SAME STUFF,... DIFFERENT DAY! I posted this response to a woman - TopicsExpress


SAME STUFF,... DIFFERENT DAY! I posted this response to a woman Fire Chief who felt more was needed to help women in the Fire Service and it appeared men needed to do more of the heavy lifting to make her demands realized. See the posting here: firerescue1/female-firefighters/articles/1881180-Fire-service-has-a-leadership-crisis/ I support anyone who desires to take on anything to better themselves but I become uneasy when their dreams require the sweat, blood and tears of others so I posted the following two cents .... I apologize to all who are offended by my thoughts. ******************************************************************************************* All the talking points here that are well planned and deployed are but some of the reasons why women are struggling to find positions in any sector that has been formerly the responsibility of the people who have always been subjected to the harshest, most dangerous and thankless positions in any society... the men! Men are still, in this modern day of female liberation, expected to accept being discriminated against when those of us with the needed skill sets and desire to be stay at home Dads are met with degrading, abusive and cruel attack campaigns by feminist groups. If the scenario were reversed? I have witnessed too many magazine, billboard and television ads depicting men as pigs, dogs, wolves or humans who needed a woman to guide them or they would surely be lost. If these same scenarios were aimed at women, the darkest, hottest and filthiest day in hell would be an enviable choice compared to the suffering that would be known conjured up by the females of the liberated, first world west. I have seen the most fearless and physically rugged men, shudder with fear when offered the picture of another mans suffering at the hands of his master and trainer, his lawfully wedded wife! These men knew from experience the wrath of his own Mr. Hyde that lives inside his sweet little woman, the person who may be excused from taking responsibility for attacking a man with rolling pins, frying clubs!, and not spend an hour in jail just because they are womb-men. Our society is so liberal and dismissive to its females that they are actually able to get away with murder if they can sway the judiciary into believing they were being abused or are too sweet and innocent to be punished for a crime that will earn the male of our species... free room and board.... in a gated community.... with 24/7 security for life. I too often witness men being assigned to help their female co-workers because the women are physically incapable of heavy lifting, or pretend to be, so the employer pays two people to do the job of one. This is to the feminists, equality in the work place. They want the same rate of pay too! Now comes this well educated professional, a uniquely qualified and experienced individual, Chief Horvath sounding the alarm to make all who will listen take notice that there are people who have the talent, education, willingness and passion to do a thing but are being overlooked or worse, discriminated against when they try to give of themselves to corps and community.... who are not men! Well Chief my response is ... welcome to the world of men! We suffer all that women do trying to realize our dreams and hopes, we just do not make so much noise about it. We just keep sticking our faces into the fan of life and dream on! I see at the end of your presentation you do exactly what makes men not try too hard to help your cause.. you state three things that must be done to perfect the needed change to move your cause forward. All of these changes, it appears, must be done by MEN! Again the females make demands on men in order to better the feminist agenda. Men did not have to rely on the feminists to create the world from sod, blood and tears. We just grabbed life by the throat and choked what we wanted out of it in our past, here in the present and it seems there will be no relief from the back breaking toil anytime in the future. I have always felt that women, in America especially, have had a quality of life few men will ever know just because they are born female. The men who do realize this level of freedom have either been born to wealth and privilege or used others as stepping stones... like women do. When females build the infrastructure after taming the deserts, jungles, oceans and skys just like males have been doing for all time and covet certain sectors as reward for being selfless, fearless and willing to face death to save a fool.... then have some group of radicals come and try to just jump on the bus and demand you respect them, and you do not resist and acquiesce to the demands that you make three things happen to allow this, then you will have my respect and total support. Because only after having given and done so much just to be forced to allow others to come and sit at the banquet table after having skirted around all the bleeding, sweating and crying, will you have earned anything from the men! F.Y.I. Chief, the reason men desire to face death surrounded by nothing but other men is simple. It is better for many of them to be there, and enjoy the total freedom to just be who they are and not have to watch every step and word, that is just not found anywhere else. Men were forced to allow females into the Citadel but there are still all female institutions where no man may attend. The right to privacy, a well worn escape route for females, does not exist for men. The list is long and terrifying of how many privileges females covet that are out of the reach of men and still you want more. In closing I wish to say to you, something men rarely hear from females ....Thank you! For this eye opening presentation that more than supports my point of view. Just start your own public service entities already! Get the funding, suffer the pain and take responsibility yourselves for all that follows, because it is a fact women are pound for pound of muscle tissue stronger than men and you are smarter and more capable in every way according to the feminist rhetoric, so there is no good excuse for, your better than half of humanity, not to do your own thing. And if you wish it to be, do not include men. I am sure we will not mind Be well and stay safe Chief Horvath. Fireman Fritz.. 10-7
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:06:31 +0000

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