SALVATION BY A VAGUE FAITH BEFORE BAPTISM IS A RELATIVELY RECENT IDEA Jesus placed baptism before salvation (Mark 16:16). Peter, by the Holy Spirit, put remission of sins AFTER baptism (Acts 2:38). Ananias put washing away of sins after baptism (Acts 22:16). Paul put union with Christ and newness of life at the point of baptism (Rom.6:3-5). He also put God cutting away sin at baptism (Col.2:12). Peter said that baptism DOES also now save us(1 Peter 3:21). It seems that everyone understood this connection, even the reformation leaders, until this recent century. Now, it seems that very few understand the connection of faith and baptism to union with Jesus like Jesus and the apostles did. Even Luther held a better concept of faith as an umbrella term that INCLUDED repentance and baptism. Luther is often credited with teaching this kind of faith only, but his faith only included baptism. Luther was fighting the Catholic concepts of meritorious works. He was not trying to teach that faith does not include repentance and baptism. Therefore, his faith only concept was different than modern concepts. Luther said, The first thing in baptism to be considered is the divine promise, which says: he that believeth and is baptised shall be saved. This promise must be set far above all the glitter of works, vows, religious orders, and whatever man has added thereto; for on it all our salvation depends. But we must so consider it as to exercise our faith therein and in nowise doubt that we are saved when we are baptised. Luther taught that faith could never be simply an idea in the head or a mere appreciation of the facts of Jesus Christ. He said, faith is an active,difficult, and powerful thing. There is a sense in which we too would say we are saved by faith alone. It is faith alone that urges me to teach what Jesus said about repentance and baptism (Mk.16:16; Acts 2:38). Faith is the only reason for repentance or baptism. The Law of Moses does not teach one to be baptized. The law of the land or whatever has been distributed morally among the Gentiles does not teach one to be baptized. Only my faith in Jesus teaches me to be baptized. Therefore, the only motivating force is faith in Jesus Christ. In this sense, though it is not the angle of James approach in 2:19f, we can be said to be saved by faith in Jesus Christ alone. But, if we do not define our angles and our word meanings, we open ourselves up for misunderstanding. This becomes fatal to those who misunderstand us. Only because of faith does one love the Lord, hope to see God, work to please God, etc. But, such a statement does not attempt to define the precise moment of salvation by faith as happening before and without baptism. Without faith it is impossible to please Him (Heb.11:6). By faith we seek to please Him, and faith will produce godly sorrow as an ingredient of faith, repentance as an ingredient of faith, and baptism in the name of Jesus as an ingredient of faith. The modern concept of saving faith excluding any of those things is the same kind of non-saving faith as we see in the men who believed but would not confess Him.(John 12:42). Such a faith will not save. -Terry W. Benton
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:43:28 +0000

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