisur ????? Easy, successful, fortunate, lucky, prosperous. 46 Majd ??? Glory, honour, nobility. 47 Majd al Din Glory of the Faith 48 Majdi ???? Glorious, praiseworthy. 49 Majduddin ???????? The glory of the religion (Islam). 50 Majdy Glorious 51 Majeed ???? Glorious, noble, exalted, an epithet of Allah. 52 Majid ???? Glorious, noble, honourable, generous, Allahs attribute. 53 Makhdoom ????? One who is held in reverence and served by others, lord, master. 54 Makin ???? Strong, firm. 55 Makki ??? Pertaining to Makkah. 56 Makram ???? Noble trait, excellent quality. 57 Malang ???? Mystic. 58 Maleek ???? Reigning, ruling. 59 Malih ???? Handsome. 60 Malik ??? An attribute of Allah, king, sovereign. 61 Maluf ?????? Familiar, popular. 62 Malyar ?????? Gardener. 63 Mamdooh ????? Praised, celebrated, famous, commended, laudable. 64 Mamdouh, Mamduh One who is commended, praised, glorified 65 Mamduh Person commended, praised. 66 Mamoon ????? Trustworthy honest, faithful, reliable, something about which one feels secure. 67 Mamoor ????? Inhabited, civilized. 68 Mamun Trustworthy, trusted 69 Man ??? Benefit. 70 Man, Main Benefit 71 Manaf ??? ???? Abd Manaaf: an ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad. 72 Manal ???? Attainment, acquisition, reachable. 73 Mandhur Vowed, consecrated to God 74 Manha ????? Gift of Allah. 75 Manhal ???? Fountains, spring of salubrious water. 76 Mani ???? Strong, secure, well-fortified, unconquerable. 77 Mannan ???? Benevolent, bountiful, generous. 78 Mansha ????? Resolution, accord, wish. 79 Manshoor ????? Prism, manifesto, law, principal. 80 Mansoor ????? Assisted, aided (by God), victorious, triumphant. 81 Mansooruddin ?????????? Victorious in religion (Islam). 82 Mansur Divinely aided, victorious 83 Manus ?????? Friendly, sociable, polite. 84 Manzar ???? View, Sight. 85 Manzoor ????? Visible, perspective. 86 Maqadar ???? Fate, destiny. 87 Maqbool ????? Accepted, admitted, granted, approved. 88 Maqeem ???? Resident, residing, staying. 89 Maqil ???? Intelligent; Quite a few people had this name, among them companions of the Prophet PBUH ibn Sinah RA. 90 Maqsood ????? Intended, aimed at, object. 91 Maram ???? Wish, desire, aspiration. 92 Maraqab ????? Ranks, praises. 93 Marghoob ????? Desired, desirable, pleasant. 94 Marghub Desirable, coveted 95 Marid ???? Rebellious. 96 Markooz ????? Centered. 97 Maroof ????? Favour, kindness, kind act, famous, noted. 98 Marsad ???? Ibn Abu Marsad al-Ghanavi was the companion of the Prophet PBUH who took part in the Badr Battle and had this name. 99 Maruf Well known, good 100 Marwan ????? An ancient Arab name. 101 Marzooq ????? Blessed (by God), fortunate, prosperous, successful. 102 Marzuq Blessed by God, fortunate 103 Masarrat ???? Happiness, delight, joy, (Mussarrat is not correct). 104 Maseeh ???? One who is blessed with piety from the cradle to the grave. The Messiah (Jesus), a Prophet. 105 Maseehuzzaman ???? ?????? Masih (Messiah) of the age. 106 Mashal Torch. 107 Mashal ???? Light 108 Mashhood ????? Witnessed, present, manifest, the day of judgment, the day of Arafah. 109 Mashhud Clear, Manifest, Witnessed. 110 Mashhur Famous 111 Mashkoor ????? The person to whom one is indebted. 112 Masir ???? Destiny, goal. 113 Masood ????? Prosperous, happy, dutiful, fortunate, lucky. 114 Masoom ????? Innocent, sinless, infallible, protected. 115 Masoud Lucky. 116 Masroor ????? Happy person, joyfull. 117 Masrur Happy, joyful 118 Masud Fortunate, happy, lucky 119 Masum Innocent, infallible. 120 Masun ???? Guarded, well-protected. 121 Mateen Solid, constant, tough, substantive. 122 Matin ???? Strong, powerful, solid, of resolute mind, durable. Al-Matin: the Strong; one of the names of Allah. 123 Matloob ????? Desired, required, sought after. 124 Mausoof ????? Worthy of description, endowed with laudable qualities. 125 Mawahib ????? Pl. of Mauhiba, gift, talent. 126 Mawdood ????? Beloved, attached. 127 Mawhoob ????? Gifted, talented, endowed, favoured. 128 Mawla ????? Helper, protector. 129 Mawsil ???? Naame of a Hanafi Jurist of Iraq (Ibn Mawsil). 130 Maymun Fortunate, blessed. 131 Maysarah ????? Of comfort, ease. 132 Mazhar ???? Manifestation, expression, outlook. 133 Mazhar-ud-Din ????????? Manifestation, of the religion (Islam). 134 Mazharul Haq ???????? Manifestation of the Truth i.e. Allah. 135 Mazid ???? Increase, excess, more. 136 Mazin ???? Proper name. 137 Mazkoor ????? Related, said of. 138 Meerab ????? Paradise Flower 139 Mehboob Loveable. 140 Mehd ??? Instructor, Haadi, one of the names of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. 141 Mehrab ????? A character in Shahnameh (The Epic of Kings - written by Persion poet Ferdowsi) 142 Mehran ????? Old name of a river sindh, name of a king. 143 Mehtab ????? The Moon. 144 Mekka Name of Holy city. 145 Midlaj ????? Ibn Amr as-Sulami RA had this name. 146 Miftah ????? Key. 147 Mifzal ???? Great and blessed person. 148 Mihran Name of a companion of the Prophet 149 Mihyar Name of a famous poet 150 Mika Cool, sweet, intelligent. 151 Mikail One of Allahs angel. 152 Mikaeel Name of Allahs Angel. 153 Mikail Name of an Angel (Michael) 154 Mikayeel One of the main Angels of Allah (SWT). 155 Mikhail One of the main Angels of Allah (SWT). 156 Mimar ????? Mason, architect. 157 Mimrah ????? Cheerful, lively, gay-tempered. 158 Minhaj ????? Method, system, order, way, road. 159 Minhajuddin ????? ????? Way of religion 160 Minnah ??? Kindness, grace, blessing. 161 Minnatullah ??????? Gratitude owed to Allah. 162 Miqdad ????? Ibn Amir Ibn Thalabah RA, a well-known companion who participated in the battle of Badr. 163 Miqdam ????? In the forefront of battle, very bold, undaunted. 164 Mir ??? Prince, governor, leader. 165 Mir Jahaan ??????? King of the world. 166 Mir Wais ??? ??? Home Lord. 167 Miraj ????? Place of ascent. 168 Miran ????? Princes; pl. of Mir. 169 Mirsab ???? Prudent, wise, a sword of the Prophet Muhammad. 170 Mirza ????? Son of a prince. Honorific title. 171 Misam ???? Smiling, happy. 172 Misaq ????? Agreement, covenant, contract, pact. 173 Misbah ????? Lamp, lantern. 174 Misbahuddin ????? ????? Lamp of the religion (Islam). 175 Mishaal, Mishal Torch, light 176 Miskeen ????? Poor. 177 Mistah ???? (Musattah is plain level) hence, an instrument to level something. 178 Miyaz ???? Young fox (first Umayyad Caliph). 179 Mizan ????? Balance, scales. 180 Mizanur Rahman ????? ??????? Balance of the most merciful (Allah). 181 Motasim Handsome. 182 Moalim ???? Teacher 183 Moazzam ???? Respectable. 184 Mobeen Sensitive. 185 Moemen Believer and faithful to Allah 186 Mohammed Name of final prophet (PBUH). .: Muhammad is the primary transliteration of the Arabic given name, ?????????. :. 187 Mohid ???? The one who believes in oneness of Allah Almighty. 188 Mohsin ???? Benevolent, benefactor, charitable, humanitarian. 189 Moin ???? Fountain, spring. 190 Moiz ???? One who gives protection. 191 Motabir ????? Trusted, accomplished. 192 Motaz Proud 193 Mounir Light, sunlight. 194 Mourad Desire. 195 Muadh Protected. 196 Muafa ?????? Ibn Imran, an ascetic, who travelled extensively to find Hadith, had this name. 197 Mualla ???? A judge and follower of Abu Yusuf, ibn Mansur had this name. 198 Muallim ???? Teacher. 199 Muattib ???? It was the name of a companion bin Ubayd RA. 200 Muawwiz Companion who participated in the Battle of Badr. 201 Muayyad Supported. 202 Muad ???? A noted companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, ibn-Jabal RA. 203 Muadh Protected; name of a companion 204 Muammar ???? Antiquated, long-lived, one given log life, title of Luqman i.e. Lokman. 205 Muawin ????? Assistant, helper, supporter. 206 Muawiyah ?????? A young dog or fox (first Umayyad Khalifah). 207 Muawwaz ???? Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. 208 Muayyad ???? Supported, championed, approved, victorious. 209 Muaz ???? Protected. 210 Muazzam ???? Exalted, glorified, honoured, revered. 211 Mubajjal ???? Glorified, exalted, honourable, greatly respected. 212 Muballigh ???? Preacher, one who preaches and propagates Islam. 213 Mubarak ????? Blessed, fortunate, lucky, auspicious, august. 214 Mubaraq Blessing. 215 Mubarez ????? Army man, fighter, policeman. 216 Mubashir ???? Bringer of good news, a Prophet. 217 Mubassir ???? Observer. 218 Mubid Intellectual. 219 Mubin ???? Clear, plain, distinct, manifest. 220 Mubtasim ????? Smiling. 221 Mudabbir ???? Planner, designer, disposer. 222 Mudar ??? An Arabian tribe. 223 Muddassir ???? Wrapped in, enveloped, attribute of the Prophet Muhammad. 224 Muddaththir Covered; a title of the Prophet 225 Mudrik ???? Perceptive, intelligent, reasonable, endowed with reason. 226 Mueen ???? Helper, Assistant. 227 Mueez ???? A person who gives shelter. 228 Mufaad ???? Profit, interest. 229 Mufaddal One who is preferred. 230 Mufakhar ???? Glorious, exalted. 231 Mufakkir ???? Thinker 232 Mufallah ???? One who prospers. 233 Mufazzal ???? Preferred, chosen, favoured. 234 Mufeed (from the verb fada to overflow). 235 Mufid ???? Beneficial, useful, advantageous, favoured, profitable. 236 Mufid, Mufeed Useful, helpful 237 Mufiz ???? Giver. 238 Muflih ???? One who succeeds, prospers. 239 Mufti ???? Interpreter or expounder of Sharia (Islamic Law). 240 Mughis ???? Helper, assistant. 241 Mughith Helper, succourer. 242 Mughni ???? One who releases another from straitened circumstances, an epithet of Allah. 243 Muhab Dignified 244 Muhaddas ???? Compiler of hadith. 245 Muhafiz ????? Preserver, custodian, guardian. 246 Muhafiz-ud-Din ????? ????? Preserver of the religion (Islam). 247 Muhaimin ????? Ruler, overlord, one who provides sanctuary from any hazard or danger. Al-Muhaimin, the All-preserver: one of the names of Allah. 248 Muhair, Muhayr Skilled 249 Muhajir ????? Emigrant. 250 Muhammad ???? Praised, lauded, commended, praiseworthy. Muhammad ibn Abdullah (570-632); Messenger of Allah who preached the faith of Islam. 251 Muhammad, Mohammed Praised, praiseworthy; the name of the Prophet 252 Muhanna Happy, delighted 253 Muhannad ???? Sword, Indian sword. 254 Muhannad, Muhanned Sword 255 Muharrem 1st month of Islamic year. 256 Muhazzab ???? Polite, courteous, well-mannered. 257 Muhdee ???? One who presents. 258 Muheet That which embraces all round. 259 Muhib ??? Loving, affectionate, friend. 260 Muhibb Loving 261 Muhibuddin ??? ????? Friend of the religion (Islam). 262 Muhibullah ??? ???? Friend of Allah. 263 Muhit ???? Encompassing, ocean. 264 Muhiyuddin ???? ????? Reviver of the religion (Islam). 265 Muhriz ???? Obtainer, winner, earner, Ibn Awn al-Hilali RA had this name. 266 Muhsin Beneficient, charitable 267 Muhtadi ??????? Rightly guided, following the right path, on the right way. 268 Muhtashim ????? Decent, modest, chaste, shy. 269 Muhyi ???? One who gives life, reviver. 270 Muhyi al Din Reviver of the faith 271 Muid ???? Reviser, restore. 272 Muin ???? Helper, patron, supporter, aide. 273 Muinuddawlah ???? ?????? Defender of the state. 274 Muinuddin ???? ????? Helper of the religion (Islam). 275 Muinul Islam ???? ??????? Supporter of Islam. 276 Muizz ??? One who honours, strengthens. 277 Muizzuddawlah ????????? He who renders the state mighty. 278 Muizzuddin ???????? One who strengthens the religion (Islam). 279 Mujab One whose prayers were answered 280 Mujaddid ???? One who renews or renovates or refreshes. 281 Mujahid ????? One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam, soldier of Jihad. 282 Mujammil ???? Adorner, beautifier. 283 Mujazzir ???? A person who cuts off, uproots, or consolidates. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. 284 Mujazziz ???? One who cuts off, name of a companion, al-Mudliji. 285 Mujeeb Responder 286 Mujib ???? Replier, answerer. Allahs epithet. 287 Mujibur Responsive. 288 Mujir ???? Protector, defender, helper, supporter. 289 Mujtaba ?????? Chosen, selected, elected. Title of the Prophet Muhammad. 290 Mujtahid ????? Diligent, industrious, hardworking. 291 Mukafih ????? Freedom fighter. 292 Mukammil ???? Perfecting, completing. 293 Mukarram ???? Honoured, revered, honourable, noble. 294 Mukhallad ???? Immortal. 295 Mukhlis ???? Sincere, honest, true, faithful. 296 Mukhtar ????? Selected, chosen, preferred, favorite, the most exquisite.. 297 Mukhtarul Haq ????????? Chosen by the Truth (Allah). 298 Muktafi ????? Satisfied, contended. 299 Mulail ???? Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. 300 Mulayl ???? A companion was so name. 301 Mulham ???? Inspired. 302 Mulhim Inspiring 303 Mulk ??? Kingdom, sovereignty, supreme power or authority. 304 Mulla ??? A Persian construction probably from the Arabic Mawla (master, leader, lord). 305 Mumin ???? Believer (in Islam), pious, one who advocates peace and harmony. Allahs attribute. 306 Mummar Given or granted long life 307 Mumtaz ????? Distinguished, superior, outstanding. 308 Munadi ????? A scholar of Baghdad who wrote books on the Quran and related subjects, Abu al-Hasan, had this name. 309 Munadil ????? Fighter, defender. 310 Munaf ???? Exalted, inconsistent with contradictory to. 311 Munahid Strong 312 Munaim ????? Benevolent kind. Al-Munaim, the Benevolent: one of the names of Allah. 313 Munasir ????? Helper, protector, friend. 314 Munawar ???? Illuminated, brilliant. 315 Mundhir ???? (Munzir), Warner, Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. 316 Muneeb One who turns in repentance. 317 Muneer Shining. 318 Munib ???? One who turns to Allah seeking His pardon. 319 Munif ???? Eminent, exalted, superior, high, lofty. 320 Munim ???? Benefactor, donor, grantor. 321 Munir ???? Splendid, shining, something that reflects light, bright, brilliant, radiant, luminous.. 322 Munir, Muneer Brilliant, shining 323 Muniruzzaman ?????????? Brilliant of the age. 324 Munis ???? Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle. 325 Munjid ???? Helper, supporter, rescuer. 326 Munkadir ????? This was the name of Abu Bakr Muhammad, an ascetic and authority for Hadith. 327 Munna ??? Strength, power, vigour. 328 Munqad ????? One who is led, conduted, obedient. 329 Munqiz ???? Saviour, rescuer, deliverer. 330 Munsif ???? Just, fair, righteous. 331 Muntaqim ????? The Avenger; He who punishes wrongdoers; One who takes revenge. Name: Abdul Muntaqim. 332 Muntasir ????? Victorious, triumphant. 333 Muntazar ????? Expected, prospective, anticipated, awaited. 334 Muntazir The awaitting. 335 Munzir ???? Warner, cautioner, forerunner, Messenger sent by Allah to warn mankind. 336 Muqaddas ???? Sacred. 337 Muqaffa ???? Name of Abdullah (Ibn al-Muqaffi) who had converted to Islam from Zoroastrian religion and worked with the uncles of al-Mansur. 338 Muqarrab ???? Intimate companion, friend, one who is brought near the throne of Allah, one who is nearest to Allah. 339 Muqatadir Name of an Abbasid Khalifah. 340 Muqbil ???? Following, next. 341 Muqeet ???? Provider. Al-Muqeet, the Nourisher; one of the names of Allah. 342 Muqla ???? Eye, eyeball, the middle of anything, Ib Muqlah; Abbasid vizier and founder of Arabic calligraphy. 343 Muqsit ???? Just, impartial, Allahs attribute. 344 Muqtadi ????? Follower, one who follows an imam during ritual prayer. 345 Muqtadir ????? Able, powerful, mighty, Allahs epithet. Al-Muqtadir, the omnipotent: one of the names of Allah. 346 Muqtafi ????? One who follows (another). Al-Muqtafi (1136-60): Abbasid Khalifa. 347 Muqtasid ????? Frugal, thrifty, economical. 348 Murabbi ???? Patron, superior, guardian. 349 Murad ???? Will, intention, desire, intended. 350 Murarah ????? Bitterness, innermost, heart; al-Rabi al-Ansari RA was a companion who participated in the Battle of Badr.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:43:53 +0000

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