S.N Word Meaning A 1 Abdomen The part - TopicsExpress


S.N Word Meaning A 1 Abdomen The part of the body below the diaphragm 2 Abomasum The final compartment of the stomach of ruminants.This the ‘true’ stomach where muscular walls churnthe food and gastric juice is secreted 3 Absorption Passage of digested food from the gut into the blood 4 Accessory gland A gland that produces secretions that make up the liquid portion of semen 5 Acetylcholine A neurotransmitter released at a synapse 6 Acoustic Relating to sound 7 Active transport The movement of substances across a membrane againstthe concentration gradient. Requires energy 8 Adipose tissue Connective tissue in which the cells are filled with fat or lipid 9 Adrenal cortex Outer portion of adrenal gland 10 Adrenal medulla Inner portion of adrenal gland 11 Albumin The most common of the proteins in the plasma 12 Aldosterone The hormone produced by the adrenal cortex 13 Alimentary Concerning nutrition 14 Alimentary canal The long canal from the mouth to the anus through which food passes as it is digested and absorbed 15 Alkaline Containing few hydrogen ions. pH above 7 16 Alveolus An air sac in the lung, where gas exchange takes place 17 Amino acids Molecules containing nitrogen that are the building blocks of proteins 18 Amphibian Vertebrate Class containing the frogs and toads 19 Amylases Enzymes that split carbohydrates like starch and glycogen into monosaccharides like glucose 20 Anaemia A condition involving a low number of red blood cells or haemoglobin in blood 21 Antagonistic muscles A pair of muscles that work together such that as one contracts the other relaxes and vice versa. 22 Anterior Nearer to the front of the body (usually used in human anatomy) 23 Anterior pituitary gland Anterior portion of pituitary gland 24 Antibodies Proteins made in response to a stimulating molecule called an antigen. The basis for the immune response 25 Anticoagulant A substance that prevents blood clotting 26 Antidiuretic A substance that inhibits urine production 27 Antidiuretic hormone A hormone produced by posterior pituitary gland that stimulates water reabsorption from the kidney tubule 28 Antigens A substance that stimulates the body to produce an antibody 29 Anus The opening at the lower end of the rectum through which solid waste is eliminated. 30 Aorta The main artery to body and head from heart 31 Apex The pointed end of a cone shaped structure e.g. heart 32 Appendage A structure attached to the body 33 Aqueous humor The watery fluid that fills the anterior chamber of the eye 34 Arteriole A small, almost microscopic, artery 35 Artery A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart 36 Articulation The point of contact between bones. Where they move against each other 37 Appendage A structure attached to the body 38 Aqueous humor The watery fluid that fills the anterior chamber of the eye 39 Arteriole A small, almost microscopic, artery 40 Artery A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart 41 Articulate To move against each other - as of bones 42 Articulation The point of contact between bones. Where they move against each other. A joint. Point of contact between 2 bones 43 Atlas First cervical vertebra 44 Atom A unit of matter that comprises a chemical element 45 Atrioventricular valve A valve that prevents blood flow backwards from ventricle to atrium 46 Atrium (pl. atria) One of two cranial chambers of heart 47 Auditory ossicle One of 3 small bones in middle ear 48 Nrvous system The part of the vertebrate nervous system that innervates smooth and cardiac muscle andglandular tissues and governs involuntary actions. Consists of the sympathetic nervoussystem and the parasympathetic nervous system 49 Axillarylymph node A lymph node under junction of forelimb and body 50 Axis The second cervical vertebra 51 Axon A long extension from the neuron that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body 52 Ball and socket joint A synovial joint where rounded end of one bone fits into cup-shaped depression of another 53 B 54 Barb The part of the feather that sticks out of the shaft 55 Barbules The parts of a feather that grow out of the barbs. They have hooks and rolled edges to lock the barbs together 56 Basement membrane The thin membrane between epidermis and dermis 57 Basophil A white blood cell with granules in the cytoplasm 58 Biceps The muscle that extends from the shoulder to the elbow responsible for flexing the forearm 59 Bilateral Including both sides 60 Bile An alkaline secretion from liver that helps break down fats into small droplets 61 Binocular vision The placement of the eyes such that both see the same wide area but from slightly different angles 62 Binomial The two-part Latinized name of a species, consisting of genus and species names 63 Blastocyst A hollow ball of cells that develop from the fertilized ovum 64 Blind spot The area of retina at end of optic nerve where there are no receptor cells 65 Blood The fluid that circulates in the blood vessels 66 Blood pressure The pressure of blood on the walls of the blood vessels 67 Body cavity A space within the body that contains various organs 68 Bowman’s capsule The double walled globe at proximal end of nephron. Encloses glomerulus 69 Brain stem The part of the brain just above the spinal cord. Contains the medulla oblongata 70 Breed A race or variety 71 Bronchiole A branch of the bronchi in the respiratory system 72 Bronchus One of the large branches of the trachea 73 Buccal To do with the mouth 74 Word Meaning 75 C 76 77 Canines The long, cone-shaped teeth just behind the incisors 78 Carbohydrate An organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Made up of sugar subunits 79 Cardiac cycle A complete heartbeat consisting of systole and diastole 80 Cardiac muscle The muscle that makes up the wall of the heart. Striated branched fibres 81 Cardiovascularsystem The body system comprising the heart, blood vessels and blood 82 Carnassial teeth The modified premolars and molars in carnivores that slice against each other like scissors for shearing flesh and bone. 83 Carotid artery The artery from aorta that supplies the head and brain 84 Carpal A bone of the “wrist” 85 Cartilage Dense connective tissue found at ends of long bones, in trachea, ear pinna. Also forms the skeleton of the foetus 86 Cataract A condition in which the lens becomes cloudy resulting in blurred vision. 87 Caudal Nearer to the tail than 88 Caudal vena cava The large vein that collects blood from the body caudal to the heart 89 Cell The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms 90 Cell division The process by which a cell reproduces itself. Two types: mitosis and meiosis 91 Cell inclusion A substance produced by cell that is free in cytoplasm i.e. not enclosed by a membrane 92 Cellular respiration The chemical pathway that produces energy in the cell It consumes a fuel, generally glucose, in the presence of oxygen 93 Central nervoussystem The part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord 94 Cephalic To do with the head 95 Cerebellum The part of the vertebrate hindbrain located dorsally; functions in unconscious coordination of movement and balance 96 Cerebral cortex The surface of the cerebrum; the largest and most complex part of the mammalian brain, containing sensory and motor nerve cell bodies of the cerebrum 97 Cerebrospinal fluid The fluid that circulates around and within brain and spinal cord 98 Cerebrum The dorsal portion of the brain composed of right and left hemispheres; the integrating center for memory, learning, emotions 99 Cervical vertebrae The neck vertebrae 100 Cervix The neck of the uterus 101 Cemoreceptor A receptor that detects chemicals 102 Chorionicgonadotrophin The hormone secreted by the placenta that prevents uterine contractions before labour and prepares the mammary glands for lactation 103 Choroid The middle coat of the eyeball 104 Chromosome One of the small dark staining bodies in the cell nucleus. Contains the DNA 105 Chyle The milky fluid found in the lacteals of the small intestine 106 Chyme The semi fluid mixture of partly digested food and digestive secretions in the stomach and small intestine 107 Cilium (pl. cilia) A hair like process projecting from a cell. Used to move cell substances along the surface of the cell 108 Class The taxonomic grouping of related, similar orders; category above order and below phylum 109 Clavicle The collar bone 110 Clot The process that changes liquid blood to a gelatinous mass 111 Coagulation The process by which blood clots 112 Coccyx The tail bones 113 Coccygeal vertebrae The vertebrae of the tail 114 Cochlea The coiled tube forming the portion of the inner ear that converts sound waves to nerve impulses 115 Collagen A protein that is the main organic constituent of connective tissue 116 Colon Part of the large intestine. 117 Colostrum The first milk, it contains antibodies. 118 Common bile duct The duct that carries both bile and pancreatic juice into the small intestine 119 Compact bone Dense bone made up of Haversian systems 120 Conditioned Reflex The response that is elicited by a stimulus after training has taken place 121 Condyle A rounded protuberance at the ends of some bones where it forms an articulation with another bone 122 Cone A light sensitive receptor in the retina that responds to colour 123 Congenital Present at the time of birth 124 Conjunctiva The delicate membrane covering the cornea of the eye 125 Connective tissue One of the 4 basic tissue types of the body. Binds and supports. Consists of cells and fibres in a matrixs 126 Constipation Decreased defecation due to decreased mobility of the intestines 127 Continuous breeding When breeding continues throughout the year 128 Cornea The transparent anterior layer of the eye through which the iris can be seen 129 Coronary artery The artery that supplies the heart muscle 130 Corpus luteum A yellow endocrine gland formed in the empty ovarian follicle after ovulation 131 Cortex The outer layer of an organ 132 Costal To do with a rib 133 Cowper’s gland One of the accessory glands of the male reproductive system 134 Cranial Towards the head 135 Cranial nerve One of the 12 nerves that leave the brain 136 Cranium The brain case that surrounds and protects the brain 137 Crop The bag-like structure at the base of the oesophagus in birds.In many birds it stores food before it enters the stomachA 138 Crop-milk Secretion produced by glands in the wall of the crop of in pigeons and doves Parents regurgitate it to feed their young 140 Cross section Crosswise slice of an animal or organ 141 Cryptorchidism Undescended testes 142 Cutaneous To do with the skin 143 Cytology The study of cells 144 Cytosol The semi fluid portion of the cytoplasm D 145 Dehydration Excessive loss of water from the body or its parts 146 Denaturation Disruption of the structure of a protein by heat, acids etc. to make it inactive 147 Dendrite A nerve cell process that carries the nerve impulses towards the cell body 148 Dental formula The formula that describes the numbers of the different kinds of teeth 150 Dentine The tissue below the enamel in teeth 151 Dermis The layer of dense connective tissue lying under the epidermis 152 Diabetes insipidus The condition caused by under secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Symptom: excretion large amounts dilute urine 153 Diabetes mellitus The condition caused by under secretion of insulin. Symptoms: raised blood glucose levels, glucose in urine 154 Diaphragm The dome shaped skeletal muscle separating the thoracic from the abdominal cavities 155 Diaphysis The shaft of a long bone 156 Diarrhoea Frequent defecation of liquid faeces 157 Diastema The space in the jaw in animals that have no (or reduced) canines 158 Diastole The phase of the heartbeat involving the relaxation of the ventricles 159 Diastolic blood pressure Blood pressure in the arteries between the passage of the pulses 160 Diffusion A passive process of movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration 161 Digestion The mechanical and physical breakdown of food 162 Digitigrade locomotion Locomotion on the “fingers” as in cats and dogs 163 Dilate To expand or swell 164 Diploid Having a double set of chromosomes one maternal, one paternal 165 Directional terms Terms that describe the locations of structures in relation to other structures or locations in the body 166 Disaccharides Double sugar, consisting of two joined monosaccharides 167 Distal Farther away from the trunk of the body or point of origin 168 Diuretic A chemical that reduces Antidiuretic hormone production and increases urine volume 169 Dorsal Nearer the back of the animal than 170 Duodenum First part of the small intestine 171 Word Meaning 172 E 173 Echolocation The use of high frequency sound like sonar and radar by animals (i.e. whalesandbats)tolocateobjectsinthesurroundingenvironment 174 Effector A muscle or gland that responds to a motor neuron impulse 175 Egestion The elimination of indigestible waste products from the body 176 Electrolyte A compound that separates into charged particles or ions 177 Electron microscope A microscope that focuses an electron beam through a specimen, resulting in resolving power a thousandfold greater than that of a light microscope
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 12:04:54 +0000

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