SAFE TO HOLD PROTEST WITH JEAN BARTON AND VARIOUS ACTIVIST GROUPS Date and Time: Monday, August 18th, 2014, 1pm. What: A protest of Sheriff Urquhart. Where: King County Court House, 516 3 rd Ave. Meeting up at City Hall Park on 3rd and Yesler, next to the King County Court House. Who: Members of SAFE, including Jean Barton, and members of our coalition partners. Visuals: Signs, march, chanting led by bullhorn. A protest of the King County Sheriff. Jean Barton making a statement for her family , a demand to the Sheriff Why: Friday morning, August 15, Sheriff’s deputies entered the home of Jean and Byron Barton with guns drawn and arrested the family-----their son, Jean.....and Byron from his hospital bed. We’re gathering to tell Sheriff Urquhart that this kind of treatment of our citizens is outrageous. The case was in limbo as the ownership of the property was in dispute and Sheriff Urquhart chose to intervene and side with Chase Banks fraud and an unscrupulous developer. The Sheriff is not an objective party despite his claim to contrary. He is taking full responsibility for the displacement. This is despite Jean and Byrons lawsuit, that could very well return complete ownership of their home, and an active appeal of the eviction. Detective Roger K. Juvet with the Sheriffs Department told Jean after her release that Byron had been taken to the VA hospital after his arrest, but he was actually taken to Harborview, where his sons finally found him in a terrible condition, according to Jean Barton. He was still in good spirits and wanting to continue to fight for his rights, but his lips were bleeding from severe dehydration, he had not been fed, nor received his medication. A nurse reported that they had him on watch because a Sheriffs Deputy said that Byron might hurt himself. Jean and Byron vehemently dispute this claim. He ended up spending the night back in the VA hospital. A member of SAFE wrote in a letter to Sheriff Urquhart, You had a severely disabled Vietnam Veteran thrown around like a sack of potatoes. The ownership of the property was in dispute and your office had carried out the unlawful detainer. It was clear the case was in limbo while the Bartons lawsuit and appeals worked their way through the courts, but you acted as an arbitrator and decided in Triangles favor. You took a side. His wife works in a homeless shelter and has now been made homeless by you. Byron was lost to his family for most of Friday without clothes, medication, or other necessities he needed to live. Jean reported this abuse to Senator Patty Murray. SAFE will begin a campaign against the Sheriffs office on Monday, August 18th at 1pm. Jean and other representatives of households wrongfully displaced will be making statements. People with other organizations will be joining the protest in common cause against the over reach of the King County Sheriffs Department. HOUSING IS A HUMAN RIGHT!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:41:02 +0000

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