SATURDAY SHOWCASE: Inmate Chris Dennison has had an Angiogram this - TopicsExpress


SATURDAY SHOWCASE: Inmate Chris Dennison has had an Angiogram this week , so here is wishing him the best of luck and good health!. Lets all get to know Chris and read his profile. Take it away Chris... Name: Chris Dennison Age: 41 and a half Gender: Male Location: Sittingbourne in Kent Occupation: Manager for a cleaning Company. Yes I manage Cleaners. Seriously, it’s like trying to get cats to walk in a straight line! How did you get into wargaming?: I started way back when Rouge Trader was released. A mate and I were in the local book shop and the assistant was putting out this fantastic looking book with some funny looking models. We bought the book between us and a box of RTB01 for me and some metal Space Orks for him and we were off. I haven’t looked back since. Who is your all time favourite GW character?: This is a tough one as there are so many! I suppose it depends on what I’m doing hobby wise at the time but I would say probably one of the Dark Angel Characters, Either Azrael, Ezekiel, Belial or Sammael. They are all pretty cool. What are your army of choice?: My first love is. and always will be Dark Angels. But Space Wolves come a close second. What is your favourite colour scheme?: Green. So many varieties and shades all of which I find easy, effective and enjoyable to paint. How did you find this group and how long have you been a member?: I was invited and I’ve been a member for about a year. Where and how often do you usually play?: I have only really just started playing again. I think I managed one game of 6th ed and only a handful of 5th ed. At the mo I game about once a fortnight (other commitments permitting) and I play at home against my brother and his housemate. I’m not a big fan of club gaming. Too many power gamers and people who think they know the back ground and try to lecture you about it. As a long term hobbyist I find that more than a bit annoying. I know there are some good clubs out there but they are hard to find so I keep my gaming circle small. Do you have any other armies, for 40K or any other system?: Blimey! Where do I start? For 40k I have Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Orks (Evil Sunz), Necrons Eldar (Alaitoc) and Chaos Marines (Black Legion). For Warhammer I have Ogres and High Elves. I used to have Undead, Skaven, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Bretonians, Chaos, Chaos Deamons and Lizardmen but they have all been given away/lost/sold over the years as I just never really used them. What is your favourite and least favourite army to play against?: My favourite army to play against is probably Orks. You are always guaranteed a good game against Orks. Least favourite, Not really sure I have a preference. It always really depends on the player. If you get a good sporting player who has a well balanced army with interesting background and a reasonable paint job it really doesn’t matter what the rules are. It’s the spirit of the game that counts. What is your best and worst 40k or general gaming moment?: Best moment: winning a hard fought game against Orks on the last dice roll! DA tactical sergeant with power fist beat an Ork Nob to win the game by capturing the only objective on the table. Last dice roll of the last turn. Proper nail biter. Worse Moment: losing 4 squads of Deathwing terminators to teleporter accidents in the same game! Worse dice rolling ever! What would be your best bit of advice to a new player? Enjoy what you do. Take advice certainly but don’t be told what/how/where to do something. It’s your hobby. Everybody’s hobby is different. Own it and enjoy it. And try not to listen to the naysayers. They will ruin your hobby in no time at all. What does/do your family/significant other/friends think about your funny toys?: My wife doesn’t mind at all. I even have my own hobby room. So long as everything stays in there and she doesn’t realise how much of my spare cash I’m spending on it she really dosent mind at all. It keeps me out of trouble and within arms reach Whats your favourite book?: The Dune series by Frank Herbert. A truly awesome series. If you haven’t read it and you are interested in sci-fi in way you would be doing yourself a favour by reading it as soon as possible. What is your favourite Tv series?: Either 24 or Game of Thrones. Both are great in different ways. What is your favourite film?: The Empire Strikes Back. Obviously. Sin City comes a close second. What is your favourite band?: I’m not really a big music fan. I listen to all kinds of music from time to time but I really couldn’t tell you who’s singing/performing it. What are your favourite sports?: Not really very sporty either. Although I do enjoy NFL Football from time to time. Do you have any pets?: I have two cats that I have had from Kittens. A boy named “Magic” and a girl named “Lady Twinklebum the Destroyer” (That really is her name, she is registered at the vets under it much to their amusement). What are some of you other interests?: Food. Sleep. Reading. Whatever the wife tells me I’m interested in this week.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 14:34:06 +0000

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