SAME QUESTION I PREVIOUSLY ASKED: ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THE PRESIDENT HAS STILL NOT COME OUT AND CONDEMNED THE NYPD POLICE SHOOTINGS? WHAT ABOUT THE SUBSEQUENT SHOOTINGS? HAS ZEROBAMA HELD ANY TYPE OF PRESS CONFERENCE TO URGE CALMNESS IN THE GHETTOS? I KNOW HES BUSY GOLFING BUT HAS ANYONE LET HIM KNOW THERE HAVE BEEN FIVE MORE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS ON OFFICERS! OF COURSE HE HASNT! Earlier this week, a Department of Homeland Security Insider leaked that OBAMA HAS GIVEN THE GREEN LIGHT TO A RACE WAR, INTENDED TO ESCALATE TO THE POINT WHERE MARTIAL LAW IS REQUIRED. I know some of you might find that VERY difficult to believe, given the fact that Obama CHOSE to make AL SHARPTON of ALL PEOPLE his ambassador of race relations, and even harder to believe given the CLEARLY DISTRAUGHT STATE [rolling my eyes!] we have seen Obama exhibiting while hacking his way across endless Hawaiian golf resorts. CLEARLY the recent police shootings have taken a devastating toll on His Highness’s Ass, but why don’t we willingly suspend the notion of disbelief for a moment, and see what facts might support such a leak that OBAMA HAS GIVEN A GREEN LIGHT TO A RACE WAR… To begin the discussion,, why don’t we go back to PRE-MICHAEL BROWN VERDICT July of 2014. I have found it particularly troubling that back in early July, MICHELLE OBAMA SAID GUN CONFISCATION WOULD BE A REALITY BY THE TIME BARACK’S TERM IS UP. What did Michelle know that the rest of did not for her to make a comment like that? I suppose when looked at in a vacuum absent all other stories, that could just look like Michelle running her mouth a little, however I urge you to look deeper. The following is an excerpt from my post titled: ALL HELL IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE – IS OBAMA TRYING TO CAUSE CIVIL UNREST: By choosing to announce his extremely controversial executive agenda on amnesty at almost precisely the same time the verdict in the shooting death of Michael Brown is expected to be announced, President Barack Obama risks causing civil unrest in America. THE TIMING IS SO SENSELESS THAT IT ALMOST LOOKS LIKE OBAMA IS DELIBERATELY TRYING TO STIR UP DOMESTIC DISORDER. Police departments across the country are preparing for riots in the aftermath of what many expect to be the acquittal of Officer Darren Wilson, a decision expected to be made within the next 36 hours. Meanwhile, Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn warns that Obama’s plan to legalize as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants, set to be announced tonight, threatens to cause bedlam. “The country’s going to go nuts, because they’re going to see it as a move outside the authority of the president, and it’s going to be a very serious situation,” Coburn said on Capital Download. “You’re going to see — hopefully not — but you could see instances of anarchy. … You could see violence.” So, from even before the Brown Verdict, people were beginning to scratch their heads and wonder what in God’s name Obama was thinking with several of his horrible decisions. In hindsight, they ALL had to do with race. In August I posted: OBAMA’S PLAN FOR AMERICA: CAN YOU SURVIVE IT, which says the following: He has divided us, turning us one against the other and transformed our cities into a para-military state by arming our police better than Hitler’s Brown Shirts. He has set friend against friend, brother against brother and parent against child with his socialist give-a-ways, all in the name of “Fairness” and “Fundamental Change”. READ ON…
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:46:22 +0000

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