SANDRA’S DIARY RETARD 23:10:14 There once was a naive - TopicsExpress


SANDRA’S DIARY RETARD 23:10:14 There once was a naive young girl who fell hopelessly in love with Retard. Their love grew and blossomed and all flaws were hidden from the piercing rays of peers. Their exalted journey together became exhausting. The carriage became too tight to contain them. They had to split and continue their journey separately but, ‘NO’, Retard bellowed. Days of laughter became lean as anger and frustration took over. ‘your love is being tested’, said her first alter ego ‘love’s test should come to us both and not I alone’, she argued. ‘kill the insecure, drunk and self centered hypocrite’, suggested her second alter ego. ‘well dear, Love is really expensive this days. Not everyone has the strength to feel and let their feelings show. And still it is rare to find a partner who appreciates and reciprocates your feelings. In all, it boils down to how much you are willing to take. To keep giving, to keep receiving or to give and receive love. It is up to you my dear’. The first alter ego cut in. ‘I just hate him. You deserve better than this. He is just so worthless’, the second alter ego ranted. ‘love and keep loving hon. You are stronger than any hurt you can ever imagine’. The first alter ego cut in and she snapped them off. To ween Retard off her did she plot and she really did try so hard but, he maimed her when she allowed him into a place where no one had being before so, she was powerless to his touch, his kiss and his passionate strokes. Things only remained same whenever it seemed like it was changing. So, she sought outside help by surrendering her self to another who unknown to her, had pledged eternity with another. As she dropped a piece of Retard, she picked up a bit of the other. Day in and day out did she fight with all vigor till the battle was won. Yet, she did not realize that a place wherein she had fought one off she was fighting to keep another on. She turned around hoping to fall into a warm embrace and bury her face in his scintillating manly ardor, but all she met were scattered rocks with sun dried sand and harmattan breeze. Good thing they say, ‘the heart of a woman is as the deep blue sea’, for, the winds cannot make the sea turn on itself. Now, just like the end of every war, and scores have been counted, peace and balance is restored. N/B: I sincerely want to thank all those who have support this concept from the beginning and also to those who have not, well YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET! Sandras Diary is going on a break now to retouch and repackage the whole Idea... please keep being supportive. THANK YOU. ©copyright 2014 Sandra Timi
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:52:48 +0000

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