SALVATION I love talking about salvation and our ONLY path to - TopicsExpress


SALVATION I love talking about salvation and our ONLY path to heaven through Jesus Christ. (No man gets to the father but through me) Salvation is very debated for instance some Methodists will say I can be saved by baptism alone, Catholics will say my works save me, Many Protestants believe I can lose salvation after I have attained it and even go as far as to classify this as a reprobate mind, well there is a lot of confusion in the church and lets remember in ........... we see God is not the author of confusion, So it is my hope to give you a better understanding of salvation as you read this i hope you read with an open mind and set aside the confusion and look at what the Bible has to say. I believe as long as we are alive that we can be saved. One key verse I base this off is, 2Pet 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Like i said here is what I believe, as long as we breath and the gift of life resides in us, We can accept Jesus Christ. I believe as long as we live and we call out to Jesus we can be saved. The bible plainly states its Gods will that none should perish. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened, as long as we are living and we are seeking God and ask God to save our soul. He will hear. But with that being said I do believe the door will be shut in the future. More on that soon but for now here are a few more verses that I believe will help validate this point. Mt 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. Jn 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Lk 15:7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance. Lk 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. As long as we are in the flesh and we come to the understanding of Jesus Christ. We can be saved, I hope we agree on that. -------- Before I go any further I want to make this point. Baptism in water will not save you and works will not save you. jesus said NO MAN GETS TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME. (John 14:6) So far all of this has brought up a topic.. What is free choice? As a result of mans sinful lifestyle we are doomed for hell. THE WAGES OF SIN ARE DEATH GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNSL LIFE. Romans 6:23. So based off this verse God doesnt send anyone to hell, were already doomed for hell as a result of our sin. I need to bring up this point hell is fire, fire purifies, therefore hell is an eternal purification for the sins we have committed. But here is the good news that sin can be paid and we can be purified by accepting that free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Here is the free choice, God loves his creation and will NOT force himself on anyone. We as humans have free choice to live the life we choose and pay for this sins we have committed and not because God sent us their but be cause we decided that path or we can chose Jesus and be saved from all of that. See God made a way of escape, hell was only prepared for the sin of the devil and his Angels. For certain individuals who will chose not to accept God in their lifes thats where we can discuss predestination and reprobate mind. Which we will do shortly for these people we should witness sow a seed and wipe the dust from our feet as the bible says in Luke 9:5. ---------- Another argument that stems from any discussion on salvation is can your salvation be lost due to a sinful lifestyle or leaving God. The answer for this question is very simple, and I think is a representation of the prodigal son. But Ill answer this question with a simple analogy. If I hand you a gift and say this is free all you have to do is accept it, than its a gift regardless of whatever you do in your life you will still have the gift. This is the same with the gift of salvation God gives and I believe it can be seen in the scriptures above that state its not Gods will that any should perish. See God is a loving God, We may runaway from him but the truth of salvation is God will always bring us back or at least call us back if we listen. 1 Corinthians 5:5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Like I said before I honestly believe that as long as someone is alive they can accept Jesus Christ. Ive heard it said Gods only required to knock once. Ibe read the bible through from cover to cover twice now and I still have not located this verse. What I have found is a verse that says TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION, TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME. (2Cornthians 6:2)this verse plainly states today, and everyday for a living soul can be considered today. So Im tired of hearing pastors say were only promised one chance, Ill agree that there is a day coming when the door of grace will be shut. And thats when time and eternity meet. Thats why the Bible says their is a day that Ill knock and God wont answer. When eternity comes Ive already made my choice. Like I said its really sad when I hear a pastor say you may only have one chance, when pastors say this it leads people away from church, it confuses them, and in the end that mentality will send people to hell. The biblical answer yet again is its not Gods will that any should perish but all should come to repentance. Any man that lives and breaths right now and calls out to God can accept salvation, because the door is still open and until that individual closes their eyes in death they can still accept Jesus. Because yet again the God I serve is a loving God. I will say this after death the door will be shut and in hell you can call out to God and knock all you want but God wont answer you at that point the door of salvation is closed. If you do not understand any of this please message me so I can go into more detail. Now Im not saying that a man can live his life however he wants and accept God on his death bed thats another talk, and if thats how you think, your living on borrowed time. As you sow so shall ye also reap. --------- I believe that when the bible says pre destination that means God new that certain people would not accept him but he still allows those people free choice within the grace period. So as Christians here is what we do, remember we can not know everything but God dose. We pray for everyone and sow a seed, but finally if they will not hear us we wipe the dust from our feet (luke 9:5) and we move on to tell the gospel to those that will listen. Isa 22:25 In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that [was] upon it shall be cut off: for the Lord hath spoken [it]. This verse means the day of salvation or grace will one day end, that day has not came yet. I hope you enjoyed.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 06:31:18 +0000

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