SATA´´S RELATIVE IN NEW MULTI-BILLION FERTILIZER SCANDALS: SATA´S FAMILY BUSY STEALING: President Michael Sata’s relatives Secretary to the Treasury Fredson Yamba (brother in marriage), former agriculture minister Bob Sichinga (an-in-law), finance minister Alexandar Chikwanda (uncle) and agriculture permanent secretary a Mr Shamulenge have all been named in a multi-billion dollar fertiliser scandal. Sichinga was named in a similar scandal last year. According to information obtained by Zambia Reports, the new signed fertilizer deal between the PF government and a named Saudi Arabian company will cost the country twice the price at which the local suppliers bid. A few weeks ago, President Sata instructed another corruption laden Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia contract for supply of raw materials for manufacturing of fertilizer. And a few days later, the Zambian government signed a contract with a Saudi Company to supply 50,000 metric tons of fertilizer at $720 per ton which is twice the price at which the local suppliers bid. The sources at the Ministry of Agriculture revealed that this deal was arranged by Sichinga, Shamulenge and Yamba. Chikwanda implemented and was to benefit for playing the final role. Sources allege that the four top government officials have been given millions of dollars in kick backs for the deal and that President Sata is fully informed of the dubious and corrupt transaction. The sources further alleges that President Sata has failed to act on the corruption surrounding the fertilizer deal because it involves his relatives. As a result of this high cost of fertilizer, farmers are expected to pay more for the 2014/2015 farming season.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 06:28:39 +0000

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