SACRIFICE two years ago in India i was doing research on - TopicsExpress


SACRIFICE two years ago in India i was doing research on Qanoon-e-Islam when i first came across this writing.i have been transulating ancient langues for years. according to the manuscript there was an ancient burrial champer dedicated to the goddess work grew more intense with every passing day, the closer i came to finding it the more excited i got.the crew on the eastern side uncovered several artifacts , one in perticular was an amulet with the words aum-ah carved on it. after a long day of digging and sweeping but mostley sweating. the sand floated ,alsomt hung in the dry air sufficating the breeze. never have i ever choked on the wind before , the knats were thick as thieves in the night flying up to you guided by the carbondioxied comming from your mouth ,like a super highway buffet for every single flying blood sucking bug to come and feast on you body.beine it was getting late i headed for my i was excavating a ritual burial in a ruin thought to be a chamber of the goddess Ishtar. the tomb was unusual the murals on the wall were of lapis lazuli and whitest marble.the smell was very different in the fact that the air was heavy with moisture the cold chilled walls of this slimy haunt echoed with heart and soul of something that was not meant to be.the air almost screamed of the dead ,with pick in hand and brush i dug and examined the back of the second chamber.i was interested almost compelled ,a sort of calling as in my vision, it glowed with a ghastly hue of unknowabley evil. i pried back the block heavy as it was i was unable to budge it.i grunted augh suddenly a worker came up behind me and offered help .together we slid this cover off of the hidden chamber. upon opening it a loud low sound came bellowing out of the darkness , at the time i was not sure of the dialect or the meaning. but we crawled inside and there was a immense throne of what looked like tentacles of green wet marble creeping down to form a chair and next to it was a table of another shiny stone grayer with streaks of white all threw it. a book laid on top,it was made from some kind of old leather and had symbols of the great race on the cover. i ran over the the book but, could not lift it. i tried but to no prevail. i tugged and pulled, but it was attached to the alter, it that rested upon. as time went past,my concentration grew week.. the mist filled air was almost relaxing as it was deadly. at the time, i thought all hope was lost ,my helper sat on the chair to relax after trying to get the book free himself,and at that moment a click i herd coming from the alter as it unleashed the manuscript from the boundaries of its fixing. i lunged at the book and picked it up quickly.the man smiled as he saw i had the book in hand. but with out warning ,he screams in immense pain. as he tries to pull his arms off from the rest on the throne. tiny vine like black needles of slithery decent, burrowed deep in to his skin. screaming he tries to pull free ripping the tentacles from his arm.a large tentacle peals from the ceiling and wraps around his body twisting and as it held him there thousands of small pin sized tentacles sprang from the wall and hooked into his skin as the big one let go . he was now standing there stretched out by these things the tentacles that tear you from within. fearing my own demise i backed up to the exit clutching the manuscripts in my hand.they pulled him back to the throne ,it was no longer hard stone but soft ridged slimy tentacles .this being came slithering from behind the entanglement that was a man and looked at me as he started to peal the skin off of the helper, i believe it was burning some kind of symbols into him.? oh my god i realize what is happening, as the bead of cold sweat crawled down my face i realized it was writing another book out of his skin and he was still alive . the tentacles were pumping fluid in and out of him. all i could do was run.i now know what was whispered when the passage was opened it was sacrifice NECRO.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:17:00 +0000

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