SACP Gauteng Provincial Executive Committee, SACP Gauteng Press - TopicsExpress


SACP Gauteng Provincial Executive Committee, SACP Gauteng Press Statement Sunday, 08/09/13 SACP GAUTENG STRONGLY CONDEMNS UNPRINCIPLED ATTACKS AGAINST THE SACP AND ANC LEADERSHIP BY NUMSA GENERAL SECRETARY, COMRADE IRVIN JIM SACP Gauteng Province held a Provincial Council (PC), its highest decision making organ in between the Provincial Congress on Saturday, 07th/09/2013 at the Gauteng Provincial Legislature. It was attended by SACP branches across the province. The PC was addressed by the 13th National Central Committee (CC) member comrade Madala Masuku. The YCLSA, through its Provincial Treasurer, comrade Serame Motshoenyane, Lucas Qakaza Provincial Secretary of SANCO and the Cosatu Provincial Chairperson, comrade Phuthas Tseki delivered messages of support to the PC. The ANC Provincial Secretary, comrade David Makhura made a detailed presentation on the ANC’s Provincial Election Strategy. The PC guided by Marxism-Leninism as applied to concrete conditions of our country, discussed a number of issues relating to the world and domestic class balance of forces and resolved as follows. 1. ATTACKS DIRECTED AGAINST SACP AND ANC LEADERS BY NUMSA GENERAL SECRETARY, COMRADE IRVIN JIM The Provincial Council noted desperate attempts by the General Secretary of Numsa, comrade Irvin Jim to draw leaders of the SACP and ANC into problems facing the labour federation, Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). At its Special Central Executive Committee meeting held mid-August (CEC) of this year, it suspended its General Secretary, comrade Zwelinzima Vavi following a set of allegations levelled against him. Numsa General Secretary, comrade Irvin Jim alleges that senior leaders of the SACP and ANC were involved in what he perceives as divisions in Cosatu following decisions of its constitutional structures that led to the suspension of the General Secretary. These unsubstantiated and incoherent allegations were specifically directed against SACP General Secretary Dr Blade Nzimande, and comrade Gwede Mantashe, Secretary General of the ANC, also serving as 13th National Congress Central Committee member of the SACP. The PC strongly condemned these strange phenomena of making serious but unsubstantiated allegations against senior leaders of the movement. The PC challenged the Numsa General Secretary comrade Irvin Jim to do one of the two things, either he provide credible evidence and facts to back up his claims or to refrain with immediate effect from making such allegations. The PC strongly believe that if this strange phenomena is allowed to continue, it will elevate false-hoods, lies, slander and malice to a strategic level in the struggle for socialism. It is important that as left forces we learn the art and science of building socialism on true facts and not what this or that individual say or do. Failure to consistently tell the truth based on scientific facts contains the real dangers to impede the struggle for socialist construction and we believe this should be undesirable for any serious revolutionary. The PC reaffirmed the SACP Central Committee’s call for the unity COSATU and that of workers and working class in line with Karl Marx and Lenin‘s clarion call for workers and oppressed people of the world to unite. THREATS NOT TO MOBILISE FOR AN ANC VOTE IN 2014 The PC also noted Numsa’s General Secretary, comrade Irvin Jim’s hollow and empty threats that workers will this time betray the National Democratic Revolution (NDR) and allow forces of counter-revolution led by the DA to once more turn our country into a neo-colony. This apparently results from the grievance workers have about the National Development Plan (NDP). The PC reaffirmed the historic view that voting for the African National Congress in elections is part of the consistent struggle to rid our country of the more than 340 years of colonialism of a special type. The PC was also concerned about whether these threats to create conditions for counter-revolution to thrive and consolidate itself in our country represent the real views of the industrial proletariat, the bedrock of our revolution or are just isolated acts of self-aggrandisement. The PC clarified that national planning as applied in concrete and unique conditions of our country, and applied differently to the Soviet type commandist state central planning, constitute the most profound and decisive left intervention yet. It practically and theoretically clarifies the role of the state in the economy and provides mechanisms for its intervention in the economy. The PC fully appreciated the fact that at the centre of Marxist-Leninist theory and practice is a consistent fight against the anarchy of capitalist production relations, free market and commodification. The PC further acknowledged that national planning is a complex function and few of the left countries that applied it got it right in the first ten years. Even the former Soviet Union with much favourable balance of forces than our country only got it right in the 1930 following Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917. The PC also appreciated that challenges and contradictions of the NDP were correctly presented by the SACP and COSATU, and were well received by the last Alliance Summit. The PC therefore calls on true revolutionaries, workers and working class to support the Alliance call for the institutionalisation of the national planning function to drive ANC’s 53rd National Conference resolutions adopted in Mangaung. This we believe will ensure that the working class in our country is not at the mercy of the anarchy and vagaries of capitalist markets for quality jobs and a real better life. The PC committed itself through the Red Brigades to mobilise workers and the working class to deliver a decisive election victory for the African National Congress, Africa’s oldest most revolutionary liberation movement in the 2014 national lections The PC noted the current wave of workers struggles for a living wage and fully pledged its support for their demands. In this regard the PC called on the workers to intensify the struggle for a decisive living wage. 2. RED OCTOBER MONTH: TAKING THE FIGHT TO FINANCE AND HOUSING MONOPOLY CAPITAL The PC discussed the last Central Committee resolutions that the focus of the 2013 Red October Campaign is on the Financial Sector Campaign (FSC). Given the fact that finance monopoly capital is concentrated in Gauteng, SACP will target the banking sector. The Red October in Gauteng will in line with the FSC, target banks to intensify and highlight the fight against housing evictions and the land question taking into account the centenary of the Land Act. The launch will commence with a protest march targeting the bank that financed the “eviction transaction” which led to the eviction of the residents from the Newtown Housing Village and liquidation of the Newtown Housing Cooperative. This will serve as the intensification of our struggle against the arrogance of Johannesburg Housing Company and those that financed its accumulation regime at the expense of the working class and poor. The SACP will continue to take forward its work in the informal settlements defending the working class’s right to quality housing. We also note that we are fast approaching one year since the Lenasia housing demolitions. The SACP will use its Red October to mobilise in solidarity with the people of Lenasia against lies and falsehoods that the problem of Lenasia is resolved or making good progress. This we shall expose through our Red October Campaign. 3. SACP CALLS FOR IMMEDIATE REDEPLOYMENT OF TIMOTHY NAST The PC noted the appointment as opposed to deployment of Mr Timothy Nast, former Mayor of the corrupt and now defunct Mid-Vaal municipality into a key strategic and most revolutionary site, the Provincial Planning Commission. The PC noted that Mr Nast, still a DA member, will be responsible for the flagship programme of the current administration under President Jacob Zuma, the Infrastructure Programme. The SACP calls for the immediate redeployment of Mr Nast anywhere in the provincial government, but outside the Provincial Planning Commission. 4. SACP CALLS FOR INTENSIFIED STRUGGLE AGAINST THE BACKWARD AND MOST BARBARICK MSWATI ‘S FEUDAL STATE The SACP noted the current developments in Swaziland, a country led by the most barbaric, backward, corrupt and oppressive regime of Mswati. This relates to the continued violation of worker’s, working class and poor people’s democratic rights by this obsolete feudal regime. The PC strongly condemns the recent arrest of comrade Jay Naidoo, former General Secretary of Cosatu and calls on revolutionary forces to intensify this fight and liberate the working class and poor. The SACP calls on multi-lateral structures in our region and continent and the democratic state in our country to act decisively against the Mswati regime. The SACP will engage its Alliance partners and fraternal structures in solidarity with the revolutionary people of Swaziland to fight this brutal regime. Issued on behalf of the SACP Gauteng Province Contact: Mamabolo Jacob: Provincial Secretary: 082 884 1868 Lucian Segami: Provincial Spokesperson: 079 522 0098
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:36:13 +0000

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