SATURDAY... Hey folks.. I dont usually do a post like this on - TopicsExpress


SATURDAY... Hey folks.. I dont usually do a post like this on the weekend...and ive spoken out against domestic violence on my post before... The faithful women of my posse must explain some things to me... Red and heard about RAY player seen on tape beating his then fiancee to unconciousness; then dragging her from the elevator... Guess WHAT LADIES? The fiancee is now HIS WIFE!!!! YES..... Could you ladies explain to me,how it is a woman is beaten nearly to DEATH by a man,then turns around and marries him? Just what THE HELL Goes through a womans mind who would do that? Ladies ,i get some of you are attracted to the edgy,rebellious BAD BOY..but Cmon..THIS IS A MONSTEROUS INHUMANE ACT of depravity...!!and the woman is STILL with him!!! Not the same situation,but along the same lines..a womans husband comes home and says hes in love with another woman? Does the cheated on woman demand fidelity? Does she send him packing? Does she leave? All NO...The wife tolerates the situation,...!! Now,i stick a knife to the NFL...DOES the league suspend RAY RICE for a season for this off the field criminal behavior? Send a strong signal of this unacceptable conduct with suspended play? ALL NO...the league suspended Ray Rice for 2games and a fine!! When do we in society become so repulsed by such acts..that we impost SERIOUS sanctions against it... But ladies...the larger Q is yours...When do women grow enough respect for themselves that they NEVER stay in abusive or cheating relationships with their partners? God bless...
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 17:12:15 +0000

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