SAINT MARY, THE BEAUTIFUL SPIRIT THE GREATEST WOMAN THAT WALKED ON EARTH This day I am writing about the greatest woman that walked on earth. A great saint and a beautiful spirit. It is no other person but Saint Mary, the beautiful and humble woman, the mother of our lord and master Jesus Christ, from Nazareth. A virgin,, NOT JUST AN ORDINARY VIRGIN,but, a very special virgin espoused to a man named Joseph, of the house of David. The bible in st Luke 1, verse 27 to the end wrote about how the angel came to her and said…Thou art highly favoured, the lord is with thee, blessed are thou amongst women. This great declaration of blessings did not make her reply in a proud way…you can say it again..or I knew a long time ago that I am favoured, rather she was troubled. She was told further how she would conceive in her womb and bring forth a sn and shall call his name Jesus. He would be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father and shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom, there shall beno end. He shall be called the son of God. Also she was told about HER COUSIN Elizabeths conception. What was her reply? …Behold the handmade of the lord, be it unto me according to thy word.The angel departed after fulfilling this great assignment. Out of joy, saint Mary, visited Elizabeth ,her cousin.. Saint Mary was the carrier of the holy ghost, she was not an ordinary woman.As she greeted , Elizabeth heard her salutation, not only did her baby leap in her womb , but she immediately became filled with the holy ghost. Even Elizabeth declared her the mother of God…luke 1..43. Also in luke 1, 46 to 55, Mary magnified the lord, her spirit rejoiced in God. God is mighty, does great things, his name is holy and his mercy is on them that fear him. God scatters the proud in their imaginations. God has made all generations to call her blessed. God puts down the mighty in their seats,and exalted them of low degree. God shows mercy to Israel as he spoke to Abraham. After three months, she returned to her own house. Mary was an humble woman, the envy of many women because of her beauty and chastity. Men wanted her,a lot of the rich men needed her but been the type not for fornication, also been very spiritual, she got attracted to a spiritual man ,a God fearing man as herself, named Joseph, a carpenter. A lot of women in her shoes would have gone for kings, princes etc, but not Mary. LOTS OF MEN WENT WILD WITH ENVY WHEN SHE GOT ENGAGED TO Joseph and J OSEPH KEPT THIS BEAUTIFUL VIRTURE OF Mary in his heart and that was part of the reason that , when he discovered her with a child, he decided putting her away secretly. He would rather have died than humiliate such a special being. Thanks to the angel that appeared to Joseph in a dream saying….Joseph thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife..for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. All through her life time she exhibited godliness When. At the wedding in Cana of Galilee ..John 2, verse 1 to 8 At the wedding, Jesus and his mother with his disciples were present. When they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him that they have no wine. Ever loving, ever kind, she sought her sons favour. It was this undying nature of helping people that motivated Jesus turning water into wine. The place she delivered tells how she is, a woman who does not complain, ,a woman that loves her husband and does not mind passing through any type of pain with the man she loved. A very caring mother and wife indeed. While her son was growing up,. and never fornicated, people wondered if all was well with the son, despite that, she bore her pain quietly, Rather than thinking of getting married to women ,as other men where doing, her son was busy going about from place to place speaking about the kingdom of God,to carnally minded people who never understood anything..they made jest but she held her peace.A woman with great faith, she believed in God and what the angel told her. A woman who believed in holiness, her husband trusted and honoured her.He stayed without touching her till she put to bed. He was honoured for her sake. Her children call her blessed. Mary feared the lord greatly. Ask me about the greatest woman that lived and I will tell you that ,it is Mary,the mother of Jesus. Mary is a woman who saw much pain. For your sake and mine,she watched her son crucified for doing no evil.All for us to be saved, what is more than our salvation? Her beloved son suffered not only on the cross but on the way to the cross. Think about it. He was humiliated worse than an armed robber.Infact ,we should give her honour. I am not of the catholic church but the truth has to be told. Is there anything wrong in honouring Mary, the mother of our lord and master Jesus Christ ,after all she went through? I wonder what the noise is about concerning the honour the catholic church gives to Mary. She indeed deserves even more honour AND IF I AM ASKED TO SPEAK OUT TO CHRISTIANS WORLDWIDE, EVERY CHURCH SHOULD GIVE REVERENCE TO MARY, Saint Mary, the mother of Jesus. Create a time on a daily basis where she must be glorified. If we have pastors days, give unnecessary honour to about 85 percent of our pastors and other spiritual leaders that most times are living double lives, then we are not honouring this special being enough. I want us to search our hearts properly. It is only a spiritual mind that understands spiritual issues, so lets reason together. Sarah called her husband lord and there was no cause for alarm, then why wont we honour the mother of God? ,As led by the spirit, I will declare 17 august, when all Christians all over the world will celebrate ..MARYS DAY. Do we truly love God? Do we appreciate him?, Are we humble? Do we submit to Gods will in our lives? Then, let us give honour to whom honour is due.LET US REJOICE IN WHAT GOD HAS DONE. PASTOR LOVINA AMANGALA IBURENE THE TRUTH MINISTRY BRINGING THE TRUTH THAT FREES/..THE TRUE LOVERS OF CHRIST WORLD CHARITY MINISTRY, LAGOS, NIGERIA….World Public Ministry…BRINGING THE TRUTH THAT FREES …08066350994, 08135907006 E mails..pstlovina@yahoo,lovibupastor@gmail Facebook acc..pst lovina, the truth ministry bringing the truth that frees, the true lovers of Christ world charity ministry, evangelist lovina amangala iburene
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 11:44:23 +0000

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