SACRAMENTO SUNDAY, JAN. 25, 10:30.AM. to NOON. PROTEST ISRAELI LOBBY AND ITS CALL TO WAR AT HYATT REGENCY HOTEL 1209 L St. Sacramento human rights community protests Israel lobby meeting Sunday, urges lawmakers to not attend; declares Stop AIPAC, no war on Iran, hold Israel accountable AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) holds the annual gala and urges local, state and federal lawmakers to attend. “This year, it’s especially urgent to speak out against the undue influence of the Israeli lobby, which seeks to coerce our Congress into aggression against Iran and continued support for the egregious human rights violations against the Palestinians. Speaker Boehner’s unprecedented invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress next month is an outrageous attempt to undermine U.S. diplomacy,” said John Reiger of Veterans for Peace, one of coalition members. David L. Mandel of the local chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace added: “AIPAC has long pretended to represent American Jews in its unflinching advocacy for more and more billions in aid to Israel to pursue its violent, illegal policies. Instead of enabling invasion and repression, Washington should insist on an end to the occupation, with its illegal land grabs, colonization and steady stream of killing. It should proactively work on realization of human rights for Palestinians as well as Israelis. -end-
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 05:37:31 +0000

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