SATANIC PLAN AGAINST HOLINESS REVIVAL MOVEMENT REVEALED. In a dream, I held my Bible in my hand and was doing evangelism. An old man came to me and said My daughter, I want to show you what marine kingdom is planning against Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW). He held my hand and said,’’ Follow me”. So we got to a place and he waved his hand. Immediately a big sea appeared. A huge woman and so many other people gathered together. They were dressed in gold with very long hair. I could hear what they were discussing. They were saying, “Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW) is arresting our people on earth making them to repent and reject us. We will go for war against them and destroy them.” Some of them said, How are we going to destroy them? The huge woman dressed in gold with long hair said,” We are going to weaken their spiritual life and make them unable to pray. When they cannot pray then we will destroy them. Then one of them said, “In which way shall we weaken them?” The huge woman said, We are going to send them gifts, and will give them food to eat, such as meat pie, eggroll, chinchin, meat, sweets etc. With these we will weaken them and destroy them. I asked the old man, Will you allow them to do that? The old man said No, but you must pray and not faint, He shouted with an emergency voice, Go and pray without fainting and I will destroy them! Because the old man spoke loudly and with an angry tune, they noticed us. When I saw that they had seen us, I became afraid and screamed “Jesussssssss” The River boiled hot against them and they screamed and vanished.The old man who is no doubt JESUS CHRIST said to me, Now that you have seen them and heard their plan, let me take you back home. I woke up from my sleep and noticed that it was a dream. We had Holiness Movement Chapter meeting that morning. To my surprise and as a confirmation of the revelation I received that night, a lady came with 100 pieces of eggroll to me as a gift to the fellowship. This lady was not a regular member of the Movement. She said that the brethren would surely be hungry after the meeting and would need something to eat; hence I could give them the eggroll. I collected the eggrolls and contacted the Int,l Director in Nigeria, Pastor Paul Rika, who instructed that I should destroy them. We are now into three days prayer and fasting in Torino, Italy, travelling in prayer that God should destroy the forces of darkness against Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide (HOREMOW). Sis Elizabeth Edoimioya, Italy Coordinator. 6th Jan. 2015
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:33:55 +0000

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