SANDRA’S DIARY AND LOVE BIRTHED ME 12:07:14 I had jokingly - TopicsExpress


SANDRA’S DIARY AND LOVE BIRTHED ME 12:07:14 I had jokingly asked to go back in time. I guess my prayers got answered as i bowed my head... I pushed the thick cobwebs out of my way and behold it was bright and broad daylight. The sun was at its best today... Licking up everything moisture from the greens that made up the huge field, where I now stood. Across the field stood the most elegant man I had ever seen. The sun added radiance to his dark skin and the sweat that trickled down his spine glittered through rays. As though just noticing me, he smiled broadly at me from across the tarred road and my knees wobbled... ‘where on earth had he been?’. I said lustfully... Oh. I wanted him for keeps. Immediately my mood became as romantic as those movies made in black and white in the sixteen hundreds. Then his face tightened and the smile vanished and I saw his lips move, ‘I am in love with someone else’.. And there was a quick fast forward back to present ‘so?’ i thought and ... huh? He was answering my thought... ‘I am your father’. I swear, i would have given anything not to have heard those words and now, the stranger was not only charming but also mysterious. I had to be careful with someone who could read my every thought and preempt my every action. He signaled for me to follow and on the tarred road we strolled and i noticed for the first time he had some rainbow colored flowers in hand... ‘who is he taking those to?’, i thought ‘my woman’ he replied Huh? Again he replies my thought. We had walked some distance when i noticed a woman i recognised as my mother sitting under the hot sun with hand on cheeks - lost. I rushed to hide... She must not see me with a man! I watched as her face brightened on seeing him... Yet knowing her so well, something was still wrong... ‘what was it?’ i thought and immediately missed the stranger who could answer my thought... They seemed to be settling into each other when another man with teeth like Dracula and body like a rhino proceeded from her abode... In fear she retreated to his side and oh... I was folding my sleeves ready to punch if not that... Well, the stranger did not flinch. He walked up to the dragon and in a minute the man was all smiles and on his way... He gave my mother the flowers and... Oh i blinked and she was heavy with child and I seemed to blink again and they stood together with a child... The view was beautiful... Never seen my mother so happy in a long time. This was Love and the child was birthed out of Love... I don’t know if i blinked or what happened but I could not feel the ground under me again... I was nauseous... My mother towered above me and I tried to read her lips as she said ‘tell me again, what you told him’. And i turned my head to see the handsome stranger standing next to her with pride written all over his broad smile and shoulder. Then he said ‘ i told him there is a place where the sun and moon meet. There he would find your heart.’. My mother’s dark skin could not contain her elaborate blush and i felt like some big hand was moving me... I was now so close to the stranger... He was bringing his lips to me... With arms stretched out, i pulled him into the kiss before he could change his mind. And they both burst out laughing... And i heard my mother say ‘she is just like you. Going for what you want’... The handsome stranger smiled and said ‘like father like daughter’. Huh? What did he mean by... Oh my God! This mirror could be bad... I am no baby.. He could not be carrying me like that... No wonder i could not feel the earth... My limbs feel so small... Where was my big self? I opened my eyes to see my mother and siblings laughing at me. I had not responded to any of the prayers during the morning devotion and they had rounded off and sat round waiting for me to return from the spirit?? lol. ©copyright 2014. A. Sandra.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:42:08 +0000

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