SATURDAY CHECK IN Another week has past and a lot is happening - TopicsExpress


SATURDAY CHECK IN Another week has past and a lot is happening for our OHS WEEK END BLOW OUT. I have heard from Bee at the campground and she says (the Bee report LOL) She has had many calls and many have made reservations and wrote that it is going to be a huge success ! A lot of details have been worked out quickly details can be seen on the party prep list . which is a document where you can hit the edit button and add your name and efforts to the party please keep it simple who, what , when , and where, then hit the save button on the bottom . I have just spent an hour and a half scanning the whole group page coping and pasting all the info I could find > Mike Leonard posted wanting to recognize our fallin class mates , and the class of 1981s own Penny Taylor Hankins has takin it to heart and is working relentlessly on a video presentation that will be on display at the party . Thanks to all of you who have responded to the call for Pics and info for this project ! Penny also has said the videos will be posted on OHS Heaven after the party . A request for Bill Eickelmann and Myself to sing has been made this week ? this only proves at least one of us is CRAZY lol . That being said do not forget the KARAOKE AND OPEN MIKE and that being said let me say ENGINANTICS ? (how did they spell that) how much fun was that night . Any stand up comics ? where is Jim Downey and his Magic ? think about it. LOOKING FORWARD TO A GREAT WEEK END !!!!! Here is a look at this weeks whats up DOC ?----------------------------------------------------------------------------GROUP PARTY PREP FILE Bill Eickelmann L E T S Party Mike Leonard-- Cool -- Pamela Scrivner Williams Ok Darren is home talked to him about smoking pork butts. He said he will buy them and who ever wants to can chip in. They marinate two days and 16 hours to cook so we got pork butts. When we get a head count we will get as many as needed. Week before is ok. Ok as it stands right now myself being of SOUND MIND and broke body and wallet I am bringing all of my sound equipment for a open mic Jam feast for all to use and enjoy my list of stuff I Mac computer,16 channel mixer,mics and stands,misc cords,amps and large monitor speaker with stand,lap steel gt tar, 2 banjos, classic rare guitar,multy track recorder i use for play along, couple of ect... ect... Pamela Scrivner Williams is bringing large bbq smokers and checking on getting a pig to cook Billy Eickleman is bringing a karaoke set up for people who want to sing Bill Eickelmann I think we can bring baked beans. Let me know. Penny Taylor is working on a memorial tribute video working with our info from OHS heaven (thank you Penny ) Penny Taylor Hankins Everyone can private message me photos like Henry said email them to me would be better.... thanks everyone E-mail address is hankinspenny@yahoo thanks Mike Leonard Shut up Henry , 100 pounds of bacon isnt near enough and Tina writes -- will bring the large banner that I had made in 2012 and we can hang it somewhere if ya want me to Mike Leonard Bill EickelmannHenry Finlay We are going to bring our large elect deep fryer and deep fry a turkey (we might deep fry it at home the day before and just bring the actual food instead of doing it down at campground). I have four quarts of homeade salsa ill bring and a case of homeade wine to share with whoever. Just how many butts will there be? Mike Leonard One but two but three butts a dollar --Tina Ingle Sandbothe We will bring a side as well. Valeri Raylene Bran -Baily writes Count me in and I can help with food. I can also get kegs at price! Pam writes--Ok Darren is home talked to him about smoking pork butts. He said he will buy them and who ever wants to can chip in. They marinate two days and 16 hours to cook so we got pork butts. When we get a head count we will get as many as needed. Week before is ok. Pamela Scrivner Williams Just made my reservations!!! Sue Burnum Count on us... Marianne Zawislak-Vincent March 20 at 7:25pm · Lake Ozark, MO Andrew John Zawislak, Bobby Zawislak, and I are planning to be there Sat. / 21st. Let me know how we can contribute to food!!! Dave Miller not for sure yet Sheila Gamm Brad and I will be in and out for sure might even get Mathew there since he will be on 60 days leave. Daniel Marks Count Me in. Im still at the lake if I can help let me know Angie Denny Kaltenbach March 20 at 4:00pm I am terrible at party planning except beer and food LOL - we want will be there fri, sat and sun hopefully - if someone comes up with ideas - I can help carry those out. Dan Crouse We will try to make it! Let me know if you need anything. Christy Whitney LaDue I just made our reservations for the 20th and 21st. Bee is a very nice lady. I look forward to meeting her and catching up with all of you!!!!March 20 at 11:46am Bill Eickelmann Looking forward to seeing you there. Jamie Graham March 19 at 3:11pm well i think about it i wanna every one to meet my beloved family for sure You, Mike Leonard, Christy Whitney LaDue and Wendy Larkinlike this. Henry Finlay this is perfect you can set up on the patio just let us know if you need anything this is an all out group effort and you would be a guest of HONOR Henry Finlay just throwing this out there how about a collection to buy jamies book and donate them to the school library ? Evelyn Martin McQuillan NO promises but will try editors note ( she is in Australia people if she can make it ? come on ya all ) THANKS FOR READING START MAKING PLANS TODAY AND LET US KNOW YOU WILL BE AT WHAT I AM THINKING CAN BE CALLED THE FIRST ANNUAL OHS WEEK END BLOWOUT
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:48:38 +0000

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