S4S Standing on the beach late evening I looked at the sky. There - TopicsExpress


S4S Standing on the beach late evening I looked at the sky. There were orange clouds in the sky due to the setting sun. The tide was high and the water almost reached my knees. Only a few people were left on the beach and that too couples. Turning my eyes towards them I gave a sad smile as memories took over me. This isnt goodbye right? I said to my husband Abheer. My cheeks were tear strained and I looked at him lying on the hospital bed pale and cold. He was diagonsed with cancer. We all know out of a hundred people only one or two made out and he wasnt one of them. No, there wont ever be a goodbye between us. You have me. ALWAYS. He said in his weak voice. I broke down further seeing him in such a helpless condition. Aarti you are far the more greatest thing that ever happened to me in my 35 years of life and I am happy. I am not scared of going away. I have lived all of it with you already. He said and I smiled through my tears. I cant be without you Abheer. I told him clutching his hand tightly. How does it feel when the person you love the most is snatched away from you right in front of your eyes? I wiped with tears with a hankey. Keep the child safe and happy. He said and nodded towards Aisha who was playing in the corner of the hospital room. She was our four year daughter. I saw her playing with her toys lost to the world. She was too young to understand what death meant and I didnt want her to know. Children are very sensitive. Aisha? I called her and she came running to me. I smiled and pushed her hair away from her eyes. Say goodbye to papa. I told her and picking her up made her sit on my lap. Her innocent eyes travelled over Abeers condition. She was too young to understand that what was happening but she could make out that something was wrong. When will you come home daddy? She asked her father. Abeer smiled and motioned me to pass Aisha to him, making Aisha sit on his bed I left the room quietly. Coming back to the present I looked at the sun which had almost set. The tears on my cheek had dried up long ago. After a month Abheer had passed away leaving me alone and with responsiblities which I could never complete but I made had made the best of myself. Being a working mother and also a house wife wasnt that hard especially not when I came home and Aisha always came to me running with a glass of water. She understood what I felt, she knew her mother had a lonliness inside her heart which wouldnt dissapear. Mommy mommy! Lets go the swings. Aisha cried already bored of playing in the waves. I smiled at her and looked in her eyes which were exactly like of her fathers. Picking her up in my arms, I said I love you aisha. Blinking her eyes rapidly, she kept her small hand on my cheek, where my tears had dried a long back. I love you too mommy. She said and kissed my cheek. -Karshini. facebook/Mysecretoflove
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:30:01 +0000

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