SACRED JOURNEY O F THE SOUL 2 shared AFFIRMATION FOR THE DAY: Today I wake, Shining with the energy of LOVE. I exist in LOVE and LOVE exists within me and around me. I choose to LOVE unconditionally by forgiving those who have hurt me, as well as myself. I will spread LOVE wherever I go and to everyone I encounter. LOVE is patience, kindness, compassion and understanding - And I will be ALL of those. As I awake this morning I hold the Light of LOVE within my heart not just for myself, but for those who need it. As I begin my day, I am grateful for another opportunity to bare witness to the blessings of life and the beauty of existence in every moment. As I journey throughout my day, Let me remember that ALL are brothers and sisters, and to LOVE them or hurt them is to LOVE or hurt myself, and the whole. ...And as I lay my head at the end of the day, I am thankful for another set of experiences and lessons. Though they may have been difficult, they are of true purpose and are devine. Thank you, Great Spirit, for allowing me yet another day of blessings, and the most beautiful gift of LOVE - and to be able to give it as well as receive it. I bid you ALL a most Beautiful and Blessed Day!! Love and Light!! ~ Sending Out Love. & Blessings
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:22:00 +0000

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