SATURDAY SHOWCASE : Kneel Hetherington! Ive not known Neil for - TopicsExpress


SATURDAY SHOWCASE : Kneel Hetherington! Ive not known Neil for long , but in the time I have known him he as not only made me laugh but set the bar in hobby standard. Take it away Neil! Name: Neil Hetherington Age: 33 Gender: Male Location: Merseyside, UK Occupation: Carer, full-time house-husband/parent How did you get into wargaming?: When I was 18 or 19 my younger brother started collecting a Space Marine army after a friend got him into it. Id already seen the Space Hulk board and PC games and was intrigued by Genestealers, so I decided to take the plunge and buy my first Tyranids (2nd edition). A few years later when I met Jay (now my wife), she took an interest and picked up a Dark Eldar force, which we continued to collect and play until WoW was released and that became our all-consuming hobby. I returned to Warhammer in February this year after making a decision to overhaul my health. I quit drinking for three months and lost two stone, but it was the Warhammer hobby that helped keep me occupied during that time. Who is your all time favourite GW character?: Im afraid I couldnt name one offhand that I know well enough to answer, as I havent picked up any of the Black Library material yet. What are your army of choice?: Tyranids. What is your favourite colour scheme?: Deathwing Terminators always struck me as particularly cool. How did you find this group and how long have you been a member?: Only a few months, I was invited by Aaron Mkoll Fry. Where and how often do you usually play?: I have played precisely one game since returning to the hobby, and that was at Warhammer World in Nottingham. Do you have any other armies, for 40K or any other system?: Im helping my wife build up an unbound Chaos Daemon/Chaos Space Marine army, and have a small Dark Angels force from the Dark Vengeance set. What is your favourite and least favourite army to play against?: My favourite was Space Marines, as it felt fairly challenging. Conversely, Dark Eldar always seemed to shred my entire army before I got within spitting distance of the enemy. What is your best and worst 40k or general gaming moment?: Watching my prized 3rd Edition Carnifex get maimed on the first turn would definitely be a low point. For a high point, it was my recent battle against Jim McVeighs Grey Knights. Though I ultimately lost, the sight of my Hive Crone fatally Vector Striking Vorth Mordrak in what Jim referred to as the teabag attack was a pleasing one. What would be your best bit of advice to a new player?: Play with friends who value having fun, and dont take anything to heart. The only thing worse than a sore loser is a sore winner. What does/do your family/significant other/friends think about your funny toys?: My wife loves them, and confided in the past that when she first saw my flat and saw my movie collection, Tyranids and drawings, she was hooked. My middle daughter also keeps asking me for some little monsters to paint for Christmas. Whats your favourite book?: Dune. What is your favourite Tv series?: Babylon 5. What is your favourite film?: Aliens. What is your favourite band?: Nine Inch Nails. What are your favourite sports?: Alas, I neither watch nor partake in sports. Do you have any pets?: Oh yes. Four cats (Knightmare, Nanaki, Midnight, Tamba) and a German Shepherd (Loki), What are some of you other interests?: Pencil drawing, playing PC games - most notably the Warcraft series - and reading.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 15:34:05 +0000

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