SATAN AND HIS SERVANTS: 2 Cor 11:14-15 ...And no wonder, for - TopicsExpress


SATAN AND HIS SERVANTS: 2 Cor 11:14-15 ...And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds... ITS MORE THAN CANDY. So read below : Sweets and Trick or Treat This pagan practice is over 2,000 years old. For the sake of their safety and well-being, people put outside their home sweets, the best mutton legs, vegetables, eggs, and poultry, honey and even wine, so the wandering evil spirits would consume them on their way back to the netherworld. Failure to treat these evil spirits might result in a curse being put on the home! The people literally believed that, when these spirits came to your door, they would trick you if you did not treat them. The American version of Halloween came from Ireland ... The potato famine in 1840 brought thousands of immigrants from the Emerald Isle. With them came goblins, jack-0-lanterns, bonfires, apples, nuts, and pranks ... The Irish are also responsible for bringing trick or treating to great popularity in America. In Ireland on October 31, peasants went from house to house to receive offerings to their Druid god, Muck Olla. This procession stopped at each house to tell the farmer his prosperity was due to the benevolence of Muck Olla ... or else misfortune might befall the farmer and his crops. Few farmers risked any such displeasure of the pagan deity, so the procession returned home with eggs, butter, potatoes, and in some cases, coins ... To the Irish farmers this was no joke; they greatly feared the Celtic god might destroy their homes and barns ... Trick or treat is part of this pagan heritage. And for the skeptics, find more information you can get the book for yourself: [Pagan Traditions of the Holidays. p. 78-79].
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 11:54:37 +0000

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