SAINT APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST MARKOS The paneffimos Apostle - TopicsExpress


SAINT APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST MARKOS The paneffimos Apostle Mark preached Christ throughout Egypt and Libya and barbaric and Pentapolis, during the times of Tiberius Caesar. He wrote it and thereby also the holy Gospel, and of the apostle Peter explained. When found in Cyrene the Pentapolis, many miracles. Then he went to the Lighthouse at Alexandria and from there to Pentapolis, thafmatourgontas everywhere katakosmontas the Churches of Christ with ordinations of bishops and other clergy. Then it once again came to Alexandria and found some of their brethren on the coast of bucolic, stayed with them evangelizomenos and preaching the word of God. There thyself attacked worshipers of idols, because they could not bear to see the faith of Christ to grow, and after they tied him with ropes, dragged him. The flesh fell on the stones and tears and blood katakokkinise earth. When they put him in prison, the Lord appeared, heralding the glory that was to follow his martyrdom. After one day tied him again and dragged him in the squares. And as sparattontan and shattered the rocks, hosted by the spirit of God. During his appearance was something like this: it was not huge but not small in stature and cuddly. It was seemly and shapely, with a few white hair and beard, he was middle-aged. He had little long nose and seemed the Jewish profile of his face. Eyebrows were furled and beard were long. The head stood up and the constitution of the facial complexion was excellent. Moreover mass murderer great sympathy and was gentle to all who approached him, as if antifengizan with graces body virtues of the soul. Celebrated not the mustering of the pansepto Apostoleio, which is close to the Taurus. There are three key points of the sequence of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark, which is rather poem saint Hymnographer Theofanous: the relationship with the apostles Peter and Paul, writing of the gospel, the action in the Alexandria area with A subsequent this torment. Already cradle stresses that became companion of the Apostle Paul and passed him all Macedonia, but in Rome became the sweet singer of the preaching of Peter, while in Egypt eminently preached gave his life a martyr way (Companion egenou the dish election and together with him passed olin Macedonia and Rome; in particular studies, Peter idys interpretation anadedeixai; and anepafso Sports theoprepos in Egypt, Marche omniscience) (Sticheron evening). The relation of course with the apostles Paul and Peter are not evenly. The hymnographer and refers to the sequence of the apostle Paul from St. Mark in the above mantra, no mention anywhere else something from their relationship, and this is known as the apostle Paul did not want to continue to have as a partner of the then young John Mark , nephew of fact, due apparently to the inability of this watch the feverish pace of missionary activity itself. Instead, repeatedly Theofanis saint refers to the special relationship that developed the apostle Peter to Mark, considering the Protothrono apostle as teacher par excellence of that, so that the holy gospel of Mark is a record finally the teaching of Peter. Of the approximately eleven hymns describing Marks apprenticeship relationship with Peter completely random note the following: disciples of the wise Pierre and get rich from your filial relationship with him, Marche pansevaste, so and became the initiator of the mysteries of Christ (stones mean time wisely mathiteftheis and that ploutisas sonship, Marche panaoidime, initiator O wise sacraments Christ) (ode A). Followed Peter, wise, and as a student of formalities wisely gospel, picking up the light of theology from him, Mission (Tbit PETRO next, sof, wisely the gospel, as this student, delivered, theology light drepsamenos paraftou, missions) (c ode). Brokers agreements son of Peter the Great and well illuminated by the teachings that always brightens the souls of those who were close to hot way, Marche main task (Council of Peter the great son echrimatisas, and tais result didachais lighted always souls brightened of thee warmly prosomilounton, Marche, main tasks) (ode E). Saint hymnographer many anthems also celebrates on the gospel written by the apostle Mark. And of course, as we have seen, believes that Marks gospel recommends recording the teaching of Peter - Peters leading, glorious in well mystagogise authored the holy gospel (Peter at the top, glorious, clearly emystagogisen, Gospel syngrapsai in September) (ode s) - but it still notes that the main source of lighting was finally the grace of the Holy Spirit itself. From God you received the grace of the Spirit ... and preach the Gospel sulfur (Ex height handles the grace of the Spirit ... the divine gospel preached) (Hymn). From the house of the Lord you came as a source, sending, and watering the rich fallow hearts with streams of the Spirit (of the house of the Lord source exelilythas and watering Tash chersodeis heart per refmasi profusely the Spirit) (ode E) . And it is obvious that the hymnographer referring to Uncle Marks gospel is meant not only written the dimension and the oral. St. Mark ie before and after the recording of the gospel was the great preacher of evangelical discourse. And what he preached, and recorded it, and grace, that for the sake of the beloved of the Lord, and gave his life. Like all apostles St. Mark was also a witness of faith. And what is preached? And what he wrote? But what else besides the incarnation of the Son and Word of God, the divine passions, His venerable resurrection, His ascension to the Father! Became a writer of divine doctrines of Christ and katafotises all the land, preaching and the incarnation of the divine Passion, the venerable Resurrection and ascension to the Father (Doctrines of the divine author of Christ Heb, all the earth katefotisas, that the sarkosin and divine passions, the Venerable resurrection, and to the Father anabasine Herald, omniscient) (Sticheron ainon). The action of the apostle Mark mainly in the Egyptian region of Alexandria, action which resulted in the martyrdom, sufficiently explain the fact that Egypt is celebrated on the memory of St. Mark, which it regards as a patron. Let ymnologisoume worthy of the great patron of Egypt (Egypts megan patron competently ymnisomen) (Sticheron evening). Even understood as a gift of God saftin: The venerable apostle Mark as prelate donated to the Egyptians (Mark venerable Apostle, per Aigyptiois Hierarch dedoritai) (Theotokio ode th). Not even hesitate St. Theophanes do and correlation: Egypt was submerged before the darkness of ignorance, Lord, enlightenment when a baby born of the Virgin Mother of God (and fled because of Herod saftin). Now did you part of the triumph of Thy holy, with the teachings of theigorou Mark, charity (Egypt, before the darkness, Lord, the Virgin Mother of God katelamprynas as baby come, nevertheless triumphed the revered tais didachais of theigorou Mark, charity ) (theotokio ode s). The martyrdom of St. Mark understood finally that a culmination of his own glory. The glory of Christ is understood as a share of the glory of Christ, ie share the Passion and His Martyrdom. So then a glorified saint, when it is in torment and diaftou triumphant entrance into Paradise. Just this note and the Book of Saints, when describing the appearance of the Lord in Mark situated in prison, it notes and hymnographer, particularly in the verses of Missal: Dragging on earth Marco murderers, unaware that sent him to the skies (Dragging into the land of the Markan miaifonoi, for heavens fifths this ignooun).
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:13:34 +0000

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