SAS, IHEJIRIKA AND THE UNNAMED CBN OFFICIAL: REQUEST FOR FREE LEGAL EDUCATION I am soliciting for pro bono legal enlightenment from my learned and lay Facebook friends on the possible legal courses of action a government or a private citizen can take to support, promote or initiate an investigation or even prosecution of those alleged to be involved in the sponsorship of Boko Haram terrorist activities. My questions are as follows: 1. What is the status of Mr Stephen Davies revelation in law? Is it an allegation worthy of investigation or is it an outright admissible witness account, prima facie evidence or what? 2. Can a private citizen sue any of the characters (or is it parties) mentioned? What if the citizen fails to prove his allegation beyond reasonable doubt? Would the citizen be punished? 3. Since we know terrorism is a crime, can the federal or any of the state governments in affected areas independently initiate a legal action or establish a commission of inquiry on the matter? 4. Can the matter be reported to or handled by a supranational body like the World Court, UN, AU, etc? 5. Since politics and law are entangled in Nigeria to the extent that politics determine whether a case will be prosecuted or not- there is even something called nolle prosequi which empowers government to say it is no longer interested in an ongoing litigation- can citizens mobilize to take the case beyond national politics?
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:04:14 +0000

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