SABA SABA (7/7/2014) REALITY I have heard many of you Kenyans say - TopicsExpress


SABA SABA (7/7/2014) REALITY I have heard many of you Kenyans say we want a revolution, the likes of Arab Springs. No problem, let it come. However, this is how many of you are likely to suffer before that painful death; if not you, your mother,your sister, your wife, children, sister or siblings will.When the first canon is fired, you will celebrate and bay for ‘their’ (your enemy tribes men)blood. Reports will start trickling in that some enemies have been killed in Coast, Rift Valley and the shanties in Nairobi, this will turn your celebration into… a frenzy.4 days later, the mood will change, no longer getting the basic provisions such as food, your celebration will be cut short to attend to more urgentmatters, that is, fending for yourself.2 weeks down the line, when your energy levels have ebbedto the lowest, reports will reach you that your enemy hasregrouped and is coming for your neck and that of your loved ones. You will now abandon the quest for food to that of saving your own life.International news media, most likely BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera will show you, and yourkin, carrying mattresses heading to a safe haven, most likely a church. You will reach the church and much to your horror, find thousands of people, many from your perceived enemy tribe also camped there, fighting for the little provisions donated by theUN. That night it willrain heavily and exposed, hungry, scared and nursing a deep machete wound on your most loved one’s forehead, theslow realities of ‘Rwanda in themaking’ will start sinking in.If you are still surviving one month down the line, 30 kgs down from your usual weight, you will start wondering who isfighting who, since the camp is cosmopolitan and you are all fighting for basic survival not caring who comes from which tribe. But that’s just the beginning.The next day, your camp will be raided, 5 of your loved ones will be slaughtered and you will be lucky to escape with a bullet wound on your right leg. UN will now heap youinto lorries and transfer you toanother camp. In excruciating pain and feverish from your infected leg, the secondreality of war will hit you: whatthe hell is the fight all about? You will die 3 days later, from neglect really since people around you are so used to seeing others die to bother about your feeble groansfrom your leaking tent.4 months later, corpses, including yours, will be buried in a mass grave as the lieutenants that started the war sit at a table in some hotelin Kampala to craft another ‘power sharing’ deal. There willbe relative calm as the vultures enjoy the spoils of war, the politicians will be backtotheir cosy offices…….My point is, when the drums ofwar are sounded, everyone is atheoretical winner but the reality is so different a few months later. What’s more, war does not guarantee equality, it dehumanizes and traumatizes people. Every little thing you’ve worked for goes…Tribe is not your enemy, people that sit in ivory towers from all political divide and subdue you, are. The rich in Muthaiga, Runda and such upmarket dwellings co-exist together, own companies together and dine together; continue fighting in slums and abusing each other online. At thevery end, you will realize the ones who divided you along ethnic lines didnt care much about you. Your real enemy is not your next door neighbour from the wrong tribe, its the politicalclass whose only means of survival is dividing and ruling the poor, the hopeless and theilliterate.Kenyans, I beg you stop tribalism, stop hatred and ethnic profiling. If you dont, a day is coming and I dare say quote me if you happen to survive the ordeal!.....#Share...tuende Viral
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 14:51:46 +0000

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