SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You may be shocked by the behavior - TopicsExpress


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You may be shocked by the behavior or words of a friend at the full-moon lunar eclipse, on April 15. Allow a plus or minus four days of tolerance to this day, and clear your calendar, because it will not be easy to let this event roll off your shoulders. There are other ways the eclipse may assert news, but all of them will involve either friends or acquaintances who you know and care about, or who you recently met. It seems you may have had a different set of expectations about how you’d be treated by them, and that is related to the shocking news that these eclipses will likely deliver. The part of your chart that is lit up for you also rules clubs and charities, and certain social and professional groups devoted to making improvements to society though humanitarian, community, or political action. You may have taken a voluntary leadership role in an organization, but may be surprised that you find yourself at loggerheads with the group’s management at mid-month. Tread carefully. Sometimes an eclipse will not bring strife or disagreement, but rather care and concern over the welfare of the person highlighted in the chart. Your friend may have been given difficult life news, and you may be called upon to help her through her very emotional crisis at this full moon. At the same time, your house of love will be lit up, so you might have a romantic situation that needs tending to. (You may wonder, what else can happen this month?) With many heavenly bodies moving through your house of true love, all in disagreeable position to the eclipse 180 degrees away, you may feel tense about the way the person you are dating is treating you. It is possible a friend will give you his or her opinion about your love life, or worse, that your friend has eyes for your partner, and may be acting on it. Stay alert, and although it is unlikely that the worst manifestations of this eclipse may come up, in a month like this, you need to be ready for anything. The new-moon solar eclipse of April 28 may be a time when you realize that you cannot burn the candle at both ends without having to pay for it eventually. That right, your body will rebels. There may be times that you can — and must — get away with long hours of work with little sleep, but this month is not one of those times. The eclipse will fall in the part of your chart ruling health, and so something may occur near April 28 and the days that follow to show you that you must take your health seriously. This same eclipse will bring problems with an assignment and also your compensation (either in terms of salary or commission) and your news will likely make you incredulous when you hear it. You and the other signs are all in the same boat, dear Sagittarius. Soldier on, for you are in the process of weeding out the outworn elements of your life that will allow you to enter an exciting period of renewal. If the eclipses ask you to shed a skin, do it — the new and improved “you” that will emerge will be worth any trouble you had to go through this month to get there. CAPRICORN_small ILLUSTRATED BY EMILY FORGOT. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your life may feel some very real pressure right now. Thats because the two eclipses of this month will set off possible changes at home or in regard to a parent or other family member, and your career and, later, also your love life and plans you might have to have a baby. Each area will demand attention — all seemingly at once. At first, you will need to put more emphasis on your career, especially in the days that circle the full-moon lunar eclipse, on April 15. You may be ready to change the kind of work you do as a result of shifts, or take on more responsibility and a bigger title in a different company doing the same work. You may get an offer that will allow you to break the mold and make a transition into a completely new industry. Alternatively, you may decide to stay put, happy to work for your boss, only to discover that he or she is leaving. In this case, you may wonder, what you should do. Do little; first wait to see if you like the new boss who takes her place. Whatever is happening at work will have a direct impact at home, and you will feel strong pressure to take care of both areas, which will, admittedly, require superhuman strength. You may need to move or quickly help a parent. If youre out of work, you may find that every job you find that interests you will require relocation — that choice is of course up to you, but in that case, it seems likely that you will be moving. Capricorns born on January 15 or within four days of this date will feel this eclipse the most. This month will not be easy for you, but the changes you experience now will actually work in your favor over time — you simply need to get beyond these eclipses. But, if your birthday does not fall near January 15, you will only feel the influence mildly. Just when you are getting familiar with the problems presented at the April 15 eclipse, you will quickly be faced with a new-moon solar eclipse, on April 28, which will begin a new trend in your love life. You may meet someone new, or deal with a surprise pregnancy, or else you may be focused on a child that you already have. If you don’t have a child and do not wish for children, then this eclipse will likely green-light a new creative project. This eclipse will be in Taurus, a sign that blends well with your Capricorn Sun, so events at this time may be easily absorbed. However, at the same time, Mars will oppose Uranus and continue to bring up decisions about the matters that came to your attention earlier, at the first eclipse of April 15, in regard to your family, home, other property, and vast shifts in your career. Everything seems to influence everything else this month, dear Capricorn, and that will be true for one and all. Fortunately, you are an unflappable sign, able to withstand pressures that would make others fold in the very first burst of news — but then, that is what makes you such a fine leader. AQUARIUS_small ILLUSTRATED BY EMILY FORGOT. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) The first eclipse, on April 15, will light up the area of your chart that involves long-distance travel, legal matters, publishing and broadcasting ventures, as well as immigration issues (including green cards and visa), and will also powerfully impact negotiations that you may be conducting on a contract. Finding accord may prove to very difficult at this time, as none of the planets appear to be working in a cooperative mode. I strongly urge you to push off important matters to May, at the earliest. I say that gingerly because an eclipse will always have the ability to affect you one month later (May 15) plus or minus four days (or even one month to the day earlier, so March, 15 with the same plus or minus four days.) Mercury will go retrograde in June, and severe cosmic storms will dot the first week in July. Meaning, you may be waiting quite a while for things to clear up. So, if you put plans in place amidst such difficult aspects, you will be working harder than you need to for your initial date, setting up the DNA of the project. Ideally, you will want the best aspects at play at all new initiations. And then, the more important of the two eclipses will occur on April 28, when a solar new moon will appear in Taurus in your house of home, property, and family, most directly influencing one of your parents — most likely your father or another male connected with your home. This eclipse will set you off in a new direction, either because you have to move, or else because you need to renovate or repair your home. The fact that an eclipse is triggering this means it is no small action but a big one that will affect your life for a long time as you move forward. Planets will be squared off on this eclipse, too, and will affect your work-a-day projects, and even things going on behind the scenes, most probably at work, that you don’t even know about yet. Don’t spend any time thinking about what you cannot change, and instead focus on the things you can change. Your career is coming up as a big focus mid-May, so the time you are spending on your home situation will lay the groundwork for you to more fully give yourself to your career next month. That may be your moment to shine, so keep this in mind as you make it through April. PISCES_small ILLUSTRATED BY EMILY FORGOT. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Pisces is not a very materialistic sign, but at the first eclipse, on April 15, you will need to focus on money. You may be facing a powerful drain on your financial resources, related to taxes, an inheritance, or a purchase you did not know you needed to make (such as for a car or computer). These are some examples, but of course, there are literally hundreds of possible examples of things that might require a large check. Something about this event, however, seems quite unexpected and jarring, and the money you will need to pay will cause you to feel a pinch. Your best bet will be not to see your accountant on or near the emotional full-moon lunar eclipse of April 15, but to get your tax return done as early as possible. If you need an extension, file in mid-to-late July, your best month, not September or October. Your house of hopes and wishes, as well as your house of children and love are also about to be drawn into the conversation of the April 15 eclipse, so you may also have to put off a personal desire. But then, the April 28 eclipse will be a bit easier to experience, as it will be in Taurus, a sign that blends well with your Pisces sun. This eclipse will set off an event that centers on your ability to communicate well in writing, editing, filming, coding, advertising, translation or other such related skills. Still, although the project or opportunity may be exciting, you will have a few obstacles to get through. Be careful about any contract you sign — study it thoroughly and be sure to bring in your attorney to look it over, too. With Pluto at odds with Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter, no one will find April an easy time to find accord. Most troubling will be the opposition of Mars to Uranus, both in financial houses, so money might be a point of contention. Still, Pisces is thought to be one of the most flexible signs, and if anyone can find imaginative, creative solutions to any obstacle, it is you. Keep reminding yourself that you are not in the center of the storm that is these eclipses. As a Pisces, you had your own little nightmares from 2007 to early 2010, and those are finished. You learned a lot during that phase, and you are all the stronger for it now. You have the smarts to do a fine negotiation, so go slowly and do not be pressured under any circumstances to rush. There’s a reason it’s been said that there are more Pisces millionaires than any other sign (along with Virgo) — you put the emphasis on the product or service, where it truly belongs, which easily explains your success.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:29:19 +0000

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