SAPELE/DELTA STATE MUST BETTER. 07/10/2014. Morning Coffee - TopicsExpress


SAPELE/DELTA STATE MUST BETTER. 07/10/2014. Morning Coffee of the Word of Our God Getting a Better Perspective. Question: I know problems are part of life, but I can’t seem to get on top of mine long enough to catch my breath. How can I overcome my problems, before they overcome me?This is the question i have been asking myself since i put myself in the shoes of Caravan and Bike owners. Answer: Your lament sounds rather like what King David expressed: “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” This wish to be able to put aside all your problems and worries and to feel free is a longing everyone experiences at one time or another. Unfortunately, there is no easy, magical formula to make problems simply disappear. What we can do is learn to control the effect that our problems, both real and imaginary, have on us. One sure-fire way to strengthen your spirit is to adopt an attitude of praise and thanks to God, even through the rough times. No matter how badly things are going or how seemingly hopeless the situation, it is always possible to find something to be thankful for if you look hard enough—not the least of which is that God stands ready to prove Himself a “very present help in time of troubles.” That positive, praiseful attitude will lighten your burdens and help you bear them. It brings on inspiration and renewed strength. It gives you wings to rise above your problems and the doubt, fear, and worry that accompany them. It lifts your spirit above the earthly plane and into the heavenliness. Even though it doesn’t necessarily remove the problems you’re facing, it gives you a much better outlook and perspective on them—a heavenly perspective, infused with faith in the positive outcome God has promised to those who love Him. Further Readings- Psalm 55:6 (ESV) And I say, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest; Psalm 46:1 (ESV) God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Romans 8:28 (ESV) And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. PRAYER: Heavenly King, Father of Light we give you Glory honour and adoration for the privilege to see this beautiful day. We thank you for making all things beautiful for us today. Thank you God for the greatest gift in life-Jesus, and for letting us know who we are in him. Thank you for the divine nature the life of Jesus has impacted in us. Through this we know that we are more than conquerors and overcomers in this life. That no matter what we face, youre our ever present help in times of need. Greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the World therefore no matter what we face through the hands of our inconsiderable Government over Bike ban,we come out victorious in Jesus name...Amen God Bless Sapele. CAN I HEAR A LOUDER AMEN? SAPELE/DELTA STATE MUST BETTER.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 23:50:16 +0000

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