SARDAR TAUGHT SHERIFF ESSENCE OF ISLAM Once our SARDAR tried to know the spiritual quotient of Mr Sheriff and found that his counterpart very poor in it. Thus Sardar spoke— Mr Sheriff you know Twahid (Oneness of God) and Salam (Peace) are the essence of Islam but in Pakistan there are as many Gods as terrorist leaders and they have erased sign of peace. In Islam people wish each other by saying- As-salamualaykum, which means “May peace be upon you” and last line of Islamic daily prayer “As-salmualaykumwarahmatullah” means “May peace and blessings of God upon you”! After this line, people turn their head to the left and to the right.. In doing so, they convey the message of peace to all mankind throughout the world.. Your country is doing the opposite and has become epicenter of global violence. Prophet Shahib himself used to pray- O God you are peace, peace comes from you and returns to you. O God grant us a world of peace. Quran says-- And God calls to the home of peace! which means according to divine scheme of things it is necessary to establish peaceful society. Mr Sheriff, how can you claim Pakistan an Islamic country and representative of Islam, when you people are going against the wishes of the Prophet and undoing all his hard work? You all are acting like Kafir and most appropriate name of your country should be KAFIRISTAN.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:51:24 +0000

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