SAN SEBASTIAN DE LA Gomera - Canary Islands - SPAIN (Some reviews) - TopicsExpress


SAN SEBASTIAN DE LA Gomera - Canary Islands - SPAIN (Some reviews) (Popularly called the Villa) is a municipality located in the province of Tenerife, is the capital of the island of La Gomera., The term is located east of the island and has an area of 114.47 km 2, is a height of 5 meters and has a commercial port, passed by Columbus on his voyages to the Americas. Population: In addition to the helmet, the most important population entities are: Molinito, Laguna de Santiago and Tecina near 1850 absorbed the town of Jerduñe. The economy in the past has been based on agriculture, but in recent years has become important services sector. Attractions: Torre del Conde: It was built between 1447 and 1450 by Conde de La Gomera, (During a rebellion by the natives of the island was a place of refuge from the Spaniards). Columbus House: Place where he stayed, now Museo.Iglesia parish of Our Lady of the Assumption. Puntallana Ermita de la Virgen de Guadalupe (Patroness of La Gomera) Chapel of the Holy Christ of Pastrana in the homonymous district and is the most revered of La Gomera Christ. (Around 1599, a group of Dutch, tried to invade the island the port of the town, but were repulsed by Gomeros).
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:02:56 +0000

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