SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE General Tips: Sedentary Workplace Some - TopicsExpress


SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE General Tips: Sedentary Workplace Some people may think there are few dangers in a sedentary work environment such as an office, but you’d be wrong. The difference is these dangers are passive, gradually affecting the body over a length of time. In a way, this can be more devastating than one single accident, as it affects your health and wellbeing for the rest of your life. For your own safety, it’s recommended you observe the following precautions: Stretch regularly. Sitting in one position for two long results in stiff muscles and reduced circulation. Getting up and moving around – or if possible, going for a walk – helps your systems get going again. Sit comfortably. If you find yourself uncomfortable, do something about it. Bring a chair from home or an extra cushion, and try to keep your back as straight as possible. Observe ergonomics. Make sure your computer screen is at eye level, so you aren’t straining your neck, and that your elbows are at right angles. Try not to hunch over or slouch too much. Drink plenty of water. It’s easy to become dehydrated without even realising it. Keep your fluids up with a water bottle – don’t just drink coffee. General Tips: Active Workplace For more active workplaces such as factories and assembly lines, more specific caution is required. Check the guidelines of your job for what the precautions and restrictions are and then follow them. Some general ones to follow also include: Never work tired. Especially if you operate heavy machinery, it’s essential you are alert and responsive. Just drinking coffee and energy drinks doesn’t cut it – get a good night’s sleep. Always be aware of your surroundings. You may be working safely, but if someone else fails to follow guidelines you may become the victim. Don’t cave to managers who ask you to flout health and safety guidelines. The rules are there for a reason, and anyone who asks you to break them is breaking the law. Never give in to this kind of pressure.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:36:41 +0000

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