SATURATE YOUR SOUL IN THE OIL OF THE SPIRIT Through My people shall the glory of the eternalFather be manifested unto the nations. For the everlasting power of the Godhead is incarnate in My chosen ones. Is it not written that the kingdom of God dwells within you? In the day that you make Me Lord in your life and give to Me the sceptre and allow Me to reign within: then will I begin to move, and My power shall radiate forth from your entire being. THEN will I bring to pass miracles~when you walk in uprightness and with mercy towards your acquaintances, and even towards your enemies. Do not imagine for a moment that I can do any mighty works in tha athmosphere of hostility and evil and rebellion. Come unto Me with a cleansed heart and a right spirit: in sincerity, in honesty. If you desire Me to work in your midst, do not be devious in your ways nor indirect in your dealings with others. (2 Cor. 4:2 ) It is the pure in heart that see God. It is those who seek after a holy walk and who set their heart toward holy living who inherit the promises and who come into My holy hill. Know that in heaven nothing enters that can taint nor mar. The beauty of the living God dwells there. Where there is holiness there is beauty: where there are beauty and holiness, there is omnipotence. Where isn the activity of the Almighty, there are forces of life continually working wihin you a measure of the life and health and strength which are in Him. Why will you tolerate any idea of discourageent? Nothing can ever be accomplished for good in this frame of mind. Sin brings forth death, and any negative current flowing within your body can produce a steady regression. I will prepare within you a different attitude of mind. Thoughts that have been in confusion, I will reorganize. I will not bring to bear upon you pressures that will cause you to be weak. I will be to you the strength which you need. I will be to you the inner fortification which will bear you up even in the time of strain and crisis. SATURATE YOUR SOUL IN THE OIL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND KEEP YOUR CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION EVER OPEN TO YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER. HIS DESIRE IS TOWARD YOU, AND HE WILL BE YOUR STRONG HABITATION.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:18:50 +0000

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