S.O.A.P. for 6/17/2013 “Raise with Christ to things - TopicsExpress


S.O.A.P. for 6/17/2013 “Raise with Christ to things Above” Scripture: Colossians 3: Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Observation: Here is a call for all those who have made a decision to follow Christ! Set your hearts on things above…in other words we can set our heart on things below and live to a sub-standard life apart from Christ. Our minds are to be about God, not on earthly things. Oh, how the church can be sucked into the things of this world, when in fact, God wants us to be all about the Kingdom of God. Our lives are now dead to the things of this world, but alive unto God, we are no longer our own because we have been now hidden with Christ. As we do those things…when Christ appears…are reward is that we will be with Him. Application: I need to daily reflect on who I am serving throughout the day…Am I all about myself? Are my actions serving myself or others? Am I demonstrating a love for God and what He has commanded me to be and to do?...Or do I look like every other person on this planet…trying to keep up with the Jones, serving things rather than the creator and acting like a mere human being rather than a child of God? If so, I need to repent, and turn again back to God and ask for His forgiveness and follow after Jesus… the author and the perfecter of my faith. Prayer: Lord, even though the devil would love to work overtime drawing me away from the things of God…I will fight the good fight of faith! I purpose in my heart to be more about the things and ways of God than anything that this world has to offer. I need your power! I want to experience your presence every time I come to you. I want more Lord! In Jesus’ name…AMEN
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 05:25:19 +0000

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