SASCO GP PEC STATEMENT ON SRC ELECTION AND STUDENT EXAMINATIONS On SRC Elections The season of yearly SRC election across most of campuses in Gauteng has finally passed, the PEC must express its appreciation to comrades of all campuses for the great work done on our campuses. Remaining relevant to the student constituency has never been easy and cadres of SASCO across the province have proved that indeed SASCO remains highly relevant in all institution of higher learning in Gauteng. The PEC is greatly overjoyed by the unity of the PYA across all campuses ensuring that there was no contestation of PYA structures. This is a historic moment in the history of our province, which proves that progressive youth organisations are able to co-exist on campuses, but most importantly it highlights the unity of PYA in the province, when it comes to the question of the higher education terrain. We applaud this unity and implore that comrades continue to serve in a peaceful and stable environment for the betterment of the lives of all students on campus. A Special congratulation however must be forwarded to the University of Johannesburg where SASCO won 100% of all seats; yet again another massive milestone achieved within our tenure as the PEC. We would like encourage all other campuses to be inspired by this mammoth victory; furthermore we are proud to say that indeed the SASCO tsunami has successfully immersed all institutions of higher learning under our visionary collective leadership with branches and RECs. The PEC would furthermore like to wish all deployees the best of luck in executing their leadership duties, we urge of you to remain humble, Radical and fearless, we urge that you hold fast the principles of the gallant student movement that you serve. We beseech you to never allow the child of the working to suffer in your presence; we hope that you wage a relentless war against gate keepers who seek to purge the working class from institutions of higher learning. University and TVET exams That time of the year has yet again arrived, where the mental resolve and capacity of many students across our province will be examined in an attempt to assess their readiness to progress in their studies. The PEC of SASCO Gauteng would like to wish all students across the province the best of luck of during their examinations. We urge cadres to take academic leave from their other duties and dedicate themselves to achieving academic excellence. We as the PEC would like to urge all to comrades to be mindful of our pillar of academic excellence, we strive towards this pillar of academic excellence not because we want to don academic regalia and parade ourselves on face book, but rather to contribute the betterment of our beloved nation of South Africa that is dire need of young educated citizens willing to transform this country for the better. “Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.” ― Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. We believe that the mission and goal of every member of SASCO across the province is enshrined in the latter part of Paulo Freire’s statement, this task must never be abandoned for the comfort of conformity and reformism; we should wage a relentless war against conformism and reformism and seek to transform society using our education. To all those who unfortunately have not managed to achieve exams entrances, do not become despondent, do not give up. Take this time reflect on how you could change things for the better in future. A special mention must be made to all the members of SASCO across the provinces that are facing their final examination of their course of study. We wish an extra measure of goodwill to you, may your studies yield fruitful return that will assist the revolution in moving forward. We congratulate all our comrades who have obtained their qualifications during the 2014 academic, political term of office. We derive inspiration in them because we know of the challenges that besieged them. We are proud of all of you comrades! Matric examinations Yesterday marked the beginning of the examination period for all matriculants across our nation. The PEC of SASCO Gauteng would like to wish all learners of Gauteng all the best as they engage on the single most important examination of their basic education career. We want to advise them to take this opportunity as an opportunity to utilize their preparations. Remember when you enter that examination room there is a rebuttable presumption that all of you have 100 percent it is through less preparation or none through which that presumption is rebutted by yourself and nobody else. To all matrics that have applied for university entrance and those that have decided to seek for employment, we would like to encourage you to study hard, we say this fully aware of the vast inequalities within the basic education terrain in terms of facilities and teaching capacity. To those that will be studying by candle light trapped to in unbearable conditions, we would like to echo the sentiments of OR Tambo in his speech at the funeral of Joe Gqabi “The future is bright. The end is glorious; it is peaceful. But the intervening period is dark, bitter and finds its glory in the act of struggle.” The intervening period for many matrics from working class and proletariat backgrounds has come, we urge you to persevere, we urge to do all in your strength to pass through the darkness for a bright future lies ahead for all of you who succeed through adverse situations. Our soldiers will be combat ready from as early as the 6th of January 2015 in all institutions in Gauteng, ready to make you their first friend. In the same breath the PEC would like to remind and encourage all branches within Gauteng to begin to prepare for our yearly Right To Learn Campaign, to ensure that the children of the working class are assisted to access institutions of higher learning across the province. We urge all branches to put in place proper measures in advance to ensure that no child of the working class is turned away from institutions of learning, let the gate of learning be open to all that seek it! Let SASCO be the first friend on campus for the Matrics of 2014!!! Unity, Peace and stability! For more information please contact: Amukelani Evans Mashele or Lwando Yandisa Majiza Provincial Chairperson Provincial Secretary 078 636 0083 073 582 2882
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:29:10 +0000

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