SANTA CLAUS TAKES AWAY THE GLORY FROM JESUS CHRIST Foreword: Santa Claus or the Father Christmas is a corruption of the Dutch Saint Nikolaas. (Saint Nicholas was the 4th century Catholic bishop of Myra in Asia Minor, who gave treats to children; he was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, regarded as a special friend and protector of children. The red suit comes from the fact that Catholic bishops and cardinals in Italy wear red.) Santa Claus was also known as Kriss Kringle, a corruption of the German Christ Kindl-- Christ Child. Santa is the blasphemous substitute for Christ! He is routinely given supernatural powers and divine attributes which only GOD has. Think about it. He is made out to be omniscient -- he knows when every child sleeps, awakes, has been bad or good, and knows exactly what every child wants (cf. Psa. 139:1-4). He is made out to be omnipresent -- on one night of the year he visits all the good children in the world and leaves them gifts, seemingly being everywhere at the same time. He is also made out to be omnipotent -- he has the power to give to each child exactly what each one wants. Moreover, Santa Claus is made out to be a sovereign judge -- he answers to no one and no one has authority over him, and when he comes to town, he comes with a full bag of rewards for those whose behavior has been acceptable in his eyes. But the Santa Claus myth distorts the truth of Christs birth by subtly blending truth with the myth of Santa Claus. When Christian parents lie to their children about Santa Claus, they are taking the attention of their children away from God and causing them to focus on a fat man in a red suit with god-like qualities. All of this teaches the child to believe that, just like Santa, God can be pleased with good works, done in order to earn His favor. Also, they teach that no matter how bad the child has been, he will still be rewarded by God -- just as Santa never failed to bring gifts. Even in homes of professing Christians, Santa Claus has clearly displaced Jesus in the awareness and affections of children, becoming the undisputed spirit, symbol, and centerpiece of Christmas.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 10:15:43 +0000

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