SANI TRANSIT PREDICTION FOR 12 RASIS https://facebook/groups/keralaastrology1900/ Horoscope analyzation , Gemological Consultation , Know your future !! ONLINE CONSULTATION AVAILABLE, Personal Consultation is chargeable . !!Your questions will be answered personally via Email , Message , Skype or Phone as per ur wish. ARIES - MESHAM It’s a tough Saturn Transit for Aries since Saturn moves in the 8th house. This transit of Saturn is referred to as Ashtama Sani and the feature of this transit is delays and disappointments. You must try to finish all unfinished tasks before 02nd November 2014. This is the time for looking inward, making realistic goals and targets and curbing unnecessary expenditure. Try to regulate your life to combat lethargy. This is also the time to take care of health. Ensure that you have your regular checkup. You may suffer from slow metabolism, pain in the back, knees and area below the knees. Because Aries is the sign of energy this restrictive influence of Saturn may cause an imbalance in your Biorhythm cycle. This transit gives the message to turn inwards and being patient. Elderly natives will require medical attention. There might be an unwanted relocation or travel that makes you stay away from loved ones. Relationships, particularly with your higher ups will strain. Even your social relationships might be disturbed. There might be unwarranted and uncalled for disputes or litigations with respect to properties. You may have to compromise on your rights in your own properties. Some will have to run for the help of law enforcing agencies like the police. Still, justice will be at a faraway distance and you will have to walk miles ahead to make people listen to your grievances. There will be situations when you will have to have greater health concerns. Normal health will be affected. Even there might be nothing. But you will have a frightening situation that your concerns will be serious and in the end of the day, you will find that you are not in the risk. But, before coming to this conclusion or medical opinion, you may have spent a good lot of money. Anyway, a caution is necessary in health care matters. If you are having any new business idea or new venture, this is not the right time for it. It is better that you postpone your proposals until 2017 end. In most cases, it will not be wise to contemplate or propose a marriage during this time. Some will have opportunities to travel abroad - but under threat and in a state of distressed mind. TAURUS - RISHABAM Saturn shall enter the 7th house in this transit. The 7th house stands for travel and interpersonal relationships. An average transit that might test the fiber of your interpersonal relationships. Be cautious in your dealings and be wary of enemies who might be looking for an opportunity to tarnish your reputation. The key is to be gentle, rational and objective in your relationships and sometimes even compromise to save a good relationship. Those looking to establish foreign connect and contacts for business etc. will be successful. Prerequisite is hard work and focus. Now there is a slight shift in the way things happen. For some, the health of the spouse would be affected. For some there may be some kind of a romantic experience. Beware; there is always a risk for your reputation and fame in any kind of romantic relationship. This time it appears that it will be kind of being below your status and dignity. It will help you great, if you can keep yourself away from such attractions. Some will have a compelling reason to travel abroad. Your career will corner you with some situation that going abroad is a must. But at home, the situation will be altogether different. At home you will have every reason to remain at home and take care of things. Or there might be emotional bindings that prevent you from going abroad. You will be caught between the two diagonally opposite considerations. Finally, your career will mean your survival and you will have to take up the journey with rather a heavy heart. Some will have reasons to be scared of the long hands of the law and law enforcing agencies. Even some might seek legal remedy to bail out from the hands of law. All these put together will create a sense of fear about the security of job. With almost nothing faulty at your hands, you will have to be mulling over all these unwarranted worries. Finances will be decaying and you might have to struggle for money at times. There will be displeasure and disharmony within the family. In some cases, there might even be kind of separations. It will be difficult to convince the whole of the family of your fair dealings. There might be apprehensions and mutual grievances within the family. You will need a good deal of tolerance and endurance to handle the kindling family situations. With all the practical difficulties, your passage of time during the next two and half years will be calm and partially gratifying. GEMINI - MITHUNAM Saturn moves into the 6th position for Gemini. The 6th house is considered an inauspicious house that basically represents delays, diseases, debts and enemies. The Transit of Saturn through the 6th house is considered to be a powerful transit. You can expect resolution of long standing problems, removal of fear and obstacles and destruction of diseases, debts and enemies. With the Jupiter transit also in favour this is the time to dream big and implement big. The time for listlessness is over and you are blessed with new opportunities, wealth, success and recognition. Make the best use of this opportunity. This is time all that good in life are bound to happen. Almost, the next two and half years are going to be colorful. Sani Bhagawan coming into the 6th house is going to bless you with all the happiness and prosperity. If any promotion in career is due, you can be certain that you get it - mostly in the first one year period, when Guru Bhagawan is also in the 2nd house. Your appraisal ratings and annual benefits will normally be above your expectations. Business or Profession will flourish with exceptionally good performance and results. Financial benefits will good and your efforts will be rewarding. You can have adequate surplus to be able to invest in new properties. This is high time when you can venture into new business activities. Litigations, arbitrations or mediations that may be pending or ongoing, are very likely to be decided in your favor during this period of time. Marriages or other Subha Karya, which were long due, will materialize and the family as a whole will be happy about the happenings in the family. Family will normally be in a festive mood. A foreign tour will come your way at an unexpected point of time. Your travel abroad will be beneficial and profit making. If you are working, an opportunity for on-site deputation is very likely during this time period. In the overall, this period of time when Sani is in Viruchiga Rasi, will be a period of breeze and happiness. CANCER - KADAGAM Saturn moves in the 5th position for you in this transit. The 5th house controls progeny/ children, higher education and spirituality etc. You may face anxious moments related to children, their education or yours. Those who are planning to do higher studies may find lack of concentration or encounter circumstances that may delay their objective for a higher qualification. Those involved in the inner search of truth will be rewarded. There is a definite improvement in finance/ control of expenditure. It is advisable to avoid litigation at all costs. The main relief you are now going to have is from the Arthashtama Sani. When Sani was in your 4th place, it was called Arthashtama Sani. This ought to have had half the effect of Ashtama Sani period, which is considered to be most vicious of all Sani transits. You might have dream about change of job or at least a change of location. But never in the past 3 years, would it have been possible. Even it could have had some impact on your health also. All that is going to change now. By the time, this prediction is published; several Kadaga Rasi people would have felt the warmth of having been relieved from the crux of Arthashtama Sani. Things would have started showing signs of improvement. A change in the career path appears possible with this Sani Peyarchi. You can see some improvement in your financial well-being. There will be increased income and there will be some added credibility associated with your performance in your work place. There is also the other side of the coin. Some will have to separate from the family on account of career. Sani Baghwan in the 5th house may render parental ill health. Either the father or mother or maybe a grandfather or grandmother might suffer some health problems. In some cases, a deep concern about the children and their health might make the nights sleepless. There will be unwanted and avoidable expenses. In some cases, a dispute may arise in respect of ancestral properties or properties acquired by parents. With all these, the overall experience of this Sani Peyarchi will be felt as a good relief from the bitterness of the past. LEO - SIMMAM Saturn moves to the 4th position for Simham. This in general is a tough transit and is referred to as the Kantaka Sani. The 4th house represents home, security, fixed assets, repair, renovation and relocation. Perhaps this is the most challenging time for you financially. Fund sources dry up and circumstances become such that you are forced to take debt. Avoid all grandiose plans and stick to the routine. You may end up with a loan that you cannot service. Disappointment in interpersonal relationships is also foreseen. Also be diplomatic at work place because a temporary period of unemployment is foreseen. Drive slowly and lock your door behind you. The one thing that can come out during this period is a stalemate in the progress in the career growth. For many, this will not allow the desired changes in their career path. For some, it might be locational disadvantage. For some others, it might hold the incumbent tightly without a room to even make an attempt for a change in career. The saddening part of it is that, even in the existing place, it might not allow your remuneration commensurate to your qualification, experience or your other merits. There will be paper bound appreciations in an attempt to keep you cool. But in terms of actual benefits, there will be nothing worth mentioning. If you try out beyond all this to escape to a convenient job outside, a threat to impair your future will stall your efforts. There will be other constraints within the family. There are probabilities that your own health, or the health of your kith and kin, in particular the health or other well-being of your mother will cause you some anxiety. There will be strange constraints. You might appear to get some opportunities abroad or on-site opportunities. But these opportunities will come at a time when you are totally uncomfortable to travel abroad, in view of your family conditions or your own health concerns. It is better to be under comfortable insurance coverage to meet the medical expenses. There are chances that you might get involved with or without your conscious consent, in some dispute in which you will be made the center of the problem, though you have done nothing to attract such a bad name. Some will have a compelling time with law enforcing agencies or might get involved in some kind of a legal dispute. Wherever you smell a problem, it is good that you refrain from the scene. VIRGO - KANNI Its comeback time for Geetha Kanniah. Saturn moves in to the 3rd position that represents courage, initiative vitality. This Saturn transit ends your 7 and half year Saturn cycle and with Jupiter Transit also in your favour you are poised to take off. Long standing disputes with siblings will get resolved. There is a fresh breath of energy and your work and contribution gets recognized. There is a definite financial growth. Victory in litigation is also foreseen. Pending litigation or arbitration or mediation if any, is going to be decided in your favor. Some will have opportunity - if at all your living environment permits - and if you are also fond of - to acquire some animal assets like a milking cow. You will also be able to save substantial savings and will be able to make a good fortune. If you have been in debts in the past, this is period when you will discharge your liabilities and come out worry free. Some will have opportunities to travel abroad on an on-site opportunity and stay there for little longer years and thus will be able to make some substantial savings. If you are planning to buy a house or a flat, this is high time you invest into fixed assets. This is a period which will provide for lasting and consistent wealth accumulation. The friends and relatives who left you and did not turn up to your side, will return now to re-establish their relationships. You will have to be cautious in selecting or accepting or setting aside such renewed relationships, since it will render mixed effects of good and bad. Do not entertain any financial commitment or guarantee for the faithful performance of any third party liability. This will land you only in problems and reversion of your hard times. This is time for your opportunities and this is also the time for a cautious approach. LIBRA - THULAM Saturn moves in the 2nd position for Libra and these are the last 2.5 years of your Sade Sathi/ Saturn cycle. A Tough year as far as finances is concerned. You may feel restricted. Give attention to your speech lest you are misunderstood and it creates problems in interpersonal relationships subsequently. You may not enjoy food the way you used too. Health needs attention especially dental health and back. Out of the 7-1/2 Years Sani period, the Janma Sani period, which is considered to be ferocious is now over. Of course, the impact of 7-1/2 Years Sani itself is not all that severe as in the case of other Rasis. Thulam is one of the Rasis, which is considered sympathetic to Sani Bhagawan. However, now it is the last of 7-1/2 Years Sani period, called Pada Sani. The confusion of the Uchcha Sani (Exalted Sani) in Thula is now gone and the severely is going to be felt in further lighter vein. Of course, financial strain is inevitable. Whatever is the money you are making, that will drain in no time? In other words, expenses will be awaiting before you receive your money. In several cases, you will have to manage a deficit financing and may have to raise loans to meet the expenses. In some cases, even the availability of funds on loan itself might become a problem. In one form or the other, you will have an inner feeling of insecurity of life or lifes safety. Health may impair in some cases and associated medical expenses will add to your financial miseries. Mothers health might be affected in some cases. Some will have to separate from the family in distress and may have to travel to far away distances or even foreign countries. These travels will not be that much comfortable and happy. You will have to separate from the family with a heavy heart, carrying all the worries of the present and the future. Even in the new places, you will just be not yourself. You might not be able to think and decide things. You will be carried away by the sequence of events just without your conscience or control. Exceptionally in some cases, there might be a division in the family. It may be an acute difference of opinion or it might be a physical bifurcation. Sani being in the 2nd house might affect the family status and such instances might take place. There might be an interruption in the Career or Education during this period. It is good to be psychologically prepared to withstand the adversities of life during this period. SCORPIO - VRICCIGAM Saturn moves into your own sign and you are in the middle part of the Sade Sathi. This is the time for taking good care of health. You may suffer for acidity, lethargy, listlessness and lack of energy. You also need to guard against back injury/ aches and pain in legs, knees and feet. Relationship with siblings will be under duress and you may be anxious because of purchase/ investment in a fixed asset. During last three years, it had been Sirasu Sani for you. That is - Sani was in your 12th house from your Rasi. This was the beginning of your tough time. Some might have sustained financial losses; some might have separated from the family; official relationships would have seen a never before adversity. These were all the beginning of the tough time. Now Sani Bhagawan is very likely to touch your health. General medical expenses in the overall family would be far above the normal one. Physical and psychological strains of health concerns would be very much disturbing. If you have not separated from your family until now, you should feel happy about it. Pray Lord Sani Bhagawan that you do not have the turbulence of separation hereafter. There is every possibility until the entire 7-1/2 years Sani period is over. Unexpectedly, you will find your official relationships unbecoming. For no reason or for petty small issues, you will develop difference of opinion with your superiors and this may result in a change of location or lowering of responsibilities. Your personal respect will be very much vulnerable to suffer. You might be cutting a sorry figure for no fault of yours and even there might be chances that you are made a scape goat of others failures or faults. You will find that one or more of your friends will be calm spectators of the injustice rendered to you and you will find yourself in a helpless situation. You may not feel the feat of Janma Sani during the first one year - but as the days pass on - you will feel the heat of it. Do not contemplate a change in job or business during this period. This is one of the unfavorable periods of time for any new venture. Things may look like being favorable. But this is only apparent and the actual scenario will be something different, unless you are running a most favorable Maha Dasa period. There will be kind of mediation or arbitration in respect of properties within the family. In most cases, it might not find a final conclusion and will drag for some time. If finalized during this period, it may not be favorable to your interests. Financially, this will be a tough period as has been said earlier. There will be compelling situations. where you will have to borrow money. It is advisable that you do not create any interest bearing liabilities. It will be difficult for you’re to discharge the liabilities with interest in time. Beware of damages due to fire or fire accidents. SAGITTARIUS - DHANUSU Saturn moves into the 12th position for your rasi and this marks the start of Sade Sathi. The 12th house stands for expenditure, running pillar to post, anxiety and lack of rest. You need to be cautious in financial transactions and diplomatic in your speech. You shall go in for a period of unforeseen expenditure and that is likely to create stress on you. Relationships with siblings will be under strain. Avoid get rich quick schemes and making a big investment. Guard Against acidity, lethargy and lack of energy. The period of (7-1/2 Years) Sani - called Eazharai Aandu Sani in Tamil Astro terminologies - is beginning now. The first two and half years, when Sani is in Vrichiga Rasi, is called Sirasu Sani period. This is the beginning of a tough time. Generally people are scared of 7-1/2 Years Sani period. Of course, this period will give difficult times and tough experiences with all the financial stresses and losses. But this is not the worst scenario about Sani Bhagawan. This period will be tough but not damaging. This will give you experiences that will help you build your future. The difficulties will be multi-dimensional. They might even render some sleepless nights. On one side there will be financial losses and you might even find it difficult to manage your routine expenses. On the other side, your relationships both within the family and in the official circles will very much suffer. You will suffer all kinds of back-biting. People, who appear to be friendly and cordial before you, will act in a most inimical manner in the back-drop. You might even be psychologically broken at the behavior of the people whom you trusted or relied. You will all the more suffer the character assassination. You will be blamed for no fault of yours. There might be brutal betrayal and even cheating from the people whom you loved most. You will suffer emotional damages. These are all not curses - but warnings so that you can be psychologically well prepared for the damages. New social relationships and interactions with people far below your status might show up. You have to be choosy in your new friendships - otherwise, it will impair your personal dignity and image. Some will have relocation as a matter of punishment and some might even be degraded in their official responsibilities. Some might have to travel long distances and even abroad against your will. You will find yourself helpless to save your face - being left unarmed and unsupported to defend your case. All that you can do is to remain unruffled, calm, pray God and be prepared to accept time as a passing cloud. CAPRICORN - MAKARAM Saturn who is also a ruler of your sign moves into the 11th position for you. This is a time of a major wish fulfillment, gain of wealth, better social network, and popularity. You can expect good health, wealth from multiple sources and energizing and invigorating interpersonal relationships. It’s time to set your foot on the accelerator and speed ahead. This Sani Peyarchi is going to bring about cheers and happiness in the next two and half years. The main advantage of this Sani Peyarchi is, if your career had not been disturbed in the past 3 years, the job risk associated with 10th house Sani is gone. Even if you have suffered any set back in your career track during the past three years, this Sani Peyarchi will set right things. You will get a promising job or an encouraging change in your career, an increase in your salary or remuneration and everything that is conducive to growth and prosperity are ahead now. People, who did not recognize your performance or contribution to work will now stop, listen to your performance and go. This will take you to new heights in your career tack. It will also bring in rewards and appreciation. There will be new recognition in the social life also. You will get into the company of new people who will work with you for mutual growth and prosperity. Business or Profession will thrive and bring in new and greater profits and as well happiness. Some will have a pleasant opportunity to travel abroad and make some good fortunes. Financial status will very much improve added with social credibility. There is going to be a new arrival in the family. You are going to have your child during this period - most probably during the first year of this Sani Peyarchi itself, since Guru is also moving into the 7th house. Impending marriages will be finalized and you will enter into a happy married life. If you are expecting a Subha Karya to someone close to you in your family, it will also materialize and make you feel happy. In general, this Sani Peyarchi is going to bring about all round growth, prosperity and happiness in the family and it is going to keep you in your cheers during the next two and half years to come AQUARIUS - KUMBAM Saturn moves in the 10th position for you in 2014. This is the time for professional change and professional challenges. You might light up a job opportunity/ position that put severe demands/ pressure on you. There will be professional developments but with delay. The time you usually would take to finish a task may extend causing frustration. Take good care of your health and avoid incurring unnecessary debt. Sani Bhagawan is now coming into your 10th house. This is no good sign of any good period. Now you will have to undergo a testing time, when you will have a good lot of problems in your work place. You may be thinking that your performance is good or even as exceptional. Even some of your colleagues might applaud your performance. In fact what is being observed from your work is not what you have done or how good you have done. The aspects that are being looked into without your knowledge are what are all you have missed to do or you were unable to do; and which single minor point in which you have committed an error or failed to comply with satisfactorily. All that you have done will now be a forgotten point. This is your status. For everybody, a particular work would have been tumultuous and rather impossible. But, why you have not done it will be a big unanswered question. For some others, everything might to be running smooth. Something unprecedented will happen which will turn the whole situation upside down. All these things are heat markers aimed at displacing you from your job - or at least to lower your status and make you feel desperate to leave the job. This period is that much tough to survive. Even there might be attempts to demoralize your credibility and distort your image. If you want to survive your times, you have to be exceptionally patient and try to sustain your position even if you are degraded. Character assassination might become the order of the day and your option is to tolerate it. Bear in mind that this is only a passage of time, which will turn out to be good in just another two and half years. You have to survive. This should be your Taraq Mantra. Only then you can escape from the financial crisis. Some will have health problems like gastritis and chest pain. Do not ignore. Consult the Doctor in time, to avoid complications. PISCES - MEENAM Saturn moves into the 9th position for you in 2014. The 9th position is dawn of fate, long distance travel, higher ideals and refined spirituality. This is a time of refined spirituality. It is also the time to break free from pre conceived notions and assess circumstances/ people objectively. People who are orthodox/ religious might find it difficult to stick to a routine. This is the time to examine the philosophy of life. Unnecessary expenditure gets restricted and you might find a flash of creativity. Now it is the turn of time, when you can breathe a sigh of relief from Ashtama Sani. The past three years for many would have been turbulent. For the elderly it would have meant health problems and the youngsters might have suffered career and finance related problems. Not it is time for relief. An absolute relief from Ashtama Sani will keep you happy, while you will continue to have some hindrances in your efforts and ventures. Sani in the 9th place might hamper the progress in economic and academic growth. A sudden rise or spurt in your economic freedom might raise many an eye-brows. The sudden spurt happens because of the relief from Ashtama Sani and the same might give rise to jealousy and unwarranted animosity within your close or known circles. There will be more number of people who envy your growth and prosperity which will bring in more number of invisible enemies. This is time, when you have to avoid standing guarantee for any financial commitment or commitments’ as also for any other dealings in properties or liabilities. You will be conditioned by the circumstances where you cannot be your own. You have to be cautious about the circumstances which may lead to a situation that your decisions or actions are controlled from outside. You should take care to avoid such circumstances; otherwise, you will stand as the victim of the situation and will become the subject matter of criticism. Your finances and family relationships will be comfortable so long as you do not subject yourself to conditions of the situation. The precaution shall rest only on your hands. For some, this time will provide the impetus for a foreign travel, which will elevate your economic wellbeing and growth. For some others, this period will provide for a foreign travel on account of higher education. But you have to exercise caution in your choice of education or area of education, since Karya Hani is one aspect envisaged by Sani in the 9th house, where the objective of the journey might be defeated - to avoid which, you have to be cautious. I
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:57:59 +0000

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