SAMARITAN AVIATION - IN RURAL PNG. GOD BLESS THE HEARTS OF THE DEDICATED MISSIONARIES TOUCHING LIVES IN RURAL PNG. Here is a Family based in Wewak who are doing wonders for the rural people of East Sepik Province of PNG. I will be posting some of their work shortly. I am so touched. Mark Palm, the President and co-founder of Samaritan Aviation, visited Papua New Guinea in 1994. While trekking through the jungle and seeing the desperate needs of the people, he felt that God was calling him to this country and devote his in serving the people of Papua New Guinea. In January of 2010, he brought his wife and children to this country and established their home in the town of Wewak. Kirsten Palm has earned a Bachelors of Arts Degree and a Masters Degree in Cross Cultural Education from Point Loma Nazarene University. She has her Secondary Teaching Degree in Health Sciences. Kirsten has been a part of short-term mission trips to Mexico, Portugal, Chili, Papua New Guinea, and has lived in Papua New Guinea since January 2010. Kirsten has been a part of Samaritan Aviation since 1998. Their children Sierra, Drake and Nolan love helping out and being a part of the ministry. Sierra helps in the hospital ministry, and all three kids have helped in the delivery of medical supplies to remote villages up the Sepik River. They are a part of the community outreach and relationship building with the Papua New Guineans. As a family, the Palm’s make a great team. They work together to make the rescue flights, hospital ministry, hospitality with teams and meetings possible, and are working full time to build relationships with the people of Papua New Guinea. ( samaritanaviation)
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 04:05:11 +0000

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