SA LAHAT PO NG SAES ALUMNI, SAES being considered as the center of - TopicsExpress


SA LAHAT PO NG SAES ALUMNI, SAES being considered as the center of the upland elementary schools (West District) has been always the venue of various events participated by different schools. It has been observed that for several affairs and occasions, the SAES admin borrows a Multi-Media Projector from other school. A situation came when we found no one available to borrow for an event when we most needed it. We also consider the need of the pupils to experience a learning environment in a modern-day technologies. And so this letter was made. GENERAL PARENTS- TEACHERS ASSOCIATION No._____ San Antonio Elementary School San Antonio, Tabaco City July 8, 2013 ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Dear _______________________________: Greetings! The advent of modern day technology has largely affected the way teachers teach; the way pupils learn and the way educational institutions are being supervised and managed. The local educational landscape has to undergo unprecedented reforms needing the school to adapt modern day technology with teaching practices to develop 21st century skills among the pupils. Presently, the SAES on its 61 years has only seven units of computer to accommodate thousands of pupils, no laptop and no multi-media projector, inadequate to help realizing the vision of producing highly performing, functionally literate and productive learners. This situation inspirited the General PTA of SAES to take initiative of looking for generous persons and successful alumni to help acquiring any of those technologies. We firmly believe that choosing you to be one of the sponsor or donor of below listed options will help to realize its’ vision and eventually will make San Antonio Elementary School “the Best in the West”. Thank you so much for positive and immediate response. Truly Yours, HENRIETTA BORCELIS GULINAO GPTA Treasurer (Contact No. 09086760868) Noted: AGNES V. BORCELIS GPTA President (Contact No. 09179435989) APPROVED: TERESA N. YBAŇEZ School Head ______________________________________________________________________________ Solicitation No.______ REPLY SLIP Date:__________ YES, I am willing to give: (Please check) ______ Cash of _________________ to help purchase needed equipment. ______ Unit of Computer ______ Unit of Laptop ______ Unit of Multi-media Projector Signature:_______________________ NAME OF DONOR/SPONSOR:_____________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________ If SAES Alumnus, what batch:_______________________________________
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:55:59 +0000

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