SAMBISA FOREST AND GWOZA HILLS--->FOCUS OF ATTENTION! _______________________________________________ WHAT WE KNOW --->Intelligence report indicates that Boko Haram terrorists use SAMBISA FOREST and GWOZA HILLS as their transit-safe-havens between their targets in Nigeria and their secret camps--->In Cameroon very close to the Nigerian border. --->On the night of the attack it is believed that some 200 Boko Haram fighters carried out the Chibok school raid. Lets pause for a minute and ask this PERTINENT QUESTION; ____________________________________________ ...200 ARMED MEN, HOLD AN ENTIRE NATION LIKE NIGERIA TO RANSOM???... ____________________________________________ These terrorists are too small an amount to hold an entire country like Nigeria to ransom. I believe in conspiracy theories to a logical extent, however such theories cannot eclipse a clear case of security failure derived from an obvious lack of defense resources. Even if America, Russia and Africa conspire to kidnap girls from a school in a secure Country in western europe such as Germany, France, Spain etc they cannot just come into these territories--->WITHOUT any form of resistance! Even if their citizens dont co-operate. ____________________________________________ @Jonathanians... --->GEJ MUST fulfill his obligation to protect Nigerians --->He should dedicate our resources to secure our Country and its citizens as opposed to presidential jets and 2015 presidential elections --->He should take the war to the terrorists in Sambisa, Gwoza and their camps in Cameroon (The latter with a prior agreement with his Cameroonian counterpart) --->He should set up special commando forces, equipped with morden technology, (Apache helicopters...why not?...Dont we have the money?) Tankers, surface to air missiles, Night vision equipments etc. --->He should ensure that these work hand in hand with other Countries who will provide intelligence report via Satellite imagery systems of movements between SAMBISA FOREST & GWOZA HILLS --->He should show absolute solidarity to the victims and families of terror --->He should get out of the air conditioned offices in Asorock and regularly visit the affected areas, victims, families as well as security forces to boost their morals encourage them to continue to fight and defend the country. --->He should PERSONALLY (as in PERSONALLY!!) ensure that our troops are provided all the resources required to defeat these terrorists --->He should STOP going to parties a few hours after terrorist attacks as a sign of solidarity for the victims and their families for God sake, even my little cousin knows that!... --->He should encourage the general public to co-operate and punish those who are found guilty of sponsoring Boko Haram. #BringBackOurGirls
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 10:19:56 +0000

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