SANTERIA BECOMES OBSOLETE IN THE NEW AGE OF AQUARIUS AND USHERS IN A NEW UNIVERSAL TRADITION OF ORISHA WORSHIP AT THE CROSSROADS................................... Good Morning America.... This is Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro and welcome to my page. You know that it seems that when it rains it pours. The Orishas are a wonderful ancient energy that Olodumare created to assist mankind and the earth in our journey through time. Their energy in its purest form is not unique nor is it isolated to a general region of the world (Africa, Cuba, Brazil) because it is global and universal. When the world entered into the New Age of Aquarius on December 21, 2013 there were many changes and transformations which astrologers predicted to happen, but I dont believe that we were ready to see and experience the present situation which is happening right in front of our eyes in the changing of the guard of the Santeria religion. There is an energy that is present without explanation nor without any description. It is an energy of spiritual self-transformation which is taking place and forming the new spiritual order around the universe and the earth. It is a celebration of the old and a celebration of the new. It is a celebration of out with the old and in with the new. Its a celebration of the earth and of the original religion of the sun, moon and the stars. Its a celebration of God and all of his glory. For the millions of followers of the Afro-Cuban religion of Santeria, the changes that they see taking place have been very unsettling and many have begun to question the validity of the very existence of the ancient tradition of the Orishas. In this very unique period of the earths history and transformation there is no written record of the past to compare it with that has been discovered since ancient times. The Santeria religion has attracted many millions and millions of followers which has been guided by its community of initiated religious leaders since the religion first made its appearance in the late 1800s. Since that time the religion has gone through several spiritual transformations which have in recent times been confirmed by its religious clergy in a structured religious system which is the hierarchy of the tradition called Regla De Santo, meaning Rules of the Saint. Although the Santeria religion has in recent years has been challenged in the judicial courts of the United States, it has endured most trials and tribulations. The Santeria religion does not have any formal central religious figure to watch over it like the Catholics and the Pope of Rome which means that each Santeria temple is autonomous and free from outside spiritual and religious regulations. The Santeria religion has also been the center of many conflicts with individuals from outside of their religious communities because of its controversial practice of animal sacrifice. The other thing that has made it controversial is the fact that the majority Santeria Orisha Temples are not legally registered in the United States as formal legal religious organizations and therefore can maintain anonymity and far from the reach of outsiders and the laws of the United States of America. Since the Santeria religion was first brought to America and to the Los Angeles area of California in the 1950s it has become a mechanism of both political and religious corruption by benefiting from the millions and billions of dollars spent in the unique spiritual market in undeclared tax dollars that are spent at these non registered churches that are at the moment free from the hand of government intervention because of the present political interpretation of the Constitution of the United States Government. In Los Angeles, the Santeria religion since the 1960s and early 1970s was dominated and still is by early white Cubans that brought the religion to America and held its secrets very tightly within the Hispanic community. It is at that time that to protect the economic interests of the growing Cuban and Latin American Community that it was then structured and formally organized into the present day religious tradition. The early Santeria religious tradition which was controlled by white Cubans who were mainly business men was very discriminate towards other Cubans of Afro-Cuban descent and appearance and although the tradition was African it became a social status and cultural mechanism within the Cuban and Latin American Community and the religious clergy known as Santeros or Fathers of the Saint became a central figure within the community for the Hispanic community in a time where civil rights in America were still being fought in the legal judicial system. The Santeria religion became very popular and began bringing millions and millions of dollars of undeclared revenue into the hands of the Hispanic communities and to its leaders. As a result of this economic growth, the leaders of the religious Santeria Community formed the Santeria Mafia in order to control the new found wealth that the religion had brought forth as the Santeria religion began to become popularized in the United States. In the 1970s the Marilitos Cuban Refugee brought another wave of Cuban immigrants into the United States that were not welcomed by the white Cuban religious interest. It was not until the 1980s that the American Santeria tradition that was held with a firm grip by the Santeria Mafia were allowed to participate at religious festivals of the already established religious tradition that was started at the time just before Fidel Castro arrived to take political power in Havana. The new Cuban immigrants were political throwbacks from the Fidel Castro age and the majority were seen as undesirable and unwanted not only because of their skin color but also because of their past criminal acts that were committed in the Cuban society. The new immigrants from the Los Marilitos Cuban Boat Lift were easily adjusted by the Cuban Santeria Mafia after they were found out that if they wanted to be accepted by the white Cuban society in America that they had to agree to the rules and regulations of the already existing corrupt political religious system and comply or be denied. Although very controversial and I may be the first one to address this very sensitive and uncomfortable fact, that my brothers and sisters is the true story of the Santeria religion in America. The New Age of Aquarius promises to bring about not only spiritual transformation but also self transformation. Transformations such as this can often times seem very uncomfortable and many times controversial but changes of transformation are very positive and the outcome once realized become accepted and the benefits outweigh the period of time that the dust has been stirred up and then allowed to settle down. In this particular and historical period of time for the world we are going to be witness to many changes that although may appear negative, will become positive. It is my Brothers and Sisters the time for the changing of the guard and the freedom of our right to choose what our destiny will be and we should not be afraid to walk into the light of spiritual emancipation because it is our divine right as children of God. The time has come for freedom and to review the present day hierarchy of our African religious traditions and heritage. To all those fellow initiates of the Santeria and Palo Mayombe religious traditions, it is a unique time in history to voice your concerns and to come together under a union of brotherhood that can and will be a positive force both politically and economically to be reconciled with. It is also a time to become fully established religious institutions and to enjoy the benefits as those shared by mainstream religions such as Christianity in the United States. It is also a time to tell the already powers that be and control your religious lives, the Santeria Mafia that no longer shall you control my destiny and no more shall you determine how and where to spend your money. It is time to make a change and to establish your religions destiny for the next millennium. That is my Brothers and Sisters your birth right as children of Regla De Santo and Regla De Congo. In order for this transformation process to work we are going to have to endure for a short time the illusion of propaganda and fear that comes from the puppet master which is the Santeria Mafia. This illusion and fear in reality does not exists if you dont want it to. Remember my brothers and sisters that this too shall pass and the dry land will become abundant again, lush with vegetation, wealth and happiness and freedom for all. The situation that I am presently faced with is not surprising and it is not without blame that I find myself in. When I declared on that very sacred day to uphold the sacred mysteries and tradition of the Orisha tradition I did so with complete knowledge and understanding, but we as children of God have the ability of spiritual sight to listen to his spirit and deliver his divine word to the others of our same. When I declared and delivered Olodumares word and message to his children I knew that I would encounter obstacles and conspiracies that would even equal that of historical and biblical proportions and that the political powers that be from the outside have been carefully interwoven within the fabric of the Santeria tapestry protected by a well armed spiritual military force of corrupt and manipulated individuals and entities. The reason being is not alone for religious and cultural expression but is that which focuses on the dollar and on a 500 billion a year industry of revenue that is many of times undeclared because of the abusive use of the word of religious freedom in the Constitution of the United States of America. Brothers and Sisters we no longer shall permit the money changers to change money on the temple steps and on Olodumares sacred ground. You do not need a structure that controls or defines who you are and who you should be. Although you may not recognize the invisible hand which seeks to control you and the direction of your culture it is there, it is real and it is a part of the present day structure of Santeria that must be changed for the survival of our religion for generations to come. Thank you for reading my post and may Nzambi bless you always.... Sarava
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 20:33:01 +0000

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