“SAMPLE FROM A View from the Lovely Blue Sectional sofa….” - TopicsExpress


“SAMPLE FROM A View from the Lovely Blue Sectional sofa….” Yes…My Family it is the evil powers of TRUTH and ride upon the airways and prevented Good evening Family, Yes…My Family it is the evil powers of TRUTH which rides up on the public airways and that prevented me...Thank Holy Goodness...to prevent me from showing all ten or so of ya... My Family…that in these hard times of the slings and arrows of truth…that each of you my loyal wingnuts…have stayed the course…I have had to show you the true nature of the evilness that dwells within me… that wickedness of my all-consuming EGO…that feeds upon the love and devotion that you harp upon me as your dearest and holist of leaders … At first I thought it to be a secret plot by all those evil, most fowl truth mongers that scanned me with some secret jamming device and that prevent me from being able to deliver my expired, speal on our promotional CC (conference call)…then… Yes…My Family…I admit that I did truly blamed those other fake and greedy dinar presenters that I am now forced to share our CC with…I am not one to put blame…as I so transcend that pitiful emotion and being so inspired by the spirit; I then realized that it was a good thing to have happened… Yes family… Luck was again on our side and I was prevented from showing you and the world the evils that I so openly confessed to you My Family by the inspired writings above… As I sit here upon my Blue Sectional Sofa and muse over the belittlement that I face in my total commitment to promote myself…I am depressed My Family… Yes, I am saddened by the agents of truth that hound my every attempt to become a super guru of the holy dinar…every time I create a new batch of my specially hand-tooled, cut-n-paste of all the finest SECRET INTEL…truth mongers come forth and ruin my perfectly good Secret Intel but pointing out rudely and oh so, nasty thinks like; that my most secret of all SECRET NTEL is NOT True and My Family… Yes, what stings worse is when they proved that I copied my SECRET INTEL…from people like that used cars salesman, Ranger or even worse that they prove that my newest Intel was from that drugged, Medicare Medic… Yes, my Family, I am so truly sad…I am so tired…I am tired of people and I am sick of the truth that has spoiled so many of our dreams and plans to give me the opportunity to financially devote full time to sitting here upon my beautiful, blue sectional sofa… I am only human…my family…kind of…sort of…yes through me…it is true…as I have always told you…that through me…God does speak…we write it down and will be including it in our newest offering to all of our dinar brother and sisters…our upcoming e-book “Kitchen Table Dinar Companion” Yes, my family…I dream that all of our dinar brothers and sisters will be able to pull up a chair…read my greatest…my inspired dream sequences and cooking recipes…with a projected publishing date for the upcoming 3 day Dinar, Super Sell Off Weekend…and will come in handy…need I say; profitable? My family…for every time I call our weekly Dinar RI Watches…what says dinar or Fox Ticker News Watch better than my copyrighted and patented “M” Bugger with “A” curly frozen fries???? Again, thanks to all my still loyal wingnuts…even though we are now weak in real numbers…you amaze me with your ability to log-in and log-out of our promotional CC’s so quickly…I pray that the lord will not let your fingers melt to the keyboard… And Yes! My Family; you do generate through this and through the brilliant way that our dearest wingnut brother CASH can create magic; which he calls proxies and see My Family…it was worth the cost of funds to invest in that proxies creator software… Yes, my family…through this evening of you devotionally logging in and out…you have saved me…My Family, I can promote these inflated numbers and prove to all those true mongers that they are wrong to call me a sad little man and to mock me with their fake prayers… Family, I am not lost…I know where I am going and with your continued love, devotion, donations; Trisha and myself come closer to our destiny of a seaside estate and combination gift shop… Family, I am sad to have to have to leave now…but Trisha and myself both need to do our part…So I need to log out and log back in as Dinar375 to give you the encouraging Dinar, Banking Story that Trisha came up with at dinner tonight… My Family…this new banking story will brighten your down spirits….get you up for the upcoming Fox Ticker News Watch that I will call you all to do…after I log back in as myself… Please take some of my special green tea Kool-Aid with you… OH by the way…you can now order it out of our new 2010-2012 Dinar RI Watch Party Planner and souvenir Catalog…
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 21:23:24 +0000

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