SATANS TARGET: YOUR HEART AND CONSCIENCE nuggetsoftruth/spiritual_warfare_and_how_to_win.htm . A. The prophet Zechariah was given a vision at a time when the nation of Israel had sinned against the Lord. The scene of the vision takes place in heaven. . -The scene Zechariah saw was that of a courtroom. God was the Judge. Joshua (not the Joshua with Moses) the High Priest is the defendant and Satan is the prosecuting attorney. -Satan appears to have a case against Joshua because he appears to be wearing filthy garments while ministering and the High Priest was always to wear clean clothes. . B. Joshua represents the people before God and the people were sinful. This explains why Joshuas priestly garments were dirty. His condition was Israels condition. . -A High Priest identified himself with the people he represented. -Satan knew Israel was sinful and he protested to God that Israel and Joshua be judged. You can imagine Satans arguments. -How do you think Joshua felt during all the trial? Certainly his heart was broken and his conscience was smitten. . C. When you and I disobey God we feel guilty. Guilt is an emotion that occurs when we receive a message of disapproval from the conscience that says, Youve done wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself. . -Satan uses this guilt to condemn us to judgment. He attacks us in our heart and conscience. . See how subtle and merciless Satan really is; --Before we sin, he shouts at us, You can get away with this. --After we sin, he shouts at us, Youll never get away with this. . God uses our guilt to convict us in our conscience to repentance. . II. SATANS WEAPON: ACCUSATION . A. Its important that we learn the difference between Satans accusation (condemnation) and the Holy Spirits conviction. . -When the Holy Spirit convicts you, he uses the Word of God in love and seeks to bring you back into fellowship with your Heavenly Father. -When Satan accuses you, he uses your own sins to make you feel hopelessly separated from God. . B. The difference between Holy Spirit conviction and satanic accusation. . -Holy Spirit conviction moves you toward God. Satanic accusation moves you away from God. -Holy Spirit conviction leads to confession. Satanic accusation leads to condemnation. -Holy Spirit conviction produces repentance. Satanic accusation produces regret and remorse. -Holy Spirit conviction focuses on the mercy of God. Satanic accusation focuses on judgment of God. . III. SATANS PURPOSE: TO KEEP YOU FOCUSED ON THE PENALTY AND NOT THE PARDON FOR SIN . A. Satan wants you to feel guilty, helpless and hopeless. He wants you to experience regret and remorse, but not repentance.. . -He wants to keep accusing you so that you focus your attention on yourself and your sins. -He knows that once you look away by faith to Jesus Christ, you will repent, confess your sins and find cleansing and restored fellowship. . B. True conviction of the Spirit will always move you closer to God. . -Its a sign that Gods grace and love is at work in your life. -Your Defense: The Interceding Son of God . A. It is true that Satan stands at our right hand to resist us and accuse us. But its also true that Jesus Christ stands at Gods right hand to intercede for us. . -See Hebrews 7:25 and Luke 22:31-32. -If we yield to sin, Jesus ministers as our advocate to forgive and to restore us to fellowship once again. -If by faith we turn to Him and come to the throne of grace, He will see us through to victory. . C. Notice the stages of the experience of Joshua the High Priest. . -First there is Satans resistance. The accuser names Joshuas sins at the throne and calls for a Holy God to judge Joshua. -Second is Gods rebuke of Satan. Gods rebuke is based on Gods grace toward His people. -Third is Joshuas restoration. God ordered them to remove the filthy clothes and put holy garments on the High Priest. . D. Resistance - rebuke - restoration; these are the stages in the experience of confessing sin and returning to fellowship with Father. . -Satan will accuse you, but do not listen. Turn to Jesus Christ your advocate and confess your sins to Him. -Depend on what Gods Word says and not on how you feel. -Unconfessed sin in our life is a foothold for Satan. -Proverbs 28:13, He who conceals his transgression will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:03:58 +0000

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