SATURDAY: Ohio Go Zi Mus...for those who cannot read Japanese - TopicsExpress


SATURDAY: Ohio Go Zi Mus...for those who cannot read Japanese written in English, thats Japanese for Good Morning. If you understand Japanese you got it. I spent two years in Japan, 6 years in Germany and a year in Vietnam during my 20 year Army career. I know what it feels like when you first get to a country where they typically do not speak English as their primary language. You feel like a fish out of water. Both Germany and Japan teach English in their schools so you could usually find a young person who was willing to try and communicate and help you. But, if made the effort to learn some phrases such as Good Morning, Thank You, Please and Excuse me you could get along better and obviously the more of the language you mastered the more you could emerse yourself in the culture and enjoy being in the country. I Germany and Japan, I can find the kind of food I want, ask for assistance and travel with little or no assistance. All this being said, think about this, how can we feel out of place in our own country and in our own neighborhood? Some people have been around the same people all their lives and theyve been around for 8 or more decades. Thats all well and good, but they know little or nothing about other cultures so in their mind is us and them which is not Biblical. They dont know any Spanish and can not even say gracias or thank you, if someone did something special for them. One tendency I noticed being overseas, if one cannot communicate with the locals they tend to thnk the locals are stupid or less than them because they dont speak English, is that why we cant get along in the United States? Its a big part of the discord, the lack of understanding of others. You dont have to believe everything they believe, just try and understand them. And, according to the Word of God, LOVE THEM.... Be yall :}
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:55:44 +0000

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