SATSANG WITH SWAMI DHYAN GITEN, JANUARY 22, IN STOCKHOLM: BASIC TRUST IN LIFE On the Satsang with Giten on January, 22, in Stockholm, Giten lectured about The Three Layers of Ego: The World, Relationships and No-Self, which started many interesting questions and discussions in the group about desires and attachment in relationships and about being a spiritual seeker in the world. Giten also introduced the first level of consciounsess and chakra, Survival, which relates to the physical body. It also relates to developing a basic trust in life and in the abundance of life. Giten lectured about 6 topics in connection with the first level of consciousness: 1. The Relationship to the body and to material wealth 2. Develping a basic trust in life: the polarity between trust in life and mistrust to life 3. Relationship to money: the difference between a poverty attitude and abundance consciousness 4. Healing comes from the inner source of silence: the inner healing system of the body 5. The relationship between mother and child: the first relationship in life, which can create a trust in life or a mistrust to life depending on if the relationship with the mother is loving and nurtruing or not. 6. Meditation: Learning to listen to the body with awareness Giten is a Master in explaining things, and he has a capacity to stay in himself, while discussing different topics with the group. - Toshen I have missed something like this in my life. The concept of a basic trust in life and a mistrust to life was very helpful concepts. - Kaisu The Three Layers of Ego: The World, Relationships and No-self - Desires and Attachments - One of the fundamental principles of Buddha is that life is impermanent. The world is a dream, a maya and an illusion. - The definition of truth is that which never changes, the untruth is that which changes - Life is a flux, it is not stable, not permanent. Life is in continuous change. - Life is continuously changing, and we try to resist change, which creates pain and misery - Pain and misery come out of desire and attachment. We try to cling to the world, to relationships, which are continuously changing. We cling to our home, to our family, to our wife, to our husband, to the parents, to our children, to things, while everything is in a flux, in change. - If we understand the impermanent nature of life, if we accept change, we can be in our home, we can be with our wife or husband, we can be with our children - and be aware that nothing belongs to you. We can remain alert to not fall into attachments. We can remain alert that if things change, we can accept change. There are three levels of the ego, which includes our desires and attachments: 1. The World 2. Relationships and 3. No-self. 1. The World The world includes your attachment to your body, your desires and attachments to power, greed, prestige, money and fame in the world. The word also includes your desires and attachments to your work, your house, your car and your bank balance. 2. Relationships Relationships includes your desires and attachments in your relationships. It includes your desires and attachments with your family, friends, your husband or wife, your children and your enemies. Even if we relate with a man or a woman, the other remains a stranger. We relate on the periphery, but we remain alone. Relationships allows us to feel that we are not alone. Aloneness is our true nature. 2. No-self No-self is the greatest message of Buddha. No-self is the deepest layer. These layers are joined together. When we become aware about the desires and attachments of the first two layers, the third layer, no-self, happens automatically. The I, the ego, is a combination of our desires and attachments to the the world, to relationships and to meditation. When we let go of the desires and attachments, you disappear. You become a no-self, a silence, an emptiness. - Swami Dhyan Giten The lecture was followed by 25 minutes of silent Satsang with Giten, which created a deep joy and silence, where the silence became a song in the group, a song of silence. Read more about Satsang, Satsang Intensives, Satsang Weekends and Retreats with Swami Dhyan Giten at international site Meeting Truth meetingtruth/teacher/SwamiDhyanGiten
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 12:23:59 +0000

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