SABOTAGE OF ISLAM (iX) ===================== C/F This idea - TopicsExpress


SABOTAGE OF ISLAM (iX) ===================== C/F This idea could not gain ground amongst the Muslims but instead the belief of “return to Shia Divines” took root among the Shias. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WASI (1) History tells us that Abdulla also spread yet another belief, that every messenger of God appoints a Wasi or Khalifa. It means that he leaves a will that after his death so and so shall succeed him. Accordingly, he said that Hazrat Ali was the “‘Wasi’ of Muhammad,” thus he (Ali) ought to have succeeded him as Caliph. This gave rise to beliefs among the Muslims similar to those of the Persians about their Kings. Now the term Im’amat came to be used instead of the term ‘Khilafat’ and the idea began to gain popularity that Im’amat is not a thing which could be left for the people to decide; that is a basic pillar of Islam; that it does not benefit a messenger of God to leave the succession for the people to decide, that he must appoint an Im’am before his death, because it has been commanded by God. Accordingly, they said Muhammad left his will for Ali to be his successor. Hence Hazrat Ali is called “Wasi al Rasool” by the Sias (the one for who the Messenger left his will). The innovation does not stop here and goes on to say that every Im’am also leaves a will for the appointment of his successor and that his will left under the divine command. Accordingly an Im’am is appointed by God Himself and is therefore infallible. Anybody who acts against him is an usurper. Thus Im’amat is the right of Hazrat Ali and his line of descent. Sunni Muslims, however, do not accept this belief of the appointment of an Im’am by God himself. But this being among the Shias, they consider Sunnis to be outside the pale of Islam. The natural consequence of this belief was the bifurcation of the Community into two permanent sects. Haikal in his book entitled “Omar Farroq-e-Azam (Urdu translation page 419), has quoted a passage from Historians History of the World,” published by the Publishers of Encyclopaedia Britannica, which runs as follows:- “The Persians believed their kings as the sons of God and sacred personalities by birth. Thus when the Persians rebelled against the governments of Medina and Damascus, they gathered around Ali the cousin of Muhammad who they said was his legal successor, but was kept away from Khil’afat, and gave him the dignity and sacredness which their ancestors used to give to their Kings. Moreover like their ancestors, who used to call (a Persian King) the ‘sacred sons of heaven’ and ‘Sacred King,’ and in their books used to write of him ‘a leader and a guide,’ they gave Ali the title of Im’am, which in spite of being a simple term is very meaningful.” The matter does not stop here. In order to maintain a rift in the Muslim community, the Persians gathered round Im’am Hasan and Im’am Hussain, the sons of Hazrat Ali and in turn around their descendants. There is also a story about the marriage of the daughter of the last ruler of Akass ban Sasan, with the Im’am Hussain which runs as follows – “When Arabs conquered Persia, three daughters of Yazd Gard, the Emperor of Persia, were captured by them. Hazrat Omar, who was the Caliph at the time, ordered their open sale. But Hazrat Ali advised a better treatment for them, on account of their high descent and suggested that he fix their price and hand them over to respectable people. Thus Hazrat Ali took charge of them and handed over one of the three to Hazrat Im’am Hussain, one to Muhammad bin Abu Bakr and one to Abdulla bin Omar. The girl who came to the lot of Im’am Hussain came to be known as Shehr Bano.” Conti....................
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 05:13:37 +0000

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